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Journal Officiel
du Grand-Duché de
des Großherzogtums
Le présent recueil contient les publications prévues par la loi modifiée du 10 août 1915 concernant les sociétés commerciales
et par la loi modifiée du 21 avril 1928 sur les associations et les fondations sans but lucratif.
C — N° 1299
3 mai 2016
7Miglia S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Auswiel Sàrl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Axa World Funds II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CCMG Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
DECUMANO s.c.p. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Delta Shipping & Chartering S.A. . . . . . . . . . .
Deltatank A.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Didascalie Films S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Diorama Investments Sicar, S.A. . . . . . . . . . . .
Dragafi SA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIT Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Gutburg Immobilien S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Imeris S.A. - SPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Inland Navigation Luxembourg S.A. . . . . . . . .
Interteil Investissements S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Investment Select Fund IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jardilux S.A. - SPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luxshipping S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Maya Invest S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Moseltank A.G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Poppediño S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Regency United S.A. SPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
RPFFB Soparfi B S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shandella SPF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SLF Holding S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slystap's S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Slystap's S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Snowstorm S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solum 488 S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Solutions 30 SE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Timberland Luxembourg Holding Europe
S.àr.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Timber One S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
FIT Fund, Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable.
Siège social: L-7307 Steinsel, 50, rue Basse.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 22.648.
des actionnaires de FIT FUND se tiendra le mardi <i>17 mai 2016i> à 10 heures au siège de la société, 50 rue Basse à Steinsel
avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Rapports du Conseil d'administration et du Réviseur d'entreprises pour l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
2. Approbation de l'état des actifs nets et de l'état des variations des actifs nets pour l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre
2015; affectation des résultats.
3. Décharge aux administrateurs pour l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
4. Nominations statutaires.
5. Perspectives de développement.
6. Divers.
Les actionnaires ayant l'intention d'assister à cette assemblée sont priés de bien vouloir en aviser la société par lettre,
télécopie ou téléphone au moins une heure avant l'ouverture de ladite assemblée.
Référence de publication: 2016097220/1593/19.
Inland Navigation Luxembourg S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-5401 Ahn, 7, route du Vin.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 78.719.
Sie werden hiermit zu einer
der Aktionäre von Inland Navigation Luxembourg S.A., welche am <i>20. Mai 2016i> um 10.00 Uhr am Gesellschaftssitz
mit der nachfolgenden Tagesordnung stattfinden wird, eingeladen:
1. Berichte des Verwaltungsrates und des Kommissars;
2. Vorlage und Genehmigung der Bilanz und Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung per 31.12.2014;
3. Beschlussfassung über die Gewinn und Verlustwendungen;
4. Entlastung der Verwaltungsrates und des Kommissars;
5. Verschiedenes.
<i>Im Namen und Auftrag des Verwaltungsratesi>
Référence de publication: 2016097222/17.
Solutions 30 SE, Société Européenne.
Siège social: L-1417 Luxembourg, 6, rue Dicks.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 179.097.
Mesdames et Messieurs les actionnaires de la Société sont convoqués à la réunion de
qui se tiendra dans le salon " Bubbles " au rez-de-chaussée de l'hôtel Sofitel Luxembourg Le Grand Ducal, 40, boulevard
d'Avranches, L-1160 Luxembourg, le <i>20 mai 2016i> à 11.00 heures, à l'effet de délibérer sur l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Présentation du rapport du directoire, des observations du conseil de surveillance sur le rapport du directoire et du
rapport du réviseur d'entreprises agréé sur les comptes annuels de l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
2. Approbation des comptes annuels de l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
3. Affectation du résultat.
4. Présentation du rapport consolidé de gestion du directoire, des observations du conseil de surveillance sur le rapport
consolidé de gestion du directoire et du rapport du réviseur d'entreprises agréé sur les comptes consolidés de l'exercice
clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
5. Approbation des comptes consolidés de l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
6. Décharge à accorder aux membres du directoire, aux membres du conseil de surveillance et au réviseur d'entreprises
agréé pour l'accomplissement de leur mandat au cours de l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2015.
7. Renouvellement du mandat de réviseur d'entreprises agréé de la société GRANT THORNTON LUX AUDIT S.A.
pour une durée qui prendra fin à l'issue de l'assemblée générale appelée à statuer sur les comptes de l'exercice clos
au 31 décembre 2016.
Les titulaires d'actions nominatives ont le droit de participer à l'assemblée générale ordinaire, ainsi qu'à ses délibérations,
quel que soit le nombre de leurs actions, sur simple justification de leur identité, dès lors que leurs titres sont libérés des
versements exigibles et inscrits en compte à leur nom depuis trois (3) jours au moins avant la date de la réunion.
Les titulaires d'actions au porteur ont également le droit de participer à l'assemblée générale ordinaire, ainsi qu'à ses
délibérations, quel que soit le nombre de leurs actions, sur simple justification de leur qualité, dès lors que leurs titres sont
libérés des versements exigibles et qu'ils sont enregistrés au nom de l'intermédiaire inscrit régulièrement pour leur compte
depuis trois (3) jours au moins avant la date de la réunion dans les comptes de titres au porteur tenus par un intermédiaire
habilité. La justification de la qualité d'actionnaire est effectuée auprès de la Société par les intermédiaires habilités qui
tiennent les comptes de titres au porteur par la production d'une attestation de participation qu'ils annexent au formulaire
unique de vote à distance ou par procuration ou de demande de carte d'admission établie au nom de l'actionnaire ou pour
le compte de l'actionnaire représenté par l'intermédiaire inscrit. Toutefois, si un actionnaire au porteur souhaite participer
physiquement à l'assemblée et n'a pas reçu sa carte d'admission au plus tard le troisième jour ouvré avant la tenue de
l'assemblée générale ordinaire, il devra demander à son intermédiaire financier de lui délivrer une attestation de participation
qui lui permettra de justifier de sa qualité d'actionnaire au plus tard le troisième jour ouvré avant la tenue de ladite assemblée
pour pouvoir y être admis.
Tout actionnaire ayant le droit d'assister à l'assemblée générale ordinaire peut s'y faire représenter par un autre actionnaire
ou par son conjoint. La procuration devra contenir les indications et informations prévues par la loi. A défaut de désignation
du mandataire par le mandant, il sera émis au nom de ce dernier un vote favorable à l'adoption des projets de résolutions
soumis à l'assemblée.
Tout actionnaire peut voter par correspondance au moyen d'un formulaire dont il peut obtenir l'envoi sur simple demande
écrite, laquelle contiendra la justification de leur qualité d'actionnaire et le nombre d'actions détenues, adressée à la Société.
Lors de la réunion de l'assemblée générale ordinaire, la présence personnelle de l'actionnaire annule toute procuration
ou tout vote par correspondance.
L'assemblée générale ordinaire ne délibère valablement que si les actionnaires présents, représentés ou ayant voté par
correspondance possèdent au moins, sur première convocation, le cinquième des actions ayant le droit de vote. Sur deuxième
convocation, aucun quorum n'est requis.
L'assemblée générale ordinaire statue à la majorité des voix dont disposent les actionnaires présents ou représentés, y
compris les actionnaires ayant voté par correspondance.
En cas de vote par correspondance, il ne sera tenu compte pour le calcul du quorum et du vote, que des formulaires
dûment complétés et reçus par la Société trois (3) jours au moins avant la date de l'assemblée générale ordinaire.
Tout actionnaire pourra prendre connaissance des documents prévus par la loi au siège social de la Société. Il pourra en
obtenir gratuitement une copie sur simple demande écrite adressée à la Société.
<i>Le directoirei>
Référence de publication: 2016100184/57.
DECUMANO s.c.p., Société Civile.
Siège social: L-1260 Luxembourg, 96, rue de Bonnevoie.
R.C.S. Luxembourg E 5.839.
L'an deux mille seize, le vingt-sept janvier (27/01/2016)
Ont comparu;
1. - Mademoiselle Michela Bortolotti, conseiller, demeurant à L-7233 Bereldange, 89, Cité Grand-Duc Jean;
2. - Monsieur Angelo De Gaspari, conseiller économique demeurant à L-34S Dudelange, 16, rue du commerce.
Lesquels comparants ont arrêté ainsi qu'il suit les statuts d'une société particulière qu'ïls entendent constituer par les
présentes entre eux et tous éventuels propriétaires futurs de parts d'intérêts ainsi que suit:
Titre Ier. - Dénomination - Objet - Durée - Siège
Art. 1er. DECUMANO est une société civile particulière de droit luxembourgeois qui a pour objet tant au Grand-Duché
de Luxembourg qu'à l'étranger de fournir à toutes personnes physiques ou morales, luxembourgeoises ou étrangères des
conseils et des services de conseil économique.
Ces conseils et services concernent des interventions en matière micro- et macroéconomique ainsi qu'en gestion d'en-
treprise et toutes prestations de services annexes ou complémentaires.
Ces conseils et services portent notamment sur :
- gestion et organisation d'entreprises, systèmes de gestion d'entreprise et de gestion financière, réorganisation et res-
tructuration d'entreprise, fusion et acquisition, analyse financière et évaluation d'entreprise, gestion comptable, établisse-
ment des états financiers, commissariat aux comptes et aux apports, expertise en fiscalité Internationale, recherche et
sélection de personnel, International tax-planing, gestion des ressources humaines, ou placement, recherche et sélection de
personnel, gestion des problèmes de l'environnement et audit technologique et environnemental, gestion d'entité battant
pavillon luxembourgeois, projets européennes.
La société pourra de même effectuer toutes opérations se rattachant directement ou indirectement à son objet ou qui en
facilitent ta réalisation, prendre des participa fions dans d'autres sociétés ayant des objets similaires ou qui s'inscrivent dans
une stratégie avantageuse pour la société.
Art. 2. La société est constituée pour une durée indéterminée. La dissolution de la société ne peut être décidée par les
associés qu'avec les majorités prévues pour la modification des statuts. Toutefois, chaque associé peut céder ses parts
conformément aux dispositions de l'article 6 des statuts.
Art. 3. Le siège de la société est établi à Luxembourg, Il pourra être transféré en toute autre localité du Grand-Duché de
Luxembourg par simple décision des associés.
Titre II - Capital - Parts sociales
Art. 4. Le capital social est fixé à mille Euros (1.000,00- EUR), divisé en cent (100) parts sociales de dix Euros (10,00-
EUR) chacune.
Art. 5. Les parts sociales sont librement cessibles entre associés. Les parts sociales ne peuvent être cédées entre vifs ou
transmises pour cause de mort par un associé 4 des non-associés (à l'exception des descendants en ligne directe) que
moyennant l'agrément unanime des autres associés.
Art. 6. Les associés supportent les pertes de la société proportionnellement à leurs parts dans la société.
Titre III - Administration
Art. 7. La société est administrée par un ou plusieurs gérants nommés par les associés à la majorité des voix. Le ou les
gérants ont les pouvoirs tes plus étendus pour agir au nom et pour compte de la société et foire et autoriser tous actes et
opérations nécessaires à la réalisation de son objet social.
La société est engagée i l'égard des tiers, soit par la signature conjointe de tous les gérants, soit par la signature individuelle
du gérant unique.
Art. 8. Le bilan est soumis à l'approbation des associés qui dédient de l'emploi des bénéfices. En cas de distribution de
bénéfice, les bénéfices sont répartis entre les associés. Après déduction des charges, taxes et frais concernant la société, les
revenus nets sont répartis entre les associés proportionnellement au chiffre d'affaires que chacun d'eux a engendré notam-
ment au vu des dispositions de l'article 10 ci-après. Si les revenus sont capitalisés, les associés sont propriétaires de 5 actifs
nets de la société proportionnellement au nombre de parts d'intérêts qu'ils détiennent dans le captai de la société.
Toute stipulation contraire nécessite la forme écrite et raccord unanime des associés,
Art. 9. Le vote des délibérations de l'assemblée des associés, sur tous les peints y compris tes modifications statutaires,
est déterminé, par la majorité des trois quarts des votes des associés présente ou représentés, chaque part donnant droit à
une voix.
Art. 10. L'assemblée des associés se réunira aussi souvent que les affaires de la société l'exigent sur convocation du ou
des gérants et sur convocation d'un ou de plusieurs associés. Pareille convocation doit contenir l'ordre du jour de l'assemblée.
Titre IV. - Dissolution - Liquidation
Art. 11. La société ne prend pas fin par la mort, l'interdiction, la déconfiture ou la faillite d'un associé ou du ou des
Art. 12. En cas de dissolution, la liquidation sera faite par le ou les gérants, à moins que l'assemblée n'en décide autrement.
Titre V. - Dispositions générales
Art. 13. Les articles 1832 à 1872 du code civil ainsi que les modifications apportées au régime des sociétés civiles par
la loi du 18 septembre 1933 et ses modifications ultérieures trouveront leur application partout où II n'y est pas dérogé par
les présents statuts.
Souscription et libération du capital
Les associés ont déclaré souscrire les parts sociales comme suit:
a) Mademoiselle Michela Bortolotti, préqualifié, quinze parts sociales ............................................................................
b) Monsieur Angelo De Gaspari, préqualifié, soixante-dix parts sociales........................................................................
Ces parts ont été Intégralement libérées par des versements en espèces, de sorte que la somme de nulle Euros (1.000,00-
EUR) se trouve dès à présent à la libre disposition de la société.
Assemblée générale extraordinaire
Et à l'instant les comparants, représentant l'intégralité du capital social, se sont réunis en assemblée générale extraordi-
naire à laquelle ils se sont reconnus dûment convoqués et à l'unanimité des voix ont pris les résolutions suivantes:
1. - Monsieur Angelo De Gaspari est nommés gérant de la société pour une durée indéterminée. La société est valablement
engagée en toutes circonstances par la signature du gérant.
2. - Le siège social es fixé à L-1260 Luxembourg, 98, rue de Bonnevoie.
Plus rien n'étant à l'ordre du jour et plus personne ne demandant la parole, la séance est levée et de tout ce qui précède
le présent procès-verbal est dressé et signé par les associés comparants.
Rédigé en trois exemplaires originaux, dont deux exemplaires pour les associés qui reconnaissent chacun avoir reçu un
exemplaire et le troisième pour être déposé au Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg.
Michela Bortolotti
Angelo De Gaspari
Enregistré à Luxembourg,
Déposé au Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg, le
Référence de publication: 2016100770/91.
(160021617) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 3 février 2016.
Maya Invest S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-8030 Strassen, 163, rue du Kiem.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 141.008.
Messieurs les Actionnaires sont priés d'assister à
des Actionnaires qui aura lieu le jeudi <i>19 maii> à 10.30 heures au 163, rue du Kiem, L-8030 Strassen avec l'ordre du jour
suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
- Constatation et approbation du report de la date de l'Assemblée Générale Statutaire ayant pour objet d'approuver les
comptes annuels de l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2013.
- Présentation du rapport de contrôle du Commissaire relatif à l'exercice clôturé au 31 décembre 2013.
- Approbation du bilan arrêté au 31 décembre 2013 et du compte de profits et pertes y relatif ; affectation du résultat.
- Décharge aux Administrateurs et au Commissaire pour l'exercice de leur mandat durant l'exercice clôturé au 31
décembre 2013.
- Délibération et décision sur la dissolution éventuelle de la société conformément à l'article 100 de la loi coordonnée
du 10 août 1915 sur les sociétés commerciales.
- Démission d'un administrateur, décharge et nomination de son remplaçant.
- Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100183/22.
Investment Select Fund IV, Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable.
Siège social: L-1115 Luxembourg, 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 124.189.
In the year two thousand and sixteen, on first day of April.
Before us Maître Henri Hellinckx, notary residing in Luxembourg,
was held
an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of INVESTMENT SELECT FUND IV - in liquidation (the “Com-
pany”), with registered office at 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L - 1115 Luxembourg duly registered with the Luxembourg
Trade Register under section B number 124.189, incorporated by a deed of the undersigned notary on January 25, 2007,
and published in the Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C number 300 of March 5, 2007.
The Company has been put into liquidation by a deed of the notary, Maître Hellinckx, notary residing in Luxembourg
on September 2
, 2008, published in the Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C number 2509, dated October
14, 2008.
The general meeting is opened and Me Pierre Delandmeter, attorney at law, residing professionally in Luxembourg is
elected chairman of the meeting.
Mrs Frédérique Lefèvre, lawyer, residing professionally in Luxembourg is appointed scrutineer.
The chairman and the scrutineer agreed that Mr Yannick Deschamps, Lawyer, residing professionally in Luxembourg,
is appointed to assume the role of secretary.
The chairman then declared and requested the notary to declare the following:
I.- The shareholders present or represented and the number of shares held by each of them are shown on an attendance
list, signed by the chairman, the secretary, the scrutineer and the undersigned notary. The said list as well as the proxies
will be annexed to this document to be filed with the registration authorities.
II.- It appears from the attendance list, that the sole shareholder is represented at the extraordinary general meeting so
that the meeting could validly deliberate on the agenda without prior convening notice.
III.- The shareholder declares having been informed on the agenda which has been communicated to him prior to the
IV.- That the agenda of the present meeting is the following:
1. Presentation and approval of the reports of the liquidator and of the auditor on the liquidation.
2. Approval of the liquidation accounts.
3. Distribution of liquidation proceeds according to the Settlement Agreement.
4. Discharge to the directors for the performance of their duties.
5. Discharge to the liquidator and the auditor for the performance of their duties.
6. Approval of the closing of the liquidation.
7. Deposit of the Company's books and documents.
8. Miscellaneous
After the foregoing was approved by the meeting, the meeting unanimously took the following resolution:
<i>First resolutioni>
After having considered the report of the liquidator and of the independent auditor on the liquidation accounts, the
meeting approves the said liquidation reports.
<i>Second resolutioni>
The meeting decides to approve the liquidation accounts.
<i>Third resolutioni>
The Meeting decides and approves the distribution of the net liquidation proceeds of USD 2.451.887,42 according to
the Settlement Agreement.
<i>Fourth resolutioni>
The meeting grants discharge to the directors for the performance of their duties
<i>Fifth resolutioni>
The meeting grants also discharge to the liquidator and the auditor for the performance of their duties.
<i>Sixth resolutioni>
The meeting states that the Company has definitely ceased to exist and pronounces the closing of the liquidation.
<i>Seventh resolutioni>
The meeting decides that the books and documents of the Company are deposited for a period of five years at the former
registered office of the dissolved Company at 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L - 1115 Luxembourg.
There being no further business before the meeting, the same was thereupon adjourned.
The undersigned notary who knows English, states herewith that on request of the above appearing parties, the present
deed is worded in English, followed by a French version and that in case of discrepancies between the English and the
French text, the English version will be prevailing.
WHEREOF, the present notarial deed was drawn up in Luxembourg, in the office, on the day named at the beginning
of this document.
The document having been read to the persons, appearing, they signed together with the notary the present deed.
Suit la traduction française du texte qui précède
L'an deux mille seize, le premier avril.
Pardevant Maître Hellinckx, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg,
s'est réunie
l'assemblée générale extraordinaire des actionnaires de INVESTMENT SELECT FUND IV - en liquidation (la «So-
ciété») avec siège social à Luxembourg, 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg dûment enregistrée au
Registre de Commerce sous le numéro B. 124.189 et constituée suivant acte reçu par le notaire soussigné le 25 janvier
2007, et publié au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C numéro 300 daté du 5 mars 2007.
La Société a été mise en liquidation par acte notarié, de Me Hellinckx, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg en date du
2 septembre 2008, publié au Mémorial Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C numéro 2509 an date du 14 octobre 2008.
L'assemblée est ouverte et Me Pierre Delandmeter, Avocat à la Cour, résidant professionnellement à Luxembourg, est
élu président de l'assemblée.
Mrs Frédérique Lefèvre, juriste, résidant professionnellement à Luxembourg est nommé scrutateur.
Le Président et le scrutateur s'entendent pour que Mr Yannick Deschamps, juriste, résidant professionnellement à Lu-
xembourg, soit nommée comme secrétaire.
Le président expose et prie alors le notaire instrumentant d'acter comme suit:
I.- Que les actionnaires présents ou représentés et le nombre d'actions détenues par chacun d'entre eux sont indiqués sur
une liste de présence signée par le président, le secrétaire, le scrutateur et le notaire instrumentant. Ladite liste ainsi que
les procurations seront annexées au présent acte pour être soumises aux formalités de l'enregistrement.
II.- Qu'il apparaît de cette liste de présence que l'actionnaire unique est représenté à la présente assemblée générale
extraordinaire, de sorte que l'assemblée peut décider valablement sur tous les points portés à l'ordre du jour sans l'envoi
d'avis de convocation préalable.
III.- L'actionnaire déclare avoir été préalablement informé de l'agenda qui lui a été communiqué préalablement à l'as-
IV.- Que l'ordre du jour de la présente assemblée est le suivant:
<i>Ordre du jouri>
1) Présentation et approbation des rapports du liquidateur et de l'auditeur à la liquidation;
2) Approbation des comptes de liquidation;
3) Distribution du produit de liquidation suivant le «Settlement Agreement»;
4) Décharge des administrateurs pour l'exécution de leur mandat;
5) Décharge au liquidateur et au réviseur pour l'exécution de leur mandat;
6) Approbation de la clôture de la liquidation;
7) Désignation de l'endroit du dépôt des livres et documents sociaux;
8) Divers.
Ces faits ayant été approuvés par l'assemblée, cette dernière a pris à l'unanimité des voix les résolutions suivantes:
<i>Première Résolutioni>
Après avoir considéré le rapport du liquidateur et de l'auditeur indépendant sur les comptes de liquidation, l'assemblée
décide d'approuver ces rapports.
<i>Seconde Résolutioni>
L'assemblée approuve les comptes de liquidation.
<i>Troisième Résolutioni>
L'assemblée décide et approuve la distribution du produit net de liquidation de USD 2.451.887,42 suivant le «Settlement
<i>Quatrième Résolutioni>
L'assemblée donne décharge aux administrateurs pour l'exécution de leur mandat.
<i>Cinquième Résolutioni>
L'assemblée donne décharge au liquidateur et à l'auditeur à la liquidation pour l'exécution de leur mandat.
<i>Sixième Résolutioni>
L'assemblée constate que la Société a définitivement cessé d'exister et prononce la clôture de la liquidation.
<i>Septième Résolutioni>
L'assemblée décide que les livres et documents de la Société seront déposés pour une période de 5 ans à l'ancien siège
social de la Société dissoute au 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L - 1115 Luxembourg.
Plus rien n'étant à l'ordre du jour, la séance est levée.
Le notaire soussigné qui comprend et parle l'anglais, constate par les présentes qu'à la requête des comparants, le présent
acte est rédigé en anglais suivi de la version française, en cas de divergences entre le texte anglais et français, la version
anglaise fera foi.
DONT ACTE, fait et passé à Luxembourg, date qu'en tête des présentes.
Et après lecture faite et interprétation donnée aux comparants, ceux-ci ont signé avec le notaire le présent acte.
Enregistré à Luxembourg A.C.1, le 8 avril 2016. Relation: 1LAC/2016/11466. Reçu soixante-quinze euros (75.- EUR)
<i>Le Receveuri> (signé): P. MOLLING.
- POUR EXPEDITION CONFORME - délivrée à la société sur demande.
Luxembourg, le 21 avril 2016.
Référence de publication: 2016096093/129.
(160066257) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 21 avril 2016.
Jardilux S.A. - SPF, Société Anonyme - Société de Gestion de Patrimoine Familial.
Siège social: L-1724 Luxembourg, 9B, boulevard du Prince Henri.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 87.857.
Messieurs les actionnaires de la Société Anonyme JARDILUX S.A.-SPF sont priés d'assister à
qui se tiendra le mercredi, <i>18 mai 2016i> à 11.00 heures au siège social de la société à Luxembourg, 9b, bd Prince Henri.
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Rapports du Conseil d'Administration et du Commissaire aux Comptes.
2. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31.12.2015.
3. Décharge à donner aux Administrateurs et au Commissaire aux Comptes.
4. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100776/750/15.
Gutburg Immobilien S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2220 Luxembourg, 681, rue de Neudorf.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 177.713.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2014 ont été déposés au Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés.
Pour mention aux fins de publications au Mémorial, Recueil Spécial des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2016100769/9.
(150108765) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 juin 2015.
Imeris S.A. - SPF, Société Anonyme - Société de Gestion de Patrimoine Familial.
Siège social: L-1724 Luxembourg, 9B, boulevard du Prince Henri.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 72.970.
Messieurs les actionnaires de la Société Anonyme IMERIS S.A.-SPF sont priés d'assister à
qui se tiendra le mercredi, <i>18 mai 2016i> à 12.00 heures au siège social de la société à Luxembourg, 9b, bd Prince Henri.
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Rapports du Conseil d'Administration et du Commissaire aux Comptes.
2. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31.12.2015.
3. Décharge à donner aux Administrateurs et au Commissaire aux Comptes.
4. Nominations statutaires.
5. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100772/750/16.
Shandella SPF, Société Anonyme - Société de Gestion de Patrimoine Familial.
Siège social: L-2138 Luxembourg, 24, rue Saint Mathieu.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 183.302.
Messieurs les actionnaires sont convoqués par le présent avis à
qui aura lieu mardi <i>24 mai 2016i> à 15:30 heures au siège social de la société, avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31/12/2015.
2. Approbation du rapport du commissaire aux comptes.
3. Décharge à donner aux administrateurs et au commissaire aux comptes.
4. Nominations statutaires.
5. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100774/1267/16.
Poppediño S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2138 Luxembourg, 24, rue Saint Mathieu.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 156.081.
Messieurs les actionnaires sont convoqués par le présent avis à
qui aura lieu mercredi <i>25 mai 2016i> à 14:00 heures au siège social de la société, avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31/12/2015.
2. Approbation du rapport du commissaire aux comptes.
3. Décharge à donner aux administrateurs et au commissaire aux comptes.
4. Décision à prendre conformément à l´article 100 de la loi du 10 août 1915 concernant les sociétés commerciales.
5. Renouvellement et / ou nomination des administrateurs et du commissaire aux comptes.
6. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100773/1267/17.
Interteil Investissements S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2138 Luxembourg, 24, rue Saint-Mathieu.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 156.970.
Messieurs les actionnaires sont convoqués par le présent avis à
qui aura lieu mercredi <i>25 mai 2016i> à 10:00 heures au siège social de la société, avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31/12/2015.
2. Approbation du rapport du commissaire aux comptes.
3. Décharge à donner aux administrateurs et au commissaire aux comptes.
4. Décision à prendre conformément à l´article 100 de la loi du 10 août 1915 concernant les sociétés commerciales.
5. Renouvellement et / ou nomination des administrateurs et du commissaire aux comptes.
6. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100775/1267/17.
CCMG Navigator, Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable.
Siège social: L-1736 Senningerberg, 5, Heienhaff.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 185.478.
As the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 31 March 2016 could not deliberate on the agenda for
the lack of quorum, shareholders are invited to assist to a
of shareholders which will be held on <i>18 May 2016i> at 02:30 p.m. before the notary Maître Henri Hellinckx, 101 r. Cents,
1319 Luxembourg, with the same agenda:
1. Resolution on the liquidation of the Sub-fund and of the Company;
2. Discharge (quitus) to the members of the board of directors for the execution of their mandates;
3. Appointment of Alceda Fund Management S.A., represented by Ms. Désirée Eklund, with professional address at
5, Heienhaff, L-1736 Senningerberg as sole liquidator of the Fund;
4. Appointment of an independent liquidation auditor;
5. Miscellaneous.
Shareholders may request the Articles of Incorporation in track changes at the registered office of the Company in order
to obtain more detailed information on the changes.
For the second Extraordinary General Meeting ("the Meeting"), no attendance quorum is necessary and resolutions on
the agenda of the Meeting may be passed by qualified majority of two-thirds of the votes cast present or represented.
Record date for the purpose of determining shareholders entitled to vote shall be five days prior to the Meeting according
to article 26 (4) of the law of 17 December 2010 relating to undertakings for collective investment ("the record date").
In order to participate to this meeting, shareholders are requested to send a confirmation of their deposit specifying the
number of shares held, including confirmation that the shares are blocked until the day after the Meeting, by email
( followed by mail or by fax (+352 248 329 442) to the Board of Directors of the Company or to the
Management Company, Alceda Fund Management S.A., 5, Heienhaff, L-1736 Senningerberg, to be received no later than
24 hours before the time fixed for the Meeting.
Shareholders, who cannot attend the Meeting in person, are invited to send a duly completed and signed proxy form
additionally to the aforementioned documents to the address named above.
Proxies can be obtained from the Board of Directors or the Management Company Alceda Fund Management S.A., 5,
Heienhaff, L-1736 Senningerberg (
Luxembourg, April 2016
<i>The board of directorsi>
Référence de publication: 2016093018/34.
Axa World Funds II, Société d'Investissement à Capital Variable.
Siège social: L-1855 Luxembourg, 49, avenue J.F. Kennedy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 27.526.
We are pleased to invite you to attend the
of Shareholders of AXA World Funds II, to be held at 49, Avenue J-F Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg on <i>May 18th,i>
<i>2016i> at 12:00 (noon), with the following agenda :
1. Review and Approval of the report of the Board of Directors and of the Auditor (réviseur d'entreprises agréé) ;
2. Review and Approval of the Annual Accounts as of December 31st, 2015 ;
3. Review and Approval of the allocation of the results ;
4. Discharge to the Directors for the financial year ended December 31st, 2015 ;
5. Statutory appointments ;
6. Miscellaneous.
Shareholders wishing to participate at the meeting should confirm their attendance no later than May 12th, 2016 by
registered mail to the Company at the following address:
State Street Bank Luxembourg S.C.A.
49, Avenue J-F Kennedy
L-1855 Luxembourg
For the attention of Mrs Marie-Hélène Iagnemma
No quorum is required and decisions will be taken by the majority votes of the shareholders present or represented.
The Annual Report of the Sicav for the financial year ended December 31st, 2015 can be obtained on request at the
registered office of the Sicav or can be downloaded from the following website
<i>The Board of Directors.i>
Référence de publication: 2016096545/755/28.
Moseltank A.G., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-5515 Remich, 9, rue des Champs.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 73.435.
Sie werden hiermit zu einer
der Aktionäre der Moseltank A.G., welche am <i>11. Mai 2016i> um 13.00 Uhr am Gesellschaftssitz mit der nachfolgenden
Tagesordnung stattfinden wird, eingeladen:
1. Mandatsänderungen
2. Verschiedenes
Im Namen und Auftrag des Verwaltungsrates.
Référence de publication: 2016094258/14.
Delta Shipping & Chartering S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-5515 Remich, 9, rue des Champs.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 172.225.
Sie werden hiermit zu einer
der Aktionäre der Delta Shipping & Chartering S.A. welche am <i>11. Mai 2016i> um 10.00 Uhr am Gesellschaftssitz mit
der nachfolgenden Tagesordnung stattfinden wird, eingeladen:
1. Mandatsänderungen
2. Verschiedenes
Im Namen und Auftrag des Verwaltungsrates.
Référence de publication: 2016094259/14.
SLF Holding S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1143 Luxembourg, 24, rue Astrid.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 183.910.
<i>Extrait du procès-verbal de la réunion de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire des Actionnaires réunie au Luxembourg,i>
<i>le 3 février 2016 à 10 heures.i>
<i>Première résolutioni>
L’Assemblée Générale décide d’accepter la démission du Commissaire aux Comptes:
Fin-Contrôle S.A., 12 rue Guillaume Kroll, L-1882 LUXEMBOURG
<i>Deuxième résolutioni>
L’Assemblée Générale nomme en remplacement du Commissaire aux Comptes:
FIDUCIARY TUCCI & PARTNERS S.A., R.C.S. Luxembourg B 177.770, 10A, rue Henri Schnadt 2
étage, L-2530
Luxembourg, Le mandat du nouveau Commissaire aux Comptes prendra fin à l’Assemblée Générale Ordinaire statutaire
de l’an 2019.
<i>Troisième résolutioni>
L’Assemblée Générale décide d’établir le nouveau siège social au 24 rue Astrid L-1143 Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
<i>Un mandatairei>
Référence de publication: 2016070692/22.
(160033755) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 février 2016.
Timberland Luxembourg Holding Europe S.àr.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: USD 20.000,00.
Siège social: L-2540 Luxembourg, 13, rue Edward Steichen.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 102.634.
In the year two thousand and fifteen, on the twenty-third day of December,
Before Maître Henri Hellinckx, notary residing in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
were adopted the resolutions of the sole shareholder of Timberland Luxembourg Holding Europe S.à r.l., a private
limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) incorporated and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 13, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
registered with the Luxembourg trade and companies register under registration number B 102634 and with a share capital
of USD 26,364,080 (twenty-six million three hundred sixty-four thousand eighty United States dollars) (the Company).
The Company was incorporated on 24 August 2014 pursuant to a deed of Maître André-Jean-Joseph Schwachtgen, then
notary public residing in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, which has been published in the Luxembourg official
gazette (Journal Officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations) (the Official
Gazette) number 1117 on 8 November 2004. The articles of association of the Company (the Articles) have been amended
for the last time on 14 October 2014 pursuant to a deed of Maître Carlo Wersandt, notary public residing in Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, published in the Official Gazette number 3697 on 3 December 2014.
Timberland Luxembourg Finance S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) incor-
porated and existing under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 13, rue Edward
Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and registered with the Luxembourg trade and companies
register under registration number B 101643, with a share capital of USD 14,114,600 (fourteen million one hundred fourteen
thousand six hundred United States dollars) (the Sole Shareholder),
duly and validly represented for the purpose hereof by Régis Galiotto, notary's clerk, with professional address in
Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a proxy given under private seal.
Said proxy, after having been signed ne varietur by the proxyholder of the Sole Shareholder and the undersigned notary,
will remain attached to the present deed to be filed with such deed with the registration authorities.
The Sole Shareholder, duly and validly represented as stated above, has requested the undersigned notary to record that:
I. all of the 659,102 (six hundred fifty-nine thousand one hundred two) shares of the Company, with a nominal value
of USD 40 (forty United States dollars) each, representing the entire share capital of the Company amounting to USD
26,364,080 (twenty-six million three hundred sixty-four thousand eighty United States dollars), are present or duly and
validly represented so that the Sole Shareholder may validly resolve on all the items outlined in paragraph II below;
II. the Sole Shareholder has been called in order to resolve on the following items:
(1) Reduction of the share capital of the Company by an aggregate amount of USD 26,344,080 (twenty-six million three
hundred forty-four thousand eighty United States dollars) in order to bring it from its current amount of USD 26,364,080
(twenty-six million three hundred sixty-four thousand eighty United States dollars) to a new amount of USD 20,000 (twenty
thousand United States dollars), by way of the repurchase and the subsequent cancellation of 658,602 (six hundred fifty-
eight thousand six hundred two) shares held by the Sole Shareholder in the share capital of the Company, representing an
aggregate repurchase price of USD 26,344,080 (twenty-six million three hundred forty-four thousand eighty United States
(2) Subsequent amendment of article 5.1 of the articles of association of the Company;
(3) Amendment of the register of shares of the Company in order to reflect the resolutions adopted under item (1) above,
with full power and authority granted to any manager of the Company or to Allen & Overy, société en commandite simple,
registered on list V of the Luxembourg bar, each one of them acting individually with full power of substitution, to proceed
in the name and on behalf of the Company with the registration of such changes in the register of shares of the Company
and to see to any formalities required, necessary or simply useful in connection therewith; and
(4) Miscellaneous.
III. after due and careful consideration, the Sole Shareholder has adopted the following resolutions:
<i>First resolutioni>
The Sole Shareholder resolves to reduce the share capital of the Company by an aggregate amount of USD 26,344,080
(twenty-six million three hundred forty-four thousand eighty United States dollars) in order to bring it from its current
amount of USD 26,364,080 (twenty-six million three hundred sixty-four thousand eighty United States dollars) down to a
new amount of USD 20,000 (twenty thousand United States dollars), represented by 500 (five hundred) shares of the
Company, with a nominal value of USD 40 (forty United States dollars) each, by way of the repurchase and the subsequent
cancellation of 658,602 (six hundred fifty-eight thousand six hundred two) shares (the Repurchased Shares) out of the
659,102 (six hundred fifty-nine thousand one hundred two) then outstanding shares of the Company, held by the Sole
Shareholder in the share capital of the Company for an aggregate repurchase price of USD 26,344,080 (twenty-six million
three hundred sixty-four thousand eighty United States dollars) corresponding to the aggregate nominal value of the Re-
purchased Shares.
<i>Second resolutioni>
The Sole Shareholder resolves to amend article 5.1 of the Articles which will now read as follows:
“ 5.1. The Company's corporate capital is fixes at twenty thousand United States dollars (USD 20,000) represented by
five hundred (500) shares in registered form with a par value of forty United States dollars (USD 40) each, all subscribed
and fully paid-up.”
<i>Third resolutioni>
The Sole Shareholder resolves to amend the register of shares of the Company in order to reflect the above changes and
hereby empowers and authorises any manager of the Company, or Allen & Overy, société en commandite simple, registered
on list V of the Luxembourg bar, each one of them acting individually with full power of substitution under their sole
signature, to proceed in the name and on behalf of the Company to the registration in the register of shares of the Company
of all the above changes, including, for the avoidance of doubt, the signature of the said register, and to see to any formalities
in connection therewith with the Luxembourg trade and companies register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de
Luxembourg) and to the relevant publication in the Official Gazette and more generally to accomplish any and all formalities
which may be required, necessary or simply useful in connection with and for the purpose of the implementation of the
above resolutions.
<i>Estimate of costsi>
The amount of expenses, costs, remunerations and charges in any form whatsoever, which will be borne by the Company
as a result of the present deed is estimated to be approximately three thousand Euros (EUR 3,000.-).
The undersigned notary, who understands and speaks English, states herewith that on request of the proxyholder of the
Sole Shareholder, the present deed is worded in English, followed by a French version; at the request of the proxyholder
of the Sole Shareholder, in case of discrepancies between the English and the French text, the English version will be
Whereof, the present notarial deed is drawn in Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, on the year and day first
above written.
The document having been read to the proxyholder of the Sole Shareholder which is known by the undersigned notary
by his/her surname, name, civil status and residence, the proxyholder of the Sole Shareholder signed together with us, the
notary, the present deed.
Suit la version française du texte qui précède:
L'an deux mille quinze, le vingt-troisième jour du mois de décembre,
Pardevant Maître Henri Hellinckx, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg,
ont été adoptées les résolutions de l'associé unique de Timberland Luxembourg Holding Europe S.à r.l., une société à
responsabilité limitée constituée et existant conformément aux lois du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, ayant son siège social
au 13, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, immatriculée auprès du Registre de Commerce et des
Sociétés de Luxembourg sous le numéro d'immatriculation B 102634 et avec un capital social de USD 26.364.080 (vingt-
six million trois cent soixante-quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains) (la Société).
La Société a été constituée le 24 août 2014 suivant un acte de Maître André-Jean-Joseph Schwachtgen, alors notaire de
résidence à Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, publié au Journal Officiel du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg,
Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations (le Journal Officiel) numéro 1117 le 8 novembre 2014. Les statuts de la
Société (les Statuts) ont été modifiés pour la dernière fois le 14 octobre 2014 suivant un acte de Maître Carlo Wersandt,
notaire de résidence au Luxembourg, Grand-Duché du Luxembourg, publié au Journal Officiel numéro 3697 le 3 décembre
Timberland Luxembourg Finance S.à r.l., une société à responsabilité limitée constituée et existant conformément aux
lois du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, ayant son siège social au 13, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540, Grand-Duché de Lu-
xembourg, immatriculée auprès du Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg sous le numéro d'immatriculation
B 101643 et avec un capital social de USD 14.114.600 (quatorze million cent quatorze mille six cent dollars américains)
(l'Associé Unique),
dûment et valablement représentée à l'effet des présentes par Régis Galiotto, clerc de notaire, ayant son adresse profes-
sionnelle à Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, en vertu d'une procuration donnée sous seing privé.
Ladite procuration, après avoir été paraphée ne varietur par le mandataire de l'Associé Unique et le notaire instrumentant,
restera annexée au présent acte pour être soumise avec celui-ci aux formalités de l'enregistrement.
L'Associé Unique, dûment et valablement représenté à l'effet des présentes comme indiqué ci-dessus, a requis le notaire
instrumentant de prendre acte de ce que:
I. l'ensemble des 659.102 (six cent cinquante-neuf mille cent deux) parts sociales de la Société, ayant une valeur nominale
de USD 40 (quarante dollars américains) chacune, représentant la totalité du capital social de la Société s'élevant à USD
26.364.080 (vingt-six million trois cent soixante-quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains), sont présentes ou dûment
et valablement représentées, de telle sorte que l'Associé Unique peut valablement décider les points figurant au paragraphe
II ci-dessous;
II. l'Associé Unique a été convoqué à l'effet de se prononcer sur les points suivants:
(1) Réduction du capital social de la Société d'un montant total de USD 26.344.080 (vingt-six millions trois cent quarante-
quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains) à l'effet de le porter de son montant actuel de USD 26.364.080 (vingt-six
million trois cent soixante-quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains) à un nouveau montant de USD 20.000 (vingt mille
dollars américains), au moyen du rachat et de l'annulation corrélative d'un nombre total de 658.602 (six cent cinquante-
huit mille six cent soixante-deux) parts sociales détenues par l'Associé Unique dans le capital social de la Société,
représentant un prix de rachat total de USD 26.344.080 (vingt-six million trois cent quarante-quatre mille quatre-vingt
dollars américains);
(2) Modification corrélative de l'article 5.1 des statuts de la Société;
(3) Modification du registre des parts sociales de la Société dans l'objectif de refléter les résolutions adoptées au point
(1) avec procuration et pleins pouvoirs conférés à tout gérant de la Société ou à Allen & Overy, société en commandite
simple, inscrite sur la liste V du barreau du Luxembourg, chacun agissant individuellement avec plein pouvoir de substi-
tution, pour agir au nom et pour le compte de la Société pour effectuer lesdits changements dans le registre des parts sociales
de la Société et pour effectuer toutes les formalités exigées, nécessaires ou simplement utiles en lien avec et pour les besoins
de la mise en oeuvre des résolutions ci-dessus; et
(4) Divers.
III. après avoir dûment considéré ce qui précède, l'Associé Unique adopte les résolutions suivantes:
<i>Première résolutioni>
L'Associé Unique décide de réduire le capital social de la Société d'un montant total de USD 26.344.080 (vingt-six
millions trois cent quarante-quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains) à l'effet de le porter de son montant actuel de
USD 26.364.080 (vingt-six million trois cent soixante-quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains) à un nouveau montant
de USD 20.000 (vingt mille dollars américains), représenté par 500 (cinq cents) parts sociales de la Société, ayant une
valeur nominale de USD 40 (quarante dollars américains) chacune, au moyen du rachat et de l'annulation corrélative d'un
nombre total de 658.602 (six cent cinquante-huit mille six cent soixante-deux) parts sociales détenues par l'Associé Unique
dans le capital social de la Société (les Parts Sociales Rachetées) des 659.102 (six cent cinquante-neuf mille cent deux) de
parts sociales alors existantes, détenues par l'Associé Unique dans le capital social de la Société pour un prix total de rachat
de USD 26.344.080 (vingt-six million trois cent quarante-quatre mille quatre-vingt dollars américains) correspondant à la
valeur nominale totale des Parts Sociales Rachetées.
<i>Deuxième résolutioni>
L'Associé Unique décide de modifier l'article 5.1 des Statuts qui aura désormais la teneur suivante:
« 5.1. Le capital social de la Société est fixé à vingt mille dollars américains (USD20.000) représenté par cinq cents
(500) parts sociales sous forme nominative ayant une valeur nominale de quarante dollars américains (USD 40) chacune,
toutes souscrites et entièrement libérées.»
<i>Troisième résolutioni>
L'Associé Unique décide de modifier le registre de parts sociales de la Société afin de refléter les changements ci-dessus
et donne pouvoir et autorise tout gérant de la Société ou Allen & Overy, société en commandite simple, inscrite à la liste
V du barreau de Luxembourg, chacun d'eux agissant individuellement, avec tous pouvoirs de substitution sous leur seule
signature, afin de procéder au nom et pour le compte de la Société aux modifications susmentionnées dans le registre de
parts sociales de la Société, y compris, pour éviter tout doute, la signature dudit registre, afin d'accomplir toutes les formalités
en rapport le Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg et à la publication au Journal Officiel et plus généra-
lement, afin d'accomplir toutes les formalités qui pourraient être requises, nécessaires ou simplement utiles en lien avec et
pour les besoins de la mise en oeuvre des résolutions ci-dessus.
Les montant des dépenses, coûts, rémunérations et charges de quelque forme que ce soit, qui seront supportées par la
Société en conséquence du présent acte est estimé à approximativement trois mille Euros (EUR 3.000.-).
Le notaire instrumentant, qui comprend et parle anglais, certifie qu'à la demande du mandataire de l'Associé Unique, le
présent acte est rédigé en anglais suivi d'une version française. A la demande du même mandataire de l'Associé Unique et
en cas de divergences entre les versions anglaise et française, la version anglaise fera foi.
Dont Acte, le présent acte notarié a été établi à Luxembourg, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, à la date indiquée au début
de cet acte notarié.
Cet acte notarié, ayant été lu au mandataire de l'Associé Unique, qui est connu du notaire par son nom, prénom, état
civil et résidence, ledit mandataire de l'Associé Unique a signé le présent acte avec le notaire.
Enregistré à Luxembourg Actes Civils 1, le 30 décembre 2015. Relation: 1LAC/2015/42353. Reçu soixante-quinze
euros (75.- EUR)
<i>Le Receveuri> (signé): P. MOLLING.
- POUR EXPEDITION CONFORME - délivrée à la société sur demande.
Luxembourg, le 23 février 2016.
Référence de publication: 2016070715/179.
(160033575) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 février 2016.
Deltatank A.G., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-5515 Remich, 9, rue des Champs.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 75.218.
Sie werden hiermit zu einer
der Aktionäre von Deltatank A.G., welche am <i>11. Mai 2016i> um 11.00 Uhr am Gesellschaftssitz mit der nachfolgenden
Tagesordnung stattfinden wird, eingeladen:
1. Mandatsänderungen
2. Verschiedenes
Im Namen und Auftrag des Verwaltungsrates
Référence de publication: 2016094260/14.
Luxshipping S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-5515 Remich, 9, rue des Champs.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 90.856.
Sie werden hiermit zu einer
der Aktionäre von Luxshipping S.A., welche am <i>11. Mai 2016i> um 12.00 Uhr am Gesellschaftssitz mit der nachfolgenden
Tagesordnung stattfinden wird, eingeladen:
1. Mandatsänderungen
2. Verschiedenes
Im Namen und Auftrag des Verwaltungsrates
Référence de publication: 2016094261/14.
Slystap's S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-5442 Roedt, 54, route de Remich.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 182.730.
<i>Extrait des résolutions prises lors de l'assemblée générale extraordinaire du 24 décembre 2015i>
Après délibération, l'Assemblée décide à l'unanimité:
1) de révoquer le mandat de gérant de Monsieur Pascal Hervé SCHAUBER, demeurant à F-57500 Saint Avold, 15, rue
du Pré Fleuri. avec effet Immédiat.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Clemency, le 23 février 2016.
Référence de publication: 2016070693/13.
(160033927) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 février 2016.
Timber One S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1653 Luxembourg, 2, avenue Charles de Gaulle.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 144.904.
Messieurs les actionnaires sont priés de bien vouloir assister à
qui se tiendra à l'adresse du siège social, le <i>12 mai 2016i> à 9.00 heures, avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Présentation des comptes annuels et des rapports du conseil d'administration et du commissaire.
2. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31 décembre 2015.
3. Décision à prendre en vertu de l'article 100 de la loi sur les sociétés commerciales.
4. Décharge à donner aux administrateurs et au commissaire.
5. Nominations statutaires.
6. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016096548/534/17.
Regency United S.A. SPF, Société Anonyme - Société de Gestion de Patrimoine Familial.
Siège social: L-2138 Luxembourg, 24, rue Saint Mathieu.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 186.671.
Messieurs les actionnaires sont convoqués par le présent avis à
qui aura lieu mardi 24 mai 2016 à 16:00 heures au siège social de la société, avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31/12/2015.
2. Approbation du rapport du commissaire aux comptes.
3. Décharge à donner aux administrateurs et au commissaire aux comptes.
4. Nominations statutaires.
5. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100777/1267/16.
7Miglia S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2138 Luxembourg, 24, rue Saint Mathieu.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 156.077.
Messieurs les actionnaires sont convoqués par le présent avis à
qui aura lieu mercredi <i>25 mai 2016i> à 14:00 heures au siège social de la société, avec l'ordre du jour suivant :
<i>Ordre du jour:i>
1. Approbation des comptes annuels et affectation des résultats au 31/12/2015.
2. Approbation du rapport du commissaire aux comptes.
3. Décharge à donner aux administrateurs et au commissaire aux comptes.
4. Décision à prendre conformément à l´article 100 de la loi du 10 août 1915 concernant les sociétés commerciales.
5. Renouvellement et / ou nomination des administrateurs et du commissaire aux comptes..
6. Divers.
<i>Le Conseil d'Administration.i>
Référence de publication: 2016100778/1267/17.
RPFFB Soparfi B S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 71.053.000,00.
Siège social: L-2540 Luxembourg, 26-28, rue Edward Steichen.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 95.512.
Les comptes consolidés de CBRE Retail Property Fund France belgium CV au 31 décembre 2014 ont été déposés au
registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
<i>Pour la société
Un mandatairei>
Référence de publication: 2016070068/14.
(160033243) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 23 février 2016.
Diorama Investments Sicar, S.A., Société Anonyme sous la forme d'une Société d'Investissement en Capital à Risque.
Siège social: L-1616 Luxembourg, 28-32, place de la Gare.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 190.311.
In the year two thousand and sixteen on the twenty fifth day of April.
Before us, Maître Jean-Joseph WAGNER, notary residing in Sanem, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
was held
an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of Diorama Investments Sicar, S.A. (the Meeting), a Luxembourg
investment company in risk capital (société d'investissement en capital à risque), incorporated under the form of a public
limited liability company (société anonyme), subject to, and authorised under, the law of 15 June 2004 relating to the
investment company in risk capital, as amended, having its registered office at 28-32, Place de la Gare, L-1616 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Trade and Companies' Register of Luxembourg (RCS) under the number
B 190311 incorporated pursuant to a notarial deed on 12 September 2014, published in the Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés
et Associations number 2608 on 26 September 2014.
The Meeting is opened at 11:45 a.m. CET with Mr Aurélien FAVIER professionally residing at 28-32, Place de la Gare,
L-1616 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, in the chair (the Chairman). The Chairman appoints Mr Lirim AZEMI
residing professionally at 28-32, Place de la Gare, L-1616 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as secretary and
scrutineer of the Meeting. The Chairman, the secretary and the scrutineer are collectively referred to hereafter as the
Members of the Bureau or as the Bureau.
The Bureau having thus been constituted, the chairman requests the notary to record that:
(1) the shareholders present or represented at the Meeting and the number of shares which they hold are recorded in an
attendance list, which will remain attached to these minutes and which will be signed by the shareholders present at the
Meeting and the holders of powers of attorney who represent the shareholders who are not present and the members of the
Bureau. The said list as well as the powers of attorney will remain attached to these minutes;
(2) that the convening notices setting forth the agenda of the meeting have been sent to the shareholders on April 15
, 2016;
(3) that pursuant to the attendance list, five (5) shareholder(s) holding eleven thousand hundred forty-five (11,145) shares
of the Company, representing seventy-six point nine percent (76.9 %) of the outstanding shares of the Company, are present
or represented at the present Meeting;
(4) that in respect of items 1.1 and 1.2 of the agenda of the Meeting, no specific quorum is required for the valid
deliberation or acknowledgement of the Meeting and the resolutions shall be passed by a simple majority of the votes of
the shareholders present or represented at the Meeting.
(5) that in respect of items 1.3 to 1.9 of the agenda of the Meeting, a quorum of 50% of all issued and outstanding shares
of the Company is required for the valid deliberation of the Meeting and the resolution must be taken by a two third majority
of the votes of the shareholders present or represented at the Meeting.
(6) The agenda of the Meeting is the following:
1.1 Acknowledgment of the resignation of Mr Dimitrios Daskalopoulos as director of the Company with effect as of
April 25
, 2016.
1.2 Appointment of Mr David Barrett, born on 11 March 1964 in London, United Kingdom, having his/her professional
address at 5, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, until the annual general meeting of
shareholders of the Company to be held in the year 2017.
1.3 Conversion of the Company from an umbrella SICAR with one compartment, Diorama Investments SICAR, S.A.
- Hellenic Growth fund (the Compartment), into a stand-alone SICAR without compartments.
1.4 Allocation of all assets and liabilities of the Compartment to the Company as a whole.
1.5 Change of the corporate object of the Company and subsequent amendment of article 4 of the articles of incorporation
of the Company (the Articles) so as to read as follows:
“The purpose of the Company is the investment of the funds available to it in risk capital within the widest meaning
permitted under the 2004 Act and CSSF Circular 06/241.
The Company may take any measures and carry out any transaction, which it may deem useful for the fulfilment and
development of its purpose and may, in particular and without limitation:
(a) make investments;
(b) borrow money in any form or obtain any form of credit facility and raise funds through, including, but not limited
to, the issue of equity, bonds, notes, promissory notes, and other debt or equity instruments;
(c) advance, lend or deposit money or give credit to companies and undertakings;
(d) enter into any guarantee, pledge or any other form of security, whether by personal covenant or by mortgage or
charge upon all or part of the assets (present or future) of the Company or by all or any of such methods, for the performance
of any contract or obligation of the Company or any company in which the Company has a direct or indirect interest; to
the fullest extent permitted under the 2004 act and as provided for, and subject to the limits set out, in the Memorandum.”
1.6 Update and restatement in their entirety of the Articles and approval that the Articles shall only be drawn up in
1.7 Conversion of the different classes of shares currently issued to shareholders into the same number of new classes
of shares with the features as further described in the private placement memorandum of the Company (PPM) and the
(a) all class A shares into new Class A Shares (as defined in the PPM), reserved for Qualified Investors;
(b) all class B shares into new Class B Shares (as defined in the PPM), reserved for (direct or indirect) holding by the
Related Persons and the employees, directors or officers of the External AIFM (as defined in the PPM); and
(c) all class C shares into new Class C Shares (as defined in the PPM), reserved for subscription to Seed Investors.
1.8 Acknowledgement that after the restatement of the Articles as per resolutions 1.3 to 1.7, Class D Shares (as defined
in the PPM) will have (i) the right to unanimously veto the appointment of any candidate director who, in the reasonable
opinion of the Class D Shareholders (as defined in the PPM), is not sufficiently independent from the Investors (other than
the Related Persons (as defined in the PPM)) and (ii) certain veto rights over amendments to the PPM as set out in the PPM.
1.9 Acknowledgement that following the restructuring of the Company into a stand-alone SICAR without compartments,
and the restatement of the Articles as per resolutions 1.3 to 1.7, the term of the Company will be limited as further set out
article 3 of the restated and amended Articles.
(7) that it results from the attendance list that out of the fourteen thousand four hundred eighty-five point zero eighty-
seven (14,485.087) shares without par value, eleven thousand hundred forty-five (11,145) shares without par value are
represented at the Meeting and that the Meeting is regularly constituted and may deliberate upon the items 1.1 and 1.2 on
the agenda, here above reproduced.
(8) that it results from the attendance list that out of the fourteen thousand four hundred eighty-five point zero eighty-
seven (14,485.087) shares without par value, eleven thousand hundred forty-five (11,145) shares without par value are
represented at the Meeting so that the quorum requirement is met and the Meeting is regularly constituted and may deliberate
upon items 1.3 to 1.9 on the agenda, here above reproduced.
After duly considering each item on the agenda, the Meeting took the following resolutions:
<i>First resolutioni>
The Meeting acknowledges the resignation of Mr Dimitrios Daskalopoulos as director of the Company with effect as
of April 25
, 2016.
<i>Second resolutioni>
The Meeting resolves to appoint Mr David Barrett, born on 11 March 1964 in London, United Kingdom, having his/
her professional address at 5, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, until the annual general
meeting of the shareholders of the Company in the year 2017.
The Meeting is immediately followed by an extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Diorama Investments
SICAR, S.A. deliberating on items 1.3 to 1.9 of the Agenda of the Meeting
After deliberation, the shareholders present or represented at the extraordinary Meeting take the following resolution:
<i>Third resolutioni>
The Meeting resolves to convert the Company from an umbrella SICAR with the Compartment into a stand-alone SICAR
without compartments.
<i>Forth resolutioni>
The Meeting resolves to allocate all assets and liabilities of the Compartment to the Company as a whole.
<i>Fifth resolutioni>
The Meeting resolves to change of the corporate object of the Company and subsequent amendment of article 4 of the
Articles so as to read as follows:
“The purpose of the Company is the investment of the funds available to it in risk capital within the widest meaning
permitted under the 2004 Act and CSSF Circular 06/241.
The Company may take any measures and carry out any transaction, which it may deem useful for the fulfilment and
development of its purpose and may, in particular and without limitation:
(a) make investments;
(b) borrow money in any form or obtain any form of credit facility and raise funds through, including, but not limited
to, the issue of equity, bonds, notes, promissory notes, and other debt or equity instruments;
(c) advance, lend or deposit money or give credit to companies and undertakings;
(d) enter into any guarantee, pledge or any other form of security, whether by personal covenant or by mortgage or
charge upon all or part of the assets (present or future) of the Company or by all or any of such methods, for the performance
of any contract or obligation of the Company or any company in which the Company has a direct or indirect interest;
to the fullest extent permitted under the 2004 act and as provided for, and subject to the limits set out, in the Memoran-
<i>Sixth resolutioni>
The Meeting resolves to update and restate the Articles in their entirety as follows and approves that the Articles shall
only be in English:
Preliminary title - Definitions
In these Articles; all capitalised terms not otherwise defined have the meaning set out in the Memorandum and:
2004 Act means the Luxembourg act of 15 June 2004 relating to SICAR (as defined below), as amended from time to
2013 Act means the Luxembourg act of 12 July 2013 on AIFMs, as may be amended from time to time.
Administrative Agent means the administrative agent of the Company as set out in the Memorandum.
Advisory Board means the advisory board established by the Company with the composition, duties and functions as
set out in the Memorandum.
AIF means an alternative investment fund within the meaning of the AIFM Directive and the 2013 Act.
AIFM means an alternative investment fund manager within the meaning of the AIFM Directive and the 2013 Act.
AIFM Directive means Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 8 June 2011 on Alternative
Investment Fund Managers and amending Directives 2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and regulations (EC) No 1060/2009
and (EU) No 1095/2010. Any reference to the AIFM Directive includes a reference to any implementing measures of such
directive adopted at European or relevant national level.
Articles means these articles of association of the Company, as amended from time to time.
Board means the board of directors of the Company.
Business Day means a day on which banks are open for business for the whole day in Luxembourg and Greece (excluding
Saturdays and Sundays and public holidays).
Capital Contribution means the cash contributed by an Investor to the Company (whether against the issuance of Shares
or otherwise), to the exclusion of any amount which is not treated as a Capital Contribution pursuant to the Memorandum,
the relevant Subscription Agreement and these Articles.
Carried Interest has the meaning set out in article 28.3.
Cause Event or Cause means any of the events listed as "Cause Events" in the Memorandum.
Circular 06/241 means circular 06/241 issued by the CSSF on the concept of risk capital under the 2004 Act, as may be
amended and/or superseded from time to time.
Class means a class of Shares of the Company (catégorie d'actions) as such term is understood under the Companies
Act, provided that any reference to Class shall also, where applicable, include a reference to the corresponding Class (or
Sub-Class) of Profit Shares in accordance with the Memorandum.
Class A Shares means Shares with such features as described in article 5.4(a).
Class B Shares means Shares with such features as described in article 5.4(b).
Class C Shares means Shares with such features as described in article 5.4(c).
Class D Shares means Shares with such features as described in article 5.4(d).
Class Quota Investment Proceeds has the meaning described in article 28.2.
Closing means any date on which Investors may commit to subscribe for Shares or Profit Shares, as determined by the
Commitment means, in relation to an Investor, the amount committed by it to the Company (and whether or not such
amount has been paid in whole or in part and whether or not it has been repaid to the Investor in whole or in part), and
accepted by the Board in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum, the relevant Subscription Agreement or
these Articles.
Committed to Investment means, with respect to a prospective Investment or divestment, that the Company has entered
into a definitive agreement for the acquisition or funding of that Investment or disposal of the relevant Investment, subject
in each case only to the satisfaction of reasonable and customary conditions precedent to closing given the nature of the
transaction, and is otherwise legally committed to proceed with the transaction in question.
Companies Act means the Luxembourg act of 10 August 1915 concerning commercial companies, as amended.
Company means Diorama Investments SICAR, S.A. CSSF means the Luxembourg supervisory authority, the Com-
mission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier.
Default Date has the meaning set out in article 9.3.
Defaulting Investor has the meaning set out in article 9.1.
Default Notice means a written notice from the Company to an Investor notifying him/her of his/her failure to contribute
to the Company amounts which are the subject of a Drawdown Notice on or before the Drawdown Date.
Depositary means the depositary of the Company, in its capacity as depositary and paying agent of the Company.
Director means a member of the Board.
Distribution Date has the meaning described in article 28.11.
Drawdown Date means the date on which Investors are to pay a Capital Contribution to the Company (i.e., to pay a
portion of their respective Commitment) further to a Drawdown Notice.
Escrow Account has the meaning set out in article 28.10.
Escrow Amount has the meaning set out in article 28.10.
Euro, or EUR means the single currency of the member states of the Economic and Monetary Union.
Excess Clawback Amount has the meaning set out in article 28.11.
Excused Investment means, with respect to any Investor having entered into a Commitment for Class D Shares, any
proposed Investment (or portion of an Investment) to which such Investor shall not be permitted or required to participate
based on constitutional, policy or other internal restrictions of such Investor or investment, legal or similar considerations
applicable to such Investor in accordance with any applicable a side letter or similar agreement provided in accordance
with article 31 (as may be amended from time to time).
Excused Investor has the meaning set out in article 8.
Expenses has the meaning set out in the Memorandum.
Experienced Investor means any investor who (i) adheres in writing to the status of experienced investor and (ii) either
(a) commits to invest a minimum of €125,000 in the Company or (b) has obtained an assessment by a credit institution
within the meaning of Directive 2006/48/EC, by an investment firm within the meaning of Directive 2004/39/EC, or by a
management company within the meaning of Directive 2009/65/EC certifying its/her/his expertise, its/her/his experience
and its/her/his knowledge in adequately appraising an investment in the Company.
External AIFM means DECA Investments SA AIFM in its capacity as external AIFM of the Company.
Final Closing Date means the date determined by the Board after which no additional Investors will be admitted to the
Company in accordance with article 7.6.
First Closing Date has the meaning set out in article 7.7.
Fiscal Year means a twelve months period ending on 31 December of each year.
General Meeting means the general meeting of the Shareholders of the Company which, for the avoidance of doubt,
excludes Profit Shareholders.
Indemnified Person means the Directors, the External AIFM and any of their employees, partners, members, successor
or assign and the Key Executives to the extent involved in the management, administration or operation of the Company
and the members of the Investment Committee and of the Advisory Board.
Institutional Investor means any investors who qualify as institutional investors according to Luxembourg Law.
Invest Europe means Invest Europe - the Voice of Private Capital, formerly the European Private Equity and Venture
Capital Association.
Investments means investments by the Company (including investments made by the Company in Portfolio Companies
which are intended to preserve, protect or enhance the value of existing Investments) (whether directly or through one or
more Intermediary Holding Vehicles) authorised pursuant to the Memorandum and the 2004 Act including any equity
securities (including, without limitation, equity-linked and quasi-equity securities) or debt securities (including, without
limitation, bonds, loan notes or debentures), instruments or obligations of whatever nature provided they are linked to an
equity investment.
Investment Committee means the investment committee of the Company established by the Company or the External
AIFM with the composition, duties and functions as set out in the Memorandum.
Investor means any Person who is or becomes an investor in the Company by assuming a Commitment and, where the
context requires, shall include that Person as a Shareholder or Profit Shareholder.
Liquidator has the meaning set out in article 29.2.
Luxembourg means the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Luxembourg Law means the applicable laws and regulations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Managed Securities has the meaning described in article 28.8(d).
Management Fee means the management fee payable out of the assets of the Company to the External AIFM in accor-
dance with the Memorandum.
Management Fee Percentage has the meaning set out in the Memorandum.
Maximum Clawback Amount has the meaning set out in article 28.11.
Memorandum means the confidential offering memorandum of the Company drawn up in accordance with article 3(3)
of the 2004 Act, as amended or supplemented from time to time.
Memorial means the Luxembourg Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations, the Luxembourg official gazette.
Net Asset Value or NAV means the net asset value of the Company, each Class and each Share as determined in
accordance with article 12.3(e).
Net Distributable Cash has the meaning as set out in the Memorandum.
New Class B Shares has the meaning set out in article 5.4(f).
Person means any individual or entity and, where the context so permits, the legal representatives, successors in interest
and permitted assigns of such person.
Preferred Return has the meaning set out in article 28.3.
Preferred Shares has the meaning set out in article 5.4(e).
Professional Investors means Investors who qualify as professional investors within the meaning of Annex III to the act
of 5 April 1993 on the financial sector, as amended and the AIFM Directive.
Profit Shareholder means a holder of Profit Shares.
Profit Shares has the meaning set out in article 5.5 and refers to the parts bénéficiaires that may be issued by the Company.
Qualified Investors means an Investor who may acquire Shares or Profit Shares in the Company under the law applicable
to him/her/it in his/her/its relevant jurisdiction; and to whom the Board, the External AIFM or authorised placement agents
are allowed to promote the Company (i) provided that he/she/it is a Well-Informed Investor and (ii) provided further that
such person is not a Restricted Person.
Reference Currency means the EUR.
Registrar Agent means the registrar agent of the Company in its capacity as registrar agent.
Relevant Investment has the meaning set out in article 8.
Restricted Person has the meaning described in article 12.1.
Shareholder means any holder of Shares (to the exclusion of any Profit Shareholder).
Shareholders Supermajority Resolution means a resolution passed at a General Meeting (i) where Shareholders repre-
senting at least half of the issued share capital are present or represented and (ii) by the vote (cast in Person or by way of
proxy) of not less than two thirds of the votes cast in relation to such resolution provided that if the quorum requirement
is not fulfilled at the occasion of the first General Meeting, a second meeting may be convened at which meeting resolutions
are passed at a two thirds majority of the votes cast without any quorum requirement; and provided further that a change
to these Articles is subject to the approval of the CSSF. For the avoidance of doubt, Profit Shareholders will not have any
right to vote in respect of their Profit Shares at any General Meeting or in respect of any Shareholders Supermajority
Shares means all shares issued by the Company from time to time and Share shall mean any such share, provided that,
for the avoidance of doubt, Profit Shares (parts bénéficiaires) are not part of, and cannot be considered as, Shares (actions)
for all purposes under the Memorandum and these Articles.
SICAR means a société d'investissement en capital à risque subject to the 2004 Act. Sub-Class means a sub-Class of
Class D Shares as further described in article 8.2(c).
Subscription Agreement means the subscription agreement entered into by each Investor and the Company.
Subsequent Closing has the meaning as ascribed to it in article 7.8.
Term has the meaning ascribed to it in article 3.1.
Transfer has the meaning set out in article 10.1.
Transferee has the meaning set out in article 10.3.
Transferring Investor has the meaning set out in article 10.3.
Undrawn Commitment means with regard to an Investor, (a) the Investor's Commitment, minus (b) all Capital Contri-
butions the Investor has made, plus (c) sums distributed to Investors that can be added to an Investor's Undrawn Commitment
pursuant to the Memorandum.
Valuation Date means the last calendar day of each Fiscal Year.
Well-Informed Investors means any well-informed investors within the meaning of article 2 of the 2004 Act. There exist
three categories of well-informed investors, Institutional Investors, Professional Investors and Experienced Investors. For
the avoidance of doubt, the Related Persons and the other persons involved in the management of the Company are regarded
as Well-Informed Investors for the purpose of article 2 of the 2004 Act.
1. Art. 1. Form and name.
1.1 There exists a société d'investissement en capital à risque under the form of a public limited liability company (société
anonyme) under the name of "Diorama Investments Sicar, S.A." (the Company).
1.2 The Company will be governed by the 2004 Act, the Companies Act (provided that in case of conflicts between the
Companies Act and the 2004 Act, the 2004 Act will prevail) as well as by these articles of association (the Articles).
2. Art. 2. Registered office.
2.1 The registered office of the Company is established in Luxembourg. It may be transferred within the boundaries of
the municipality of Luxembourg by a resolution of the board of directors of the Company (the Board) if and to the extent
permitted by law. It may be transferred to any other place within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by a resolution of the
general meeting of the Shareholders (the General Meeting).
2.2 The Board will further have the right to set up branches, offices, administrative centres and agencies wherever it
will deem fit, either within or outside of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
2.3 Where the Board determines that extraordinary political or military developments or events have occurred or are
imminent and that these developments or events would interfere with the normal activities of the Company at its registered
office, or with the ease of communication between such office and persons abroad, the registered office may be temporarily
transferred abroad until the complete cessation of these extraordinary circumstances. Such temporary measures will have
no effect on the nationality of the Company which, notwithstanding the temporary transfer of its registered office, will
remain a partnership limited by shares incorporated in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
3. Art. 3. Term of the company. General.
3.1 The Company has been created with a limited duration and will be automatically put into liquidation on the tenth
anniversary of 14 November 2014, or if earlier:
(a) upon a Shareholders Supermajority Resolution;
(b) in such circumstances as set out in these Articles and in the Memorandum;
(c) when a decision by the CSSF to withdraw the Company from the list of approved SICARs becomes final and the
Company is subject to judicial liquidation;
and which shall be the Term.
Extension of Term
3.2 At any time before the tenth anniversary of 14 November 2014, the Board may convene a General Meeting to extend
the term of the Company for up to two consecutive additional one-year periods. Any decision to extend the term of the
Company will be taken by the General Meeting through a Shareholders Supermajority Resolution. Any decision to extend
the term of the Company beyond the twelfth anniversary of 14 November 2014 through a Shareholders Supermajority
Resolution is subject to the approval of the Class D Shareholders.
3.3 Any such extension will be without prejudice to the possibility of earlier termination of the Company for any reason
specified in article 3.1.
4. Art. 4. Corporate objects.
4.1 The purpose of the Company is the investment of the funds available to it in risk capital within the widest meaning
permitted under the 2004 Act and CSSF Circular 06/241.
4.2 The Company may take any measures and carry out any transaction, which it may deem useful for the fulfilment
and development of its purpose and may, in particular and without limitation:
(a) make investments;
(b) borrow money in any form or obtain any form of credit facility and raise funds through, including, but not limited
to, the issue of equity, bonds, notes, promissory notes, and other debt or equity instruments;
(c) advance, lend or deposit money or give credit to companies and undertakings;
(d) enter into any guarantee, pledge or any other form of security, whether by personal covenant or by mortgage or
charge upon all or part of the assets (present or future) of the Company or by all or any of such methods, for the performance
of any contract or obligation of the Company or any company in which the Company has a direct or indirect interest;
to the fullest extent permitted under the 2004 act and as provided for, and subject to the limits set out, in the Memorandum.
5. Art. 5. Share capital - Profit shares.
5.1 The capital of the Company will be represented by fully paid up Shares and Profit Shares of no par value and will
at any time be equal to the value of the net assets of the Company pursuant to article 13.
5.2 The capital together with the issue premium must reach one million euro (EUR 1,000,000) within twelve months of
the date on which the Company has been registered as a SICAR under the 2004 Act on the official list of Luxembourg
SICARs, and thereafter may not be less than this amount.
5.3 The initial capital of the Company was of thirty one thousand euro (EUR 31,000), represented by fully paid up Shares
with no par value.
Classes of Shares
5.4 The following Classes are available:
(a) Class A Shares, which are reserved for Qualified Investors and may be automatically converted into non-voting
Profits Shares pursuant to article 5.5;
(b) Class B Shares, which:
(i) are reserved for (direct or indirect) holding by Eligible Class B Shareholders and can be converted automatically into
Preferred Shares in accordance with the provisions of the Memorandum;
(ii) will be (i) issued at a fixed price of EUR100 (and at the latest before the first date on which Carried Interest is to be
distributed) each and (ii) limited in number to a maximum of 55 Class B Shares, provided that additional Class B Shares
can be issued only with the approval of Class B Shareholders representing at least 75% of the Class B Shares in issue. The
subscription to and payment for the Class B Shares will decrease the Commitment of the relevant subscriber (if any) and
be considered a Capital Contribution;
(iii) give their holders the right to receive the Carried Interest, subject to the terms of article 28;
(iv) do not bear the Management Fee;
(c) Class C Shares, reserved for subscription to Seed Investors who are Qualified Investors and:
(i) benefiting from a reduced Management Fee Percentage;
(ii) may be automatically converted into non-voting Profits Shares pursuant to article 5.5;
(d) Class D Shares, reserved for subscription and holding by certain international financial institutions selected by the
Board and the External AIFM and:
(i) benefiting from a reduced Management Fee Percentage;
(ii) being exempted from paying any actualisation interests or management fee equalisation interests if they are subse-
quent investors;
(iii) having the right to unanimously veto the appointment of any candidate Director who, in the reasonable opinion of
the Class D Shareholders, in not sufficiently independent from the Investors (other than the Related Persons);
(iv) being sub-divided into one or more Sub-Classes of Class D Shares in accordance with article 8 of these Articles,
where applicable; and
(v) having certain veto rights over amendments to the Memorandum;
(e) Preferred Shares, which may exist further to the compulsory conversion of certain Class B Shares into Preferred
Shares and will have such rights as set out in the Memorandum;.
(f) New Class B Shares, which can be issued in accordance with, and will have such rights set out in, the Memorandum.
5.5 The Company may also decide to issue profit shares (parts bénéficiaires) (the Profit Shares) in accordance with the
Memorandum and the Company Act to one or more Limited Voting Investor(s) that will have the same features as the
relevant Class of Shares in respect of which the Limited Voting Investor has entered into a Commitment such that the
Commitment of the Limited Voting Investor be split between voting Shares and non-voting Profit Shares in order to limit
the voting rights of the Limited Voting Investor to a maximum of such percentage as set out in the Memorandum of the
aggregate voting Shares of the Company (the Maximum Voting Threshold). With respect to the Limited Voting Investor,
the Company will be authorised, without any prior consent or approval of the Limited Voting Investor, to: (a) automatically
convert the relevant proportion of voting Shares issued to the Limited Voting Investor into non-voting Profit Shares of the
relevant Class to ensure compliance with the Maximum Voting Threshold and (b) issue non-voting Profit Shares rather
than Shares of the relevant Class whenever Capital Contributions are made by the Limited Voting Investor in order to
ensure compliance with the Maximum Voting Threshold after issue of the relevant Shares and/or Profit Shares to the
Limited Voting Investor.
5.6 Any reference in these Articles to a Class shall include, where applicable, a reference to a Class of A or C Profit
Shares with the same rights and obligations as the corresponding Class A or C Shares, provided that Profit Shares will not
entitle their holders to any voting rights at General Meetings or in respect of any decision to be taken by, or subject to the
vote of, or any consent to be given by Investors. There will be no Class B or D Profit Shares issued in the Company.
5.7 The Company's share capital is at all times equal to its Net Asset Value. The Company's share capital is automatically
adjusted when additional Shares are issued or outstanding Shares are redeemed, and no special announcements or publicity
are necessary in relation thereto.
5.8 For the purpose of determining the capital of the Company, the net assets attributable to each Class will, if not already
denominated in EUR, be converted into EUR. The capital of the Company equals the total of the net assets of all the Classes.
6. Art. 6. Form of shares and profit shares.
6.1 The Company only issues Shares and Profit Shares in registered form and Shares and Profit Shares will remain in
registered form. Shares and Profit Shares are issued without par value and will be fully paid upon issue. The Shares and
Profit Shares are not represented by certificates.
6.2 All issued registered Shares or Profit Shares will be registered in the register of Shareholders (or Profit Shares) which
will be kept at the registered office by the Company or by one or more persons designated for this purpose by the Company,
where it will be available for inspection by any shareholder. Such register will contain the name of each owner of registered
Shares (or of Profit Shares), his/her/its residence or elected domicile as indicated to the Company, the number and Class
or Sub-Class of registered Shares (or of Profit Shareholders) held by him, the amount paid up on each share, and the transfer
of Shares (or of Profit Shareholders) and the dates of such transfers. The ownership of the Shares (or of Profit Shareholders)
will be established by the entry in this register.
6.3 Each Investor will provide the Company with an address to which all notices and announcements may be sent. Such
address shall also be entered into the register of Shareholders (or Profit Shares).
6.4 In the event that an Investor does not provide an address, the Company may permit a notice to this effect to be entered
into the register of Shareholders (or of Profit Shareholders) and the Shareholder's or the Profit Shareholder's address will
be deemed to be at the registered office of the Company, or such other address as may be so entered into the register of
Shareholders (or of Profit Shareholders) by the Company from time to time, until another address will be provided to the
Company by such Shareholder or Profit Shareholder. Investors may, at any time, change their address as entered into the
register of shareholder by way of a written notification sent to the Company.
6.5 The Company will recognise only one holder per Share or Profit Share. In case a Share or Profit Share is held by
more than one person, the Company has the right to suspend the exercise of all rights attached to that share until one person
has been appointed as sole owner in relation to the Company. The same rule will apply in the case of conflict between an
usufruct holder (usufruitier) and a bare owner (nu-propriétaire) or between a pledgor and a pledgee. Moreover, in the case
of joint Shareholders or Profit Shareholders, the Company reserves the right to pay any redemption proceeds, distributions
or other payments to the first registered holder only, whom the Company may consider to be the representative of all joint
holders, or to all joint shareholders or Profit Shareholders together, at its absolute discretion.
6.6 Fractional Shares or Profit Shares may be issued to the nearest 100th of a Share or Profit Share. Such fractional
Shares do not carry voting rights, except where their number is such that they represent a whole share, but are entitled to
participate in the net assets attributable to the relevant Class or Sub-Class on a pro rata basis.
6.7 All Shares and Profit Shares issued by the Company may only be redeemed by the Company at the initiative of the
Company in accordance with, and subject to, article 11 of these Articles and the provisions of the Memorandum.
6.8 Subject to the provisions of article 10, title to Shares or Profit Shares in registered form is transferred upon registration
of the name of the transferee in the register of Shares or Profit Shares. The Company will not issue, or give effect to any
Transfer of, Shares to any investor who is not a Qualified Investor.
6.9 Subject to the provisions of article 10, a Transfer may be effected by a written declaration of transfer entered in the
register of the Shareholder(s) (or of Profit Shareholders) of the Company, such declaration of transfer to be executed by
the transferor and the transferee or by persons holding suitable powers of attorney or in accordance with the provisions
applying to the transfer of claims provided for in article 1690 of the Luxembourg civil code. The Company may also accept
as evidence of transfer other instruments of transfer evidencing the consent of the transferor and the transferee satisfactory
to the Company.
6.10 The Company will not issue Shares or Profit Shares as consideration for a contribution in kind of securities or other
7. Art. 7. Issue of shares and profit shares.
7.1 The Board is authorised, without limitation, to issue an unlimited number of fully paid up Shares or Profit Shares
at any time in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum and these Articles without reserving a preferential right to
subscribe for the Shares to be issued for the existing Shareholders.
7.2 Shares or Profit Shares are exclusively reserved for subscription by Qualified Investors.
7.3 The Board may impose conditions on the issue of Shares or Profit Shares, any such condition to which the issue of
Shares or Profit Shares may be submitted will be detailed in the Memorandum provided that the Board may, without
(a) decide to set minimum Commitments, minimum subsequent Commitments, minimum subscription amounts, mini-
mum subsequent subscription amounts and minimum holding amounts for a particular Class;
(b) impose restrictions on the frequency at which Shares or Profit Shares are issued (and, in particular, decide that Shares
or Profit Shares will only be issued during one or more offering periods or at such other intervals as provided for in the
(c) reserve Shares or Profit Shares of a Class exclusively to persons or entities that have entered into, or have executed,
a subscription document under which the subscriber undertakes inter alia to subscribe for Shares or Profit Shares, during
a specific period, up to a certain amount and makes certain representations and warranties to the Company. As far as
permitted under Luxembourg Law, any such subscription document may contain specific provisions not contained in the
other subscription documents;
(d) determine any default provisions applicable to non or late payment for Shares or restrictions on ownership of the
Shares or Profit Shares;
(e) in respect of any one given Class or Sub-Class, levy a subscription fee and/or waive partly or entirely this subscription
(f) decide that payments for subscriptions to Shares or Profit Shares will be made in whole or in part on one or more
dealing dates, Closings or Drawdown Dates at which date(s) the Commitment of the Investor (and, as the case may be, any
relevant additional amount or interest) will be called against issue of Shares or Profit Shares of the relevant Class;
(g) set the initial offering period or initial offering date and the initial subscription price in relation to each Class and
the cut-off time for acceptance of the subscription document in relation to a particular Class.
7.4 Each Investor subscribing for Shares or Profit Shares will be required to enter into a Subscription Agreement irre-
vocably committing to make all subscriptions and payments for the entire Commitment and each Investor will be required
to make Capital Contributions equal, in total, to that Investor's Commitment in consideration for the issuance of fully paid
Shares or Profit Shares by the Company in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum.
7.5 The Company may, in its absolute discretion, accept or reject in whole or in part any Subscription Agreement or
request for subscription to Shares or Profit Shares.
7.6 The Board will determine the Final Closing Date in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum.
7.7 The First Closing Date occurred on 14 November 2014.
7.8 After the First Closing Date and until the Final Closing Date, the Board may decide to organise one or more sub-
sequent closings (each a Subsequent Closing) at which new Investors are admitted or at which existing Investors may
increase their Commitments. The Board may confer the authority upon any of its members, any manager, officer or other
duly authorised representative to accept subscription applications, to receive payments for newly issued Shares or Profit
Shares and to deliver these Shares or Profit Shares. Investors who subscribe for Commitments after the First Closing Date,
but on or before the Final Closing Date, will be treated as if they had been admitted to the Company on the First Closing
Date as an Investor in the relevant Class and will acquire a proportionate interest in all investments acquired by the Company
and allocated to the relevant Class or Sub-Class, and will bear the proportionate share of the fees and expenses incurred
by the Company and allocated to the relevant Class or Sub-Class in accordance with the Memorandum, prior to the date
of their admission to the Company pro rata with other Investors in the relevant Class or Sub-Class and may inter alia be
required to pay certain equalisation amounts and/or actualisation amounts or interests on top of their Commitment, in
accordance with article 7.3 of these Articles and the Memorandum and the terms of the relevant Subscription Agreement.
7.9 Payments for subscriptions to Shares and Profit Shares will be made on a Drawdown Date or any other date and
under the terms and conditions as determined by the Board and as indicated and more fully described in the Memorandum.
The modes of payment and subscription price of the Shares and Profit Shares in relation to such subscriptions will be
determined by the Board and more fully described in the Memorandum. Distributions made to Shareholders or Profit
Shareholders (in whatever form, including through redemptions of Shares or Profit Shares, as the case may be) of funds
received by the Company attributable to certain revenues, income, capital gains on or return on Investments or funds
drawdown but not used by the Company may be available for further drawdown by the Company (i.e., may be recalled by
the Company) and any such distribution may increase an Investor's Undrawn Commitment, in accordance with and subject
to the provisions set out in the Memorandum.
7.10 The Commitment of each Investor may be adjusted by the Board from time to time in accordance with and subject
to the terms of the Memorandum, provided that no such adjustment will result in an increase of an Investor's Commitment
without such Investor's prior approval.
8. Excuse.
8.1 No Investor having entered into a Commitment for Class D Shares shall be required to make any Capital Contribution
that, with respect to such Investor, would constitute an Excused Investment and such Investor has, unless otherwise agreed
between the Company, the External AIFM and the relevant Investor, notified the Company and the External AIFM thereof
at least 5 Business Days before the relevant Drawdown Date provided that if an Investor has made Capital Contributions
for the purpose of funding one or more Investments but subsequently notifies, pursuant to the terms of its side letter or
similar arrangement with the Company and the External AIFM, the External AIFM and the Company that it is an Excused
Investor with respect to that or those Investments as a result of certain aggregate eligibility criteria applying to it ceasing
to be, or not being, satisfied, then that Investor will have the right to be treated as an Excused Investor with respect to that
or those Investments (and such Investments or the relevant portion of such Investments will be (a) Relevant Investment
(s)) and the Capital Contributions of such Investor will be reimbursed to it and the terms of article 8.2 will apply (as if the
relevant Investor had not made the relevant Capital Contributions).
8.2 In the event that an Investor is excused from participating in an (or a portion of an) Investment pursuant to article
8.1 (an Excused Investor), then, in relation to any such (or part of an) Investment (and such (portion) of the relevant
Investment from which that Investor is excused is a Relevant Investment):
(a) the excuse of any Investor from a Relevant Investment pursuant to this article 8 shall not affect such Investor's
Commitment (unless otherwise agreed in a side letter with that Investor);
(b) notwithstanding the terms of section 10 of the Memorandum, further Capital Contributions from the Investors in
respect of any Relevant Investment (including for the relevant pro-rata portion of Management Fee, Expenses, etc. relating
to such Relevant Investment), in relation to which there are one or more Excused Investors will be made pro-rata from
Investors in the Company which are not Excused Investors in respect of that Relevant Investment (but excluding for the
avoidance of doubt, the pro-rata portion of the Commitments of the Excused Investor(s) for that purpose) provided that
certain Class D Shareholders may agree with the Company and the External AIFM that they will not be required to make
additional Capital Contributions in respect of certain Investment(s) in which other investors have become Excused Investors
by serving a notice to the Company and the External AIFM subsequent to the date of such Investment(s);
(c) the Class D Shares of such Investor or Investors that become Excused Investors in respect of the same (or the same
portion of a) Relevant Investment will be automatically converted into a sub-Class of Class D Shares (a Sub-Class), the
financial rights of which (and in respect of which any distributions) will exclude any profits or returns (and the participation
in any losses or expenses) in relation to the (relevant portion of a) Relevant Investment and all terms of this Memorandum
shall be deemed adjusted such that such Excused Investors through the holding of the relevant Sub-Class will not have any
indirect exposure to the relevant (pro-rata portion of) Relevant Investment; and
(d) Class D Shares issued in a Sub-Class from time to time pursuant to this article 8 will be issued in alphabet Sub-
Classes starting with Sub-Class a and continuing (Sub-Class b, Sub-Class c, etc.) each time a Sub-Class is created pursuant
to this article 8 such that a separate NAV per Share can be calculated with respect to any such Sub-Class and the distributions
rights of Investors (and the right of the Company to call for Capital Contributions) with respect of various Sub-Classes (in
respect of Class D Shares) can be readily identified at any time. If an Investor that is already an Excused Investor in respect
of a specific (portion of a) Relevant Investment, becomes an Excused Investor with respect to another (portion of a) a
Relevant Investment, then such Investor's Class D Shares in a Sub-Class will be converted into a further (numbered) Sub-
Class to which the terms of this article 8 apply with respect to each relevant (proportion of) Relevant Investments from
which such Investor must be excused.
9. Art. 8.1. Failure to comply with a drawdown notice.
9.1 If any Investor fails for whatever reason (including where such failure is due to such Investor's bankruptcy, insol-
vency, dissolution, liquidation or other similar event) to pay to the Company the amount which is the subject of a Drawdown
Notice on or before the relevant Drawdown Date and has not paid such amount (together with the additional amounts
specified in article 9.2) within ten (10) Business Days of the issue of a Default Notice from the Company (which notice
must be issued by the Company by no later than five (5) Business Days, after the relevant Drawdown Date) (the Default
Date), the Company will declare such Investor a Defaulting Investor with effect from the date of such declaration.
9.2 An Investor may remedy its default by paying the following amounts to the Company on or before the Default Date:
(a) the amount requested under the Drawdown Notice;
(b) interest on the amount outstanding under (a) at an annual rate set out in the Memorandum, calculated on a daily basis
from the payment date specified in the relevant Drawdown Notice up to the date of payment thereof;
(c) an amount sufficient to reimburse the External AIFM or, as the case may be, the Company with respect to any other
related Default Expenses (as detailed in the Memorandum).
9.3 If an Investor does not remedy its default in accordance with article 9.2 above by the Default Date, then all of the
Defaulting Investor's Shares have their voting rights suspended and the Defaulting Investor's Shares or Profit Shares do
not carry right to dividend or distribution (until payment is made, provided that any such remediation payment cannot be
made after the date on which the Company will have exercised one or more of the remedies set out below) and the Board,
acting in the best interest of the Company, will have the obligation to exercise one or more of the following remedies set
out under item (a), (c) or (d) within a maximum period of forty-five (45) calendar days as from the Default Date after
consultation with the Advisory Board, provided that the Board will exercise the remedies set out under item (c) and (d) in
priority to the other available remedies:
(a) proceed to a compulsory redemption by the Company of the Defaulting Investor's Ordinary Shares and Profit Shares
at the lesser of (i) 50% of the latest calculated Net Asset Value of the Shares and Profit Shares of the Defaulting Investor,
at the Default Date (or for no consideration if the NAV of the Shares and Profit Shares is equal to zero or negative) and
(ii) 50% of the aggregate unreturned Capital Contributions of the Defaulting Investor, in each case, less the Default Expenses
and accrued interests as set out in article 9.2(b) above (the Compulsory Redemption Price);
(b) require the Investors other than the Defaulting Investor (the Non-Defaulting Investors) to contribute additional
amounts to cover any defaulted amounts, provided that the total Commitment of the Non-Defaulting Investors shall not be
increased on account of such Default;
(c) exercise, on account of the Company, an option to buy the Shares and Profit Shares of the Defaulting Investor at a
price equal to the Compulsory Redemption Price, in which case, the Company will, after having acquired the Shares and
Profit Shares of the Defaulting Investor pursuant to the exercise of its option, offer the Shares and Profit Shares of the
Defaulting Investor to a third party (or parties) identified by the Company (which party or parties may include another
Investor or any Affiliate of the External AIFM, provided that a transfer to any Affiliate of the External AIFM requires the
prior consent of the Advisory Board) provided that before offering the Defaulting Investor's Shares and Profit Shares to
any third party, the Company will offer them to the non-Defaulting Investors, who will have a period of fifteen (15) Business
Days to accept the offer on a pro rata basis. Any non-Defaulting Investors expressing an interest in such a purchase will
be offered the Defaulting Investor's Shares and Profit Shares pro rata based on their existing Commitment, provided that
any Shares and Profit Shares of the Defaulting Investor not acquired by Investors at the end of that fifteen (15) Business
Day period will be then offered on a pro-rata basis to Investors having accepted to purchase Shares and Profit Shares of
the Defaulting Investor during such period during another period of ten (10) Business Days. Any Transfer of Shares and
Profit Shares pursuant to this article 9.3(b) will be subject to the terms and provision of article 10 below;
(d) transfer the Defaulting Investor's Undrawn Commitments to a third party (or parties) identified by the Company
(which party or parties may include another Investor or any Affiliate of the External AIFM, provided that a transfer to any
Affiliate of the External AIFM requires the prior consent of the Advisory Board) provided that before transferring the
Defaulting Investor's Undrawn Commitments to any third party, the Company shall propose the Non-Defaulting Investors
to take over such Undrawn Commitments on a pro rata basis, who shall have a period of fifteen (15) Business Days to
(e) cause the Company to pursue any available legal remedies against the Defaulting Investor to collect any and all of
the Commitments due from the Defaulting Investor and any other damages (including consequential damages);
(f) reduce or terminate the Defaulting Investor's Undrawn Commitment, (without prejudice to the Defaulting Investor's
obligation to pay the relevant amounts under this article 9 and the Memorandum).
9.4 In the event that the Company exercises its option to buy and the Company then transfers the Shares and Profit
Shares of a Defaulting Investor in accordance with article 9.3(c) above, any amounts which would, in the absence of such
default, have been for the account of the relevant Defaulting Investor, will be held by the Company for the benefit of any
Transferee of the Shares and Profit Shares of the Defaulting Investor (subject to the right of the Company to deduct therefrom
any Default Expenses) and upon the Transferee becoming an Investor such amounts will be paid over to the Transferee.
The proceeds of sale will, following receipt by the Company and subject to the deduction of such costs and expenses as
aforementioned and the accrued interests under article 9.2(b), be paid to the relevant Defaulting Investor if and at such time
as the non-Defaulting Investors will have received distributions equal to their respective unreturned Capital Contribution
plus the Preferred Return, otherwise, these proceeds will be included in the amounts to be distributed to non-Defaulting
9.5 With effect from the Default Date, the Shares and Profit Shares and Undrawn Commitment of the relevant Defaulting
Investor will be disregarded for all purposes in relation to these Articles or the Memorandum, including for the purpose of
the holding of any meeting or the exercise of any voting rights and/or distributions pursuant to these Articles or the Me-
morandum. Furthermore, other than as set out in article 9.3(b) of these Articles, the Company will not require the Investors
to make Capital Contributions for the purpose of exercising the remedies set out above.
9.6 For the avoidance of doubt, the Company and the External AIFM are authorised to defer any of its payment obligation
to a Defaulting Investor under article 9.3(a) or 9.3(c) until such time as the Company (or the External AIFM) has sufficient
cash to proceed with the payment (and, in particular, with respect to article
9.3(c) of the Articles, until such time as the Company or the External AIFM has received the purchase price for the
relevant Shares or Profit Shares).
9.7 Any exercise of any of the remedies set out above will not prejudice the right of the Company or the External AIFM
to pursue any other available legal remedies against any Defaulting Investor. The Company shall have the right to set-off
any of its obligation to pay any amount to the Defaulting Investor as a result of the exercise of any of its rights under article
8.1 against any obligation of the Defaulting Investor owed to the Company (and in particular, but without limitation, its
obligation to pay the amount set out under article 9.2).
10. Art. 10. Transfer restrictions. Transfer of Shares, Profit Shares and Undrawn Commitments of Investors
10.1 No sale, assignment, transfer, exchange, pledge, encumbrance or other disposition (Transfer) of all or any portion
of any Investor's Shares, Profit Shares or Undrawn Commitments, whether voluntary or involuntary will be valid or effective
if, in the reasonable opinion of the Board:
(a) the Transfer would result in a violation of any law or regulation of Luxembourg or any other jurisdiction or subject
the Company to any other adverse tax, legal or regulatory consequences as determined by the Company;
(b) the Transfer would result in a violation of any term or condition of these Articles or of the Memorandum;
(c) the Transfer would result in the Company being required to register as an investment company under the United
States Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended;
10.2 It will be a condition of any Transfer (whether permitted or required) that:
(a) such Transfer be approved by the Board, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld;
(b) the Transferee represents in a form acceptable to the Company that such Transferee is not a Restricted Person, and
that the proposed Transfer itself does not violate any laws or regulations (including, without limitation, any securities laws)
applicable to it/him/her;
(c) the Transferee is an eligible investor with respect to the particular Class of Shares or Profit Shares (or Undrawn
Commitment) to be transferred (being provided that Class C Shares can be transferred by Seed Investors to eligible third
parties that are not Seed Investors subject to the terms of this article 10);
(d) (in respect of the Transfer of Undrawn Commitment) the Transferee enters into a Subscription Agreement in respect
of the relevant Undrawn Commitment so transferred;
(e) (unless otherwise agreed with the Company) the Transferring Investor, at the same time as the Transfer of Shares,
procures the Transfer to the Transferee of all or the relevant pro-rata portion of its Undrawn Commitment or remaining
commitment to provide funds to the Company against the issue of Shares or Profit Shares or otherwise, as the case may
(f) the Transferee is a Qualified Investor.
10.3 If an Investor wishing to Transfer all or part of its Shares, Profit Shares or Undrawn Commitments (a Transferring
Investor) finds a third party purchaser (the Transferee), it will apply to the Board for its consent to the Transfer and will
furnish such information in relation to the proposed Transfer and the proposed Transferee as may be required by the Board.
In the event that a request for a Transfer is approved, the Transferring Investor and Transferee will, among other possible
requirements, be required to represent to the Company, in a form acceptable to the Board, that the proposed Transfer does
not violate any laws or regulations (including any securities laws) applicable to it nor be a Transfer of a type that would
be prohibited under this article 10.
Transferee's obligations
10.4 In accordance with articles 10.2(c) and 10.2(e) above, unless otherwise agreed with the Company, any Transferee
will be bound by all the provisions of the Memorandum and these Articles and, as a condition of giving its consent to any
Transfer to be made in accordance with the provisions of this article 10, the Board may require the proposed Transferee to
acknowledge its assumption (in whole or in part) of the obligations of the Transferring Investor by executing a form of
Subscription Agreement in a form satisfactory to the Board. Neither the Company nor the External AIFM will incur any
liability for allocations and distributions made in good faith to the Transferring Investor until the written instrument of
transfer has been received by the Company and recorded in its books and the effective date of the Transfer has passed.
Legal opinion
10.5 Prior to a proposed Transfer, the Company will be entitled to require a written opinion of responsible legal counsel
(at the expense of the Transferring Investor), satisfactory in form and substance to the Board on any relevant regulatory or
legal issue relating to the proposed Transfer, as well as such other matters as the Board may reasonably request.
Transfer costs
10.6 The Transferring Investor will be responsible for and pay all costs and expenses (including any taxation) arising
in connection with any such permitted Transfer, including reasonable legal fees arising in relation thereto incurred by the
Company, the External AIFM or its Affiliates and stamp duty or stamp duty reserve tax (if any) payable. The Transferring
Investor and the Transferee will indemnify the Indemnified Persons, in a manner satisfactory to the Board against any
Claims and Expenses to which the Indemnified Persons may become subject arising out of or based upon any false repre-
sentation or warranty made by, or breach or failure to comply with any covenant or agreement of, such transferor or
transferee in connection with such Transfer. In addition, each Investor agrees to indemnify the Company and each Indem-
nified Person from any Claims and Expenses resulting from any Transfer or attempted Transfer of its Shares, Profit Shares
and Undrawn Commitments in violation of the Memorandum, these Articles and the terms of the Subscription Agreement.
Class B Shares Transfer
10.7 Class B Shares cannot be transferred unless:
(a) further to such Transfer, they remain held directly or indirectly by one or more Eligible Class B Shareholders;
(b) all other conditions of a Transfer set out in this article 10 are met.
10.8 Any Transfer of Class B Shares among Eligible Class B Shareholders will be promptly notified to the Advisory
11. Art. 11. Redemption of shares - Conversion of shares. Redemption of Shares.
11.1 The Company is a closed-ended investment company. Investors are not entitled to request redemption of their
Shares or Profit Shares.
11.2 Shares and Profit Shares may be redeemed at the initiative of the Company in accordance with, and in the cir-
cumstances set out under below. The Company may in particular decide to:
(a) Redeem Shares and Profit Shares of any Class (and Sub-Class) at the option of the Board on a pro rata basis among
existing Investors of the relevant Class or Sub-Class in relation to which the distribution is being made (adjusted as the
case may be in respect of each Class of Shares and Profit Shares and in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum
and these Articles) to proceed with distributions (including of re-investment cash) and in accordance with the provisions
of these Articles and the relevant Subscription Agreements, subject to compliance with the distribution scheme set out in
article 28 and in the Memorandum;
(b) compulsory redeem Shares and Profit Shareholders:
(i) held by a Restricted Person as defined in, and in accordance with the provisions of, article 12 below;
(ii) in case of admission of new Investors in order to equalise previous investors and late investors (e.g., in case of
admission of subsequent investors) if so provided for in, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of, the Memo-
(iii) held by an Investor who fails to make, within a specified period of time determined by the Company, any required
Capital Contributions or certain other payments to the Company (including the payment of any interest amount or charge
due in case of default), in accordance with the terms of its/his/her Subscription Agreement;
(iv) in all other circumstances, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Subscription Agreement, the
Memorandum and these Articles.
Conversion of Shares
11.3 Shareholders are not allowed to convert all, or part, of the Shares or Profit Shares of a given Class into Shares or
Profit Shares of another same Class. Certain Classes will be automatically converted into Shares or Profit Shares of the
same or another Class in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum.
12. Art. 12. Restriction on ownership of shares.
12.1 The Company may restrict or prevent the ownership of Shares, Profit Shares or (Undrawn) Commitment by any
Person if the Board, in its absolute discretion, determines that such:
(a) ownership may be detrimental to the Company;
(b) ownership may result (either individually or in conjunction with other Investors in the same circumstances) in:
(i) the Company incurring any liability for any taxation whenever created or imposed and whether in Luxembourg, or
elsewhere or suffering pecuniary disadvantages which the same might not otherwise incur or suffer; or
(ii) the Company being required to register its Shares under the laws of any jurisdiction other than Luxembourg; or
(iii) a breach of any law or regulation applicable to that Person, the Company or the External AIFM, whether Luxembourg
Law or other law (including anti-money laundering and fight against terrorism financing laws and regulations); and
(c) Person does not comply with any request for information pursuant to FATCA in accordance with the terms of the
Memorandum, the Articles, the Subscription Agreement, the Services Agreements and any other relevant document.
(d) Person is not a Qualified Investor;
(any such Person being as Restricted Person and, for the avoidance of doubt, a Person that is not a Well-Informed Investor
will automatically be considered a Restricted Person).
12.2 The Company may:
(a) decline to issue any Shares or Profit Shares and decline to register any Transfer of Shares/(Undrawn) Commitment
where such issuance, registration, Transfer or assignment would result in legal or beneficial ownership of such Shares/
(Undrawn) Commitment by a Restricted Person; and
(b) at any time require any Person whose name is entered in the register of Shareholders, of Profit Shareholders or of
(Undrawn) Commitments or who seeks to register a Transfer in the register of Shareholders, of Profit Shareholders or of
(Undrawn) Commitments to deliver to the Company any information, supported by affidavit, which it may consider ne-
cessary for the purpose of determining whether or not beneficial ownership of such Investor's Shares or Profit Shareholders /
(Undrawn) Commitment rests with a Restricted Person, or whether such registration will result in beneficial ownership of
such Shares, or Profit Shareholders /(Undrawn) Commitment by a Restricted Person.
12.3 If it appears that an Investor is a Restricted Person, the Company will be entitled to, in its absolute discretion:
(a) decline to accept the vote of the Restricted Person at the General Meeting and disregard its vote on any matter
requiring the Investors' vote in accordance with the Memorandum and these Articles; and/or
(b) retain all dividends paid or to be paid or other sums distributed or to be distributed with regard to the Shares or Profit
Shareholders held by the Restricted Person; and/or
(c) instruct the Restricted Person to sell his/her/its Shares or Profit Shareholders and to demonstrate to the Company
that this sale was made within ten (10) Business Days of the sending of the relevant notice, subject each time to the applicable
restrictions on Transfer as set out in article 10; and/or
(d) reduce or terminate the Restricted Person's Undrawn Commitment; and/or
(e) compulsorily redeem all Shares or Profit Shares held by the Restricted Person at a price equal to the Compulsory
Redemption Price; such price to be diminished by such costs incurred by the Company, the External AIFM and any Service
Provider as a result of the holding of Shares or Profit Shares by the Restricted Person (including all costs linked to the
compulsory redemption); and/or
(f) remove any representative of the Restricted Person from any Advisory Board or such other committee or board on
which that Restricted Person is represented.
12.4 For the avoidance of doubt, the Company will not require Investors to make Capital Contributions for the purpose
of exercising the remedies set out above and the Company and the Company and the External AIFM are authorised to defer
any of its payment obligation to a Restricted Person under article 12.3(e) until (a) such time as the Company (or the External
AIFM) has sufficient cash or (b) at the Company and the External AIFM's discretion up until the liquidation of the Company,
to proceed with the payment.
13. Art. 13. Calculation of net asset value.
13.1 The Company, each Class, each Sub-Class and each Share or Profit Share have a Net Asset Value determined in
accordance with Luxembourg Law. The reference currency of the Company is the Euro (the Reference Currency).
Calculation of the NAV
13.2 The Net Asset Value of each Class, each Sub-Class and each Share or Profit Share will be calculated in the Reference
Currency of the relevant Class in good faith in Luxembourg on each Valuation Date.
13.3 The Administrative Agent of the Company will under the guidance and supervision of the External AIFM compute
the NAV per Class and Sub-Class as follows: each Class and Sub-Class participates in the Company according to the
portfolio and distribution entitlements (as these entitlements are described in article 28 and set out in the Memorandum)
attributable to each such Class and Sub-Class. The value of the total portfolio and distribution entitlements attributed to a
particular Class on a given Valuation Date adjusted with the liabilities relating to that Class and Sub-Class on that Valuation
Date represents the total Net Asset Value attributable to that Class and Sub-Class on that Valuation Date. The assets of
each Class and Sub-Class will be commonly invested but subject to different fee structures, distribution, marketing targets,
currency or other specific features as it is stipulated in article 5.4 of these Articles and in the Memorandum. A separate Net
Asset Value per Share, which may differ as consequence of these variable factors, will be calculated for each Class and
Sub-Class as follows: the Net Asset Value of that Class and Sub-Class on that Valuation Date divided by the total number
of Shares or Profit Shares of that Class and Sub-Class then outstanding on that Valuation Date.
13.4 The total net assets of the Company will result from the difference between the gross assets and the liabilities of
the Company, provided that the set up costs for the Company will be amortised over a period of five (5) years rather than
expensed in full when they are incurred.
13.5 The value of the assets of the Company will be determined in accordance with article 17 of the 2013 Act as follows:
(a) investments in private equity securities will be valued at their fair value in accordance with the IPEV Valuation
Guidelines. If Invest Europe does not approve or endorse the IPEV Valuation Guidelines, then the Company will use the
valuation guidelines issued or endorsed by Invest Europe as amended from time to time;
(b) any Liquid Investment will be valued at their face value or their fair value as determined in good faith by the External
Valuer in accordance with Luxembourg Law;
(c) if the price as determined above is not representative, and in respect of any assets which are not referred to above,
the value of such assets will be determined by the Administrative Agent under the supervision of the External Valuer and
the External AIFM in good faith in accordance with Luxembourg Law.
13.6 When calculating the Net Asset Value of each Class and Sub-Class, the Administrative Agent may rely without
need for independent verification on the valuation of the assets provided by the External Valuer.
13.7 The value of all assets and liabilities not expressed in the currency of denomination of the relevant Shares or Profit
Shares will be converted into such currency at the relevant rates of exchange ruling in Luxembourg on the relevant Valuation
Date. If such quotations are not available, the rate of exchange will be determined with prudence and in good faith by or
under procedures established by the External AIFM and the External Valuer.
13.8 The liabilities of the Company will be deemed to include:
(a) all borrowings, bills and other amounts due;
(b) all administrative expenses due or accrued including but not limited to the costs of its constitution and registration
with regulatory authorities, as well as legal, audit, management, custodial, paying agency and corporate and central admi-
nistration agency fees and expenses, the costs of legal publications, prospectuses, financial reports and other documents
made available to Shareholders, translation expenses and generally any other expenses arising from the administration of
the Company, unless otherwise provided in the Memorandum;
(c) all known liabilities, due or not yet due including all matured contractual obligations for payments of money or
property, including the amount of all dividends declared by the Company for which no coupons have been presented and
which therefore remain unpaid until the day these dividends revert to the Company by prescription;
(d) any appropriate amount set aside for taxes due on the Valuation Date and any other provisions of Reserves (as defined
in the Memorandum) authorised and approved by the Company; and
(e) any other liabilities of the Company of whatever kind and nature towards third parties reflected in accordance with
Luxembourg Law.
13.9 In determining the amount of such liabilities the Company will take into account all expenses payable by the
Company and may accrue administrative and other expenses of a regular or recurring nature based on an estimated amount
rateably for yearly or other periods. In addition, the Company may accrue in its account as Reserves (as defined in the
Memorandum) any amounts which, in the Board's absolute discretion, should be retained for the purposes of a reserve for
expenses or other purposes in connection with Investments or matters in respect of which the Company is committed to
investment including an appropriate provision for current taxes payable in the future based on the capital and income, as
determined from time to time by the Board, as well as such amount (if any) as the Board may consider to be an appropriate
allowance in respect of any risks or liabilities of the Company (i.e., liabilities for past events which are definite as to their
nature and are certain or probable to occur and can be measured with reasonable accuracy, which might arise during the
life of the Company and may include potential liabilities arising from any disputes (such as with a buyer or a tax authority)
or as a result of any warranty or other similar arrangement arising as a result of a disposal of an Investment).
13.10 The assets and liabilities will be allocated as follows:
(a) the proceeds to be received from the issue of Shares of any Class or Profit Shares will be applied in the books of the
Company to that Class and Sub-Class and will increase the proportion of the net assets attributable to that Class;
(b) where any asset is derived from another asset, such asset will be attributable in the books of the Company to the
same Class or Classes, or Sub-Class or Sub-Classes as the assets from which it is derived and on each revaluation of such
asset, the increase or decrease in value will be applied to the relevant Class or Classes, or Sub-Class or Sub-Classes;
(c) where the Company incurs a liability in relation to any asset of a particular Class and Sub-Class or in relation to any
action taken in connection with an asset of a particular Class and Sub-Class, such liability will be allocated to the relevant
Class or Classes, or Sub-Class or Sub-Classes;
(d) in the case where any asset or liability of the Company cannot be considered as being attributable to a particular
Class, such asset or liability will be allocated to all the Classes or Sub-Classes pro rata to their respective net asset values
or in such other manner as determined by the Company acting in good faith, provided that such right will vary in accordance
with the contributions and withdrawals made for the account of the Class and Sub-Class , as described in the Memorandum;
(e) upon the payment of distributions to the Shareholders of any Class and Sub-Class, the net asset value of such Class
and Sub-Class will be reduced by the amount of such distributions.
13.11 General rules:
(a) all valuation regulations and determinations will be interpreted and made in accordance with Luxembourg Law;
(b) the latest Net Asset Value will be made available to Investors at the registered office of the Company and the
Administrative Agent as soon as it is finalised. The Administrative Agent, the External AIFM and the External Valuer will
use their best efforts to compute and finalise the Net Asset Value within one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days as
from the relevant Valuation Date;
(c) for the avoidance of doubt, the provisions of this article 13 are rules for determining the NAV per Share and are not
intended to affect the treatment for accounting or legal purposes of the assets and liabilities of the Company or any Shares
or Profit Shares issued by the Company, including the contents of the annual report and the Company's annual accounts.
Undrawn Commitment will not be considered as assets of the Company for the purpose of the calculation of the Net Asset
14. Art. 14. Temporary suspension of calculation of the NAV. Suspension events
14.1 The Company may at any time and from time to time suspend the determination of the Net Asset Value of Shares
and Profit Shares of any Class in the following circumstances:
(a) where there is an emergency situation following which it is impossible for the Company to dispose of or value a
substantial part of its assets; or
(b) where the means of communication usually used to determine the price or value of the investments or the stock or
other market price are out of service; or
(c) upon the publication of a notice convening a General Meeting for the purpose of winding-up the Company;
(d) when the suspension is required by law or legal process.
Notification and effects of suspension
14.2 Any such suspension will be notified by the Company in such manner as it may deem appropriate to the Shareholders
and Profit Shareholders and other Persons likely to be affected thereby.
15. Art. 15. Management.
15.1 The Company will be managed by a Board of at least 3 (three) directors and maximum 5 (five) directors (the
Directors). The Directors, either Shareholders or not, are appointed for a term which may not exceed 6 (six) years, by a
General Meeting. The Directors may be dismissed at any time and at the sole discretion of a General Meeting,
15.2 The Board will be elected by the Shareholders at the General Meeting at which the number of Directors, their
remuneration and term of office will also be determined.
15.3 Directors will be elected by a majority vote of the Shares present or represented at the relevant General Meeting.
However, Class D Shareholders may, unanimously, reject the appointment of one or more candidates proposed on the list
of candidates, when, in the reasonable opinion of the Class D Shareholders, the candidate director's independence vis-à-
vis the Investors (other than the Related Persons) is not guaranteed.
15.4 Directors may be removed with or without cause or replaced at any time by a resolution adopted by and in the
discretion of the General Meeting, provided that the appointment, and replacement, of any Director is subject to the veto
right of Class D Shareholders as set out in article 15.2 above.
15.5 When a legal entity is appointed as a director of the Company (the Legal Entity), the Legal Entity must designate
a permanent representative in order to accomplish this task in its name and on its behalf (the Representative). The Repre-
sentative is subject to the same conditions and obligations, and incurs the same liability as if he was performing this task
for his own account and on his own behalf, without prejudice to the joint liability of him and the Legal Entity. The Legal
Entity cannot revoke the Representative unless it simultaneously appoints a new permanent representative.
15.6 The Board will appoint a chairperson (the Chairperson). The Chairperson will have a casting vote in case of a tied
15.7 In the event of a vacancy in the office of a Director, the remaining Directors are not empowered to fill in such
vacancy. The remaining Directors will convene without delay a General Meeting to nominate a person to fill in the vacancy
in the office subject to the veto right of Class D Shareholders as set out in article 15.2.
16. Art. 16. Meetings of the board.
16.1 The Board will appoint a Chairperson among the directors and may choose a secretary, who need not be a Director,
and who will be responsible for keeping the minutes of the meetings of the Board. The Chairperson will preside at all
meetings of the Board. In his/her absence, the other Directors will appoint another chairperson pro tempore who will preside
at the relevant meeting by simple majority vote of the Directors present or represented at such meeting.
16.2 The Board will meet upon call by the Chairperson or any two (2) Directors at the place indicated in the notice of
16.3 Written notice of any meeting of the Board will be given to all the Directors at least twenty-four (24) hours in
advance of the date set for such meeting, except in circumstances of emergency, in which case the nature of such circums-
tances will be set forth briefly in the convening notice of the meeting of the Board.
16.4 No such written notice is required if all the members of the Board are present or represented during the meeting
and if they state to have been duly informed, and to have had full knowledge of the agenda of the meeting. The written
notice may be waived by the consent in writing, whether in original, by telefax, or e-mail to which an electronic signature
(which is valid under Luxembourg Law) is affixed, of each member of the Board. Separate written notice will not be
required for meetings that are held at times and places determined in a schedule previously adopted by resolution of the
16.5 Any Director may act at any meeting of the Board by appointing in writing, whether in original, by telefax, or e-
mail to which an electronic signature (which is valid under Luxembourg Law) is affixed, another Director as his/her/its
16.6 The Board can validly debate and take decisions only if at least the majority of its members is present or represented.
A Director may represent more than one of his or her colleagues, under the condition however that at least two (2) Directors
are present at the meeting or participate at such meeting by way of any means of communication that are permitted under
these Articles and by the Company Act. Decisions are taken by the majority of the members present or represented.
16.7 Any Director may participate in a meeting of the Board by conference call, video conference or similar means of
communications equipment whereby (i) the Directors attending the meeting can be identified, (ii) all persons participating
in the meeting can hear and speak to each other, (iii) the transmission of the meeting is performed on an on-going basis
and (iv) the Directors can properly deliberate, and participating in a meeting by such means will constitute presence in
person at such meeting. A meeting of the Board held by such means of communication will be deemed to be held in
16.8 Notwithstanding the foregoing, a resolution of the Board may also be passed in writing. Such resolution will consist
of one or several documents containing the resolutions and signed, manually or electronically by means of an electronic
signature which is valid under Luxembourg Law, by each Director. The date of such resolution will be the date of the last
17. Art. 17. Minutes of meetings of the board.
17.1 The minutes of any meeting of the Board will be signed by the Chairperson or a Director who presided at such
17.2 Copies or extracts of such minutes which may be produced in judicial proceedings or otherwise will be signed by
the Chairperson or any two (2) Directors.
17.3 Votes may also be cast by fax, e-mail, or telephone provided that, in the case of a vote cast by telephone, such vote
is confirmed in writing.
18. Art. 18. Powers of the board.
18.1 The Board is vested with the broadest powers to perform or cause to be performed all acts of disposition and
administration in the Company's interest and in compliance with the Investment Policy as set out in article 21 below.
18.2 All powers not expressly reserved by the Companies Act or by these Articles to the General Meeting fall within
the competence of the Board.
19. Art. 19. Delegation of powers.
19.1 The Board may appoint a person (délégué à la gestion journalière), either a Shareholder or not, or a member of the
Board or not, who will have full authority to act on behalf of the Company in all matters concerned with the daily mana-
gement and affairs of the Company.
19.2 The Board may appoint a person, either a Shareholder or not, either a Director or not, as permanent representative
for any entity in which the Company is appointed as member of the governing body. This permanent representative will
act with all discretion, but in the name and on behalf of the Company, and may bind the Company in its capacity as member
of the governing board of any such entity.
19.3 The Board is also authorised to appoint a person, either Director or not, for the purposes of performing specific
functions at every level within the Company.
19.4 Furthermore, the Board may establish committees or advisory boards (as further described in article 22 and in the
20. Art. 20. Binding signatures.
20.1 The Company will be bound towards third parties in all matters by the joint signatures of any two (2) Directors.
20.2 The Company will further be bound by the joint signatures of any persons or the sole signature of the person to
whom specific signatory power has been granted by the Board, but only within the limits of such power.
21. Art. 21. Investment policy and restrictions.
21.1 The Board, based upon the principle of risk spreading, has the power to determine the investment policy of the
Company and the course of conduct of the management and business affairs of the Company, all within the investment
powers and restrictions as will be set out by the Board in the Memorandum, in compliance with applicable laws and
21.2 The Board will also have power to determine any restrictions which will from time to time be applicable to the
investment of the Company's assets, in accordance with the 2004 Act and Circular 06/241 including, without limitation,
restrictions in respect of:
(a) the borrowings of the Company thereof and the pledging of its assets; and
(b) the maximum percentage of the Company's assets which it may invest in any single underlying asset and the maximum
percentage of any type of Investment which it may acquire.
22. Art. 22. Committees established by the company or the external AIFM.
22.1 The Company may establish committees and delegate to such committees such authority to act on behalf of the
Company in all matters concerned with the management and affairs of the Company or to act in a purely advisory capacity
to the Company. It is expected that the Company will establish an Investment Committee and an Advisory Board with such
composition, functions, duties and features as set out in the Memorandum. The creation of any further committee by the
Company will be subject to an amendment to the Memorandum in accordance with the rules applicable to amendments to
the Memorandum.
22.2 The rules concerning the composition, functions, duties, remuneration of these committees will be as set out in the
23. Art. 23. Liability and indemnification. Liability of Indemnified Persons
23.1 None of the Indemnified Persons will have any liability for any Claims and Expenses of the Company or any
Investor arising in connection with the services to be performed hereunder or pursuant hereto, or under or pursuant to any
management agreement or other Service Agreement relating to the Company or in respect of services as a Director or
member of the Investment Committee or Advisory Board or which otherwise arises in relation to the operation, business
or activities of the Company save in respect of any matter resulting from such Indemnified Person's fraud, wilful misconduct,
bad faith or reckless disregard for their obligations and duties in relation to the Company or their gross negligence or, in
respect of the relevant Person, any Cause Event, provided that members of the Advisory Board will only have liability for
any Claims and Expenses arising out of their gross negligence or wilful misconduct.
Indemnification of Indemnified Persons
23.2 The Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless out of the Company's assets the Indemnified Persons against
any and all Claims and Expenses incurred or threatened arising out of or in connection with or relating to or resulting from
the Indemnified Person being or having acted as a Directors in respect of the Company or arising in respect of or in
connection with any matter or other circumstance relating to or resulting from the exercise of its powers as a Director or
from the provision of services to or in respect of the Company or under or pursuant to any management agreement or other
Service Agreement relating to the Company or in respect of services as a member of the Investment Committee or Advisory
Board or which otherwise arise in relation to the operation, business or activities of the Company provided however that
an Indemnified Person will not be so indemnified with respect to any matter resulting from their fraud, wilful misconduct,
bad faith or reckless disregard for their obligations and duties in relation to the Company or their gross negligence or, in
respect of the relevant Person, any Cause Event, provided that members of the Advisory Board will only have liability for
any Claims and Expenses arising out of their gross negligence or wilful misconduct. For the avoidance of doubt, and
notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Articles and the Memorandum, no indemnification will be payable by
the Company in respect of claim, liability, damage, costs or expenses that are the result of a dispute between any of the
Indemnified Persons.
23.3 Indemnity amounts payable under article 23.2 above to Indemnified Persons out of the assets of the Company will:
(a) in no case exceed 20% of the Aggregate Commitment; and
(b) where a portion of Aggregate Commitment has already been drawn-down, in no case indemnity amounts will exceed
Aggregate Undrawn Commitments plus any amounts that will be realised from the Company's portfolio, up to an amount
not exceeding 20% of the Aggregate Commitment; and
(c) only be paid out of distributable amounts/proceeds.
23.4 This article 23 should not be construed as indemnifying, or attempting to indemnify, any Indemnified Person against
any liability to the extent that indemnifying the Indemnified Person would be in violation of applicable law.
23.5 The provisions of this article 23 will continue to afford protection to each Indemnified Person regardless of whether
such Indemnified Person remains in the position or capacity pursuant to which such Indemnified Person became entitled
to indemnification under this article 23 and regardless of any subsequent amendment to the Memorandum or these Articles,
and no amendment to the Memorandum or these Articles will reduce or restrict the extent to which these indemnification
provisions apply to actions taken or omissions made prior to the date of such amendment.
23.6 The right of any Indemnified Person to the indemnification provided herein will be cumulative with, and in addition
to, any and all rights to which such Indemnified Person may otherwise be entitled by contract or as a matter of law or equity
and will extend to such Indemnified Person's successors, assignees, heirs and legal representatives, provided that whenever
an Indemnified Person benefits from an insurance cover or has any recovery rights against any third party in respect of the
relevant Claims and Expenses, it will use its best efforts to first seek recovery from such insurance cover or indemnification
from the relevant third party before seeking indemnification from the Company and any amount so recovered shall be
deducted from any amount payable to such Indemnified Person by the Company pursuant to this article 23.
24. Art. 24. Meetings of shareholders.
24.1 The annual General Meeting will be held, in accordance with Luxembourg Law, in Luxembourg at the address of
the registered office of the Company or at such other place in the municipality of the registered office as may be specified
in the convening notice of the meeting on the thirtieth day in June of each year at 10am (Luxembourg time). If such day is
not a Business Day, the annual General Meeting will be held on the previous Business Day.
24.2 The annual General Meeting may be held abroad if, in the absolute and final judgment of the Company exceptional
circumstances so require.
24.3 Other meetings of Shareholders may be held at such place and time as may be specified in the respective convening
notices of the meeting.
24.4 Any regularly constituted meeting of Shareholders of the Company will represent the entire body of Shareholders
of the Company.
25. Art. 25. Notice, Quorum, Convening notices, Powers of attorney and vote.
25.1 Notices for each General Meeting will be sent to the Shareholders and Profit Shareholders by post at least fifteen
(15) Business Days prior to the relevant General Meeting at their addresses set out in the register of Shareholders or Profit
Shareholders. Such notices will include the agenda and specify the time and place of the meeting and the conditions of
admission and will refer to the requirements of Luxembourg Law with regard to the necessary quorum and majorities
required for the meeting. If all Investors meet and declare having had notice of the General Meeting or waiving the notice,
the General Meeting may be validly held despite the accomplishment of the afore set formalities. The requirements as to
attendance, quorum and majorities at all General Meetings are those set in the Companies Act, the Memorandum and these
Articles. The General Meeting will only vote on such matters as are set out in the agenda of the relevant meeting, unless
all Investors having a right to vote in the General Meeting agree to deliberate on an additional point (that is not on the
agenda of the relevant meeting).
25.2 The Board or, if exceptional circumstances require so, any two (2) Directors acting jointly may convene a General
Meeting. They will be obliged to convene it so that it is held within a period of one (1) month, if Shareholders representing
one-tenth of the capital require it in writing, with an indication of the agenda. One or more Shareholders representing at
least one tenth of the subscribed capital may require the entry of one or more items on the agenda of any General Meeting.
This request must be addressed to the Company at least 5 (five) days before the relevant General Meeting.
25.3 All the Shares of the Company being in registered form, the convening notices will be made by registered letters
25.4 Each Share is entitled to one vote, subject to the provisions of these Articles and the Memorandum.
25.5 Except as otherwise required by the Companies Act or as otherwise provided in these Articles, resolutions at a duly
convened General Meeting will be passed (i) where Shareholders representing at least half of the issued capital are present
or represented and (ii) by a simple majority of those present or represented and voting. To the extent permitted by law, the
convening notice to a General Meeting may provide that the quorum and majority requirements will be assessed against
the number of Shares issued and outstanding at midnight (Luxembourg time) on the fifth day prior to the relevant meeting
(the Record Date) in which case, the right of any Shareholder to participate in the meeting will be determined by reference
to his/her/its holding as at the Record Date
25.6 However, resolutions to alter these Articles may only be adopted in a General Meeting by a Shareholders Super-
majority Resolution.
25.7 The nationality of the Company may be changed and the commitments of its Shareholders may be increased only
with the unanimous consent of the Shareholders.
25.8 A Shareholder may act at any General Meeting by appointing another person (who need not be a Shareholder) as
its proxy in writing whether in original, by telefax, or e-mail to which an electronic signature (which is valid under Lu-
xembourg Law) is affixed.
25.9 The Shareholders may vote in writing (by way of a voting bulletins) on resolutions submitted to the General Meeting
provided that the written voting bulletins include (i) the name, first name, address and the signature of the relevant share-
holder, (ii) the agenda as set out in the convening notice and (iii) the voting instructions (approval, refusal, abstention) for
each point of the agenda.
25.10 Profit Shareholders will be convened and can attend General Meetings but will not have any right to vote with
respect to their Profit Shares.
25.11 The Board may determine any other conditions that must be fulfilled by Shareholders for them to take part in any
meeting of Shareholders.
25.12 Any decision to give up the SICAR status is subject to a unanimous resolution of the Investors and the prior
approval of the CSSF.
26. Art. 26. Auditors.
26.1 The accounting information contained in the Annual Report of the Company will be examined by an auditor
(réviseur d'entreprises agréé) appointed by the General Meeting and remunerated by the Company.
26.2 The auditor will fulfil all duties prescribed by the 2004 Act.
27. Art. 27. Fiscal year - Accounts.
27.1 The Fiscal Year will begin on 1 January and terminate on 31 December of each year.
27.2 The accounts of the Company will be expressed in EUR.
28. Art. 28. Application of income and capital proceeds. Distributions
28.1 Subject to the remaining provisions of this article 28 and the terms of the Memorandum, all Net Distributable Cash
will be used first to pay the Expenses and will thereafter be distributed to Investors as soon as reasonably possible in the
reasonable discretion of the Board after the relevant amount becomes available for distribution, unless the Board considers
the amount to be de minimis. The Board in its absolute discretion may make more frequent distributions of Net Distributable
28.2 Net Distributable Cash will be apportioned among the various Classes and Sub-Classes (of Shares and Profit Shares)
pursuant to the rights to distribution in respect of each relevant Investment and net of such Expenses allocated to each Class
and Sub-Class in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum and adjusted Defaulting Investors' reduced or annulled
distribution rights as per article 8.1 of these Articles, and for Excused Investors reduced or annulled distribution rights
within the relevant Sub-Class with respect to Relevant Investments pursuant to article 8, such that each Class and Sub-
Class will be allocated its proportion of Net Distributable Cash relating to the relevant Investment which will be available
for distribution to the holders of Shares or Profit Shares of that relevant Class and Sub-Class on a pro rata basis among the
Investors in the same Class and Sub-Class (such amount of Net Distributable Cash allocated to each Class of Shares and
Sub-Class of Class D Shares or Profit Shares being, in respect of each Class, the Class Quota Investment Proceeds).
28.3 Within each Class and Sub-Class, the amount of the Class Quota Investment Proceeds in respect of an Investment
will be distributed in the following order:
(a) First, 100% to the holders of the relevant Class (or Sub-Class) prorata until such Investors have received cumulative
distributions pursuant to this item
(a) equal to their aggregate Capital Contributions;
(b) Second, 100% to the holders of the relevant Class (or Sub-Class) pro-rata until such Investors have received cumu-
lative distributions equal to such percentage as set out in the Memorandum per annum compound interest calculated annually
(the Preferred Return) on the Capital Contributions at any time outstanding, from the date of payment of the same up to
the date of reimbursement upon distributions;
(c) Third, 100% to the Class B Shareholders pro rata until they have received cumulative distributions equal to such
percentage as set out in the Memorandum of the amount of distributions pursuant to item (b) above;
(d) Fourth, thereafter, (i) such percentage as set out in the Memorandum to the Class B Shareholders pro-rata and (ii)
such percentage as set out in the Memorandum to the holders of the relevant Class (or Sub-Class) pro-rata (the amounts
distributed to Class B Shareholders under this item (d) and item (c) above is the Carried Interest).
28.4 For the avoidance of doubt, Defaulting Investors are excluded for the purpose of calculating the allocation of the
proceeds attributable to Investments.
Vesting of the Carried Interest in respect of Class B Shares
28.5 Rights of the holders of the Class B Shares to the Carried Interest will be vested over time in accordance with the
provisions of these Articles and the Memorandum.
Limitations on Distributions
28.6 The Company will not be required to make any distribution:
(a) unless there is sufficient cash available;
(b) which, in the reasonable opinion of the Board, would or might leave the Company with a subscribed share capital
of less than EUR1,000,000;
(c) which relates to re-investment cash is retained within the Company pursuant to the terms of the Memorandum;
(d) which would render the Company insolvent; or
(e) which, in the opinion of the Board, would or might leave the Company with insufficient funds or profits to meet any
present or future contemplated obligations, liabilities or contingencies (including the Management Fee).
Re-investments -Re-callable Distributions
28.7 The Company may reinvest Net Distributable Cash and re-call distributions of Net Distributable Cash pursuant to
the terms of the Memorandum.
Distribution in kind
28.8 Until the termination of the Company, no distribution in kind of assets will be made. In the context of the liquidation
of the Company, assets may be distributed in kind to the Investors, subject to the following provisions:
(a) If any security is to be distributed in kind to the Investors, (i) such security first shall be written up or down to its
value (as determined pursuant to the Memorandum hereof) as of the date of such distribution (or, in the case of securities
which are listed or quoted on a regulated market, multilateral trading facility or other stock exchange, to be calculated at
the average of their last trade price of each trading day during the ten (10) calendar days trading period ending immediately
prior to the time of determination and the ten (10) calendar day trading period immediately following the time of deter-
mination), (ii) any investment gain or investment loss resulting from the application of item (i) shall be allocated to the
relevant (Sub-)Classes of Shares or Profit Shares in accordance with the terms of the Memorandum (iii) such security shall
be deemed to have been sold at the value determined pursuant to item (i) and the proceeds of such sale distributed pursuant
to this article 28 and (iv) the value of such security shall be deemed to have been distributed pursuant to this article 28 to
the relevant Investors.
(b) In connection with any distribution of securities in kind, the Liquidator(s) shall offer to each Investor the right to
receive, at such Investor's election, all or any portion of such distribution in the form of the net proceeds actually received
by the Company, on behalf of such Investor, from disposing of the securities that otherwise would have been distributed
to such Investor in kind; provided that in the event the Company disposes of securities on behalf of an Investor, neither the
Company nor the External AIFM, nor the Liquidator(s) shall, notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,
have any liability whatsoever to such Investor or the Company with respect to such disposition (including with respect to
the timing of such disposition) other than for actual fraud, gross negligence or wilful misconduct. Notwithstanding any
provision contained in the Memorandum, these Articles or any Subscription Agreement to the contrary, any such securities
will be deemed to have been distributed in kind to the relevant Investor(s) for all purposes under the Memorandum at such
time at which other Investors will have received the distribution in kind pursuant to article 28.8(a) and at such value as
determined pursuant to article 28.8(a) (and any securities retained under this article 28.8(b) will cease to be accounted
within the NAV of the Company or taken into account for any purposes hereunder). An Investor electing to receive cash
proceeds under this article 28.8(b) will therefore bear any (i) expenses (including commissions and underwriting costs) of
such disposition and (ii) gain or loss recognised upon the disposition of such securities (including any increase or decrease
in the value of such securities from the value of such securities had no election to receive proceeds of a disposition of such
securities been made and such securities been distributed to all Investors in accordance with article 28.8(a)).
(c) Except as set forth in article 28.8(b), to the extent feasible, each distribution of securities by the Company shall be
apportioned among the Classes (or Sub-Class) and Investors in each such Classes (and Sub-Class) in proportion to their
respective interests in the proposed distribution, except to the extent a disproportionate distribution of such securities is
necessary to avoid distributing fractional shares.
(d) The Liquidator(s) shall provide such prior written notice as set out in the Memorandum to the Investors of any
proposed distribution of securities, which notice shall contain the proposed distribution date, a description of the securities
proposed to be distributed (including any voting rights), the quantity of securities proposed to be distributed and, if appli-
cable, the equity capitalisation of the Portfolio Company or subsidiary thereof whose securities are proposed to be
distributed; provided that the Liquidator(s) shall not be required to provide the identity of the Person whose securities are
proposed to be distributed in such notice if such disclosure is prohibited or if the Liquidator(s) determines that such dis-
closure might diminish the value of or otherwise jeopardise the Company's investment in such Person. An Investor willing
to elect to have all or any portion of such distribution in the form of the net proceeds actually received by the Company,
on behalf of such Investor, pursuant to article 28.8(b) must sent a notice to that effect prior to the proposed distribution
date (the securities subject to the arrangement described in article 28.8(b) being the Managed Securities). Such Managed
Securities shall, at the Liquidator(s)'s election, either be retained by the Company in a segregated account or placed into
an escrow or other account under the direction and control of the Company at such Investor's expense and will cease to be
accounted within the NAV of the Company or taken into account for any purposes hereunder. All future cash proceeds
(including cash dividends) with respect to such Managed Securities will be distributed to such Investor when and as received
by the Company net of any out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the Company in connection with such Managed Securities
(including commissions, underwriter discounts, escrow fees, costs and expenses, etc.).
(e) Each Investor cannot, without the prior written consent of the Liquidator(s) use any information it obtains with
respect to a distribution or proposed distribution by the Company of securities in kind to effect, at any time prior to the
actual date and time of such distribution, purchases or sales of or other transactions involving, or contracts for the purchase
or sale of or other transactions involving, securities of the same class or series as those distributed, securities convertible
into or exchangeable for such securities, or derivatives of any of the foregoing securities; provided that nothing in this
article shall restrict an Investor's investment activities with respect to information described in this article obtained from a
source other than the Company, the External AIFM, the Liquidator or their Affiliates. The Liquidator(s) may require that,
as a condition to any Investor receiving a distribution in kind of securities, such Investor will make any representations,
warranties and covenants in connection therewith as the Liquidator(s) deems necessary or appropriate.
28.9 For all purposes under these Articles (including calculations of distributions) other than these articles 28.8(a) to
28.9, any Investor electing to receive proceeds pursuant to article 28.8(b) or otherwise pursuant to these articles 28.8(a) to
28.9 and therefore not receiving a distribution of securities in kind contemporaneously with the other Investors nonetheless
shall be treated as if such Investor had received a distribution of such securities in kind in accordance with article 28.8(a)
contemporaneously with the other Investors.
Escrow arrangement
28.10 Such percentage as set out in the Memorandum of the distributions on the Class B Shares which would otherwise
be made to the holders of Class B Shares pursuant to article 28.2 above will be paid into an interest bearing bank account
opened in the name of the Company, subject to the terms of these articles 28.11 to 28.16 (the Escrow Account). The amount
on the Escrow Account from time to time is the Escrow Amount.
28.11 The Escrow Account will be maintained for the duration of the Company. On each date on which Net Distributable
Cash is distributed to the Investors (each a Distribution Date), the Administrative Agent will determine the Maximum
Clawback Amount where Maximum Clawback Amount means the Aggregate Commitments minus the amounts already
distributed to the Investors plus the accrued (but unpaid) Preferred Return. On each Distribution Date, the excess of the
Escrow Amount over the Maximum Clawback Amount (the Excess Clawback Amount) will promptly be released from
the Escrow Account and be available for distribution to the holders of Class B Shares pro-rata, subject to adjustments for
the Vesting on the Class B Shares.
28.12 To the extent that any charge to taxation (in any form whatsoever) is made against any of the holders of Class B
Shares by any relevant tax authority in respect of any (direct or indirect) entitlement of them or any Person to a portion of
such Carried Interest to any amount on the Escrow Account (Tax) then moneys which have been paid into the Escrow
Account will be released from the Escrow Account to the extent necessary for the relevant holder of Class B Share(s) or
Person to pay such Tax and any distribution made pursuant to this paragraph will not be subject to a claw-back.
28.13 Following liquidation of the Company and the distribution of the Company's assets amongst the Investors in
accordance with article 28.2 above, and after applying the terms of article 28.12 above, all remaining amounts credited to
the Escrow Account will be paid to the holders of Class B Shares on a pro-rata basis.
28.14 Interest earned on amounts paid into the Escrow Account will be available to meet payments out of the Escrow
Account to the Investors (excluding the holders of Class B Shares) to the extent necessary, but otherwise will accrue for
the benefit of the holders of Class B Shares.
28.15 The Auditor will issue a report on the application of the above provisions as at the end of each year and will issue
a statement to the Investors' Committee on compliance with the above provisions. These report and statement will be
produced by the Auditors in accordance with procedures agreed with the Company and will be made available not later
than the Annual Report relating to the relevant Fiscal Year.
28.16 In respect of Class B Shares, any release from the Escrow Account will be subject to the Vesting and only the
portion of the Excess Clawback Amount vested on or before the relevant Distribution Date will be available for distribution
out of the Escrow Account at the relevant Distribution Date (and the unvested portion of the Excess Clawback Amount
will remain in the Escrow Account up to the next following Distribution Date). The amount of Excess Clawback Amount
released to Class B Shares holders over the next following Distribution Dates will be adjusted from time to time based on
the Vesting.
29. Art. 29. Dissolution and liquidation.
29.1 Subject to article 3, the Company may be voluntarily dissolved by a Shareholder Supermajority Resolution.
29.2 In the event of a voluntary liquidation, the Company will, upon its dissolution, be deemed to continue to exist for
the purposes of the liquidation. The operations of the Company will be conducted by one or several liquidators, who, after
having been approved by the CSSF, will be appointed by a General Meeting (each such Person, a Liquidator), which will
determine their powers and compensation.
29.3 Should the Company be voluntarily liquidated, then its liquidation will be carried out in accordance with the
provisions of the 2004 Act and the Companies Act. The liquidation report of the liquidators will be audited by the auditor
of the Company or by an ad hoc external auditor appointed by the General Meeting.
29.4 If the Company were to be compulsorily liquidated, the provision of the 2004 Act will be exclusively applicable.
29.5 The issue of new Shares by the Company will cease on the date of publication of the notice of the General Meeting,
to which the dissolution and liquidation of the Company will be proposed. The proceeds of the liquidation of the Company,
net of all liquidation expenses, will be distributed by the Liquidators among the holders of Shares or Profit Shares in each
Class in accordance with their respective rights. The amounts not claimed by Investors at the end of the liquidation process
will be deposited, in accordance with Luxembourg Law, with the Caisse de Consignation in Luxembourg until the statutory
limitation period has lapsed.
30. Art. 30. Depositary.
30.1 The Company will enter into a depositary agreement with a bank or savings institution which will satisfy the
requirements of the 2004 Act (the Depositary) who will assume towards the Company and its Shareholders the responsi-
bilities provided by the 2004 Act. The fees payable to the Depositary will be determined in the depositary agreement.
30.2 In the event of the Depositary desiring to retire, the Board will within two (2) months appoint another financial
institution to act as custodian and upon doing so the directors will appoint such institution to be depositary in place of the
retiring Depositary. The Board will have power to terminate the appointment of the Depositary but will not remove the
Depositary unless and until a successor depositary will have been appointed in accordance with this provision to act in
place thereof.
30.3 In case of investments by the Company in countries where the law of the relevant country requires that certain
financial instruments are held in custody by a local entity and there are no local entities that satisfy the delegation requi-
rements laid down in article 19.11 (d)(ii) of the 2013 Act, the Depositary can discharge itself of liability subject to the
conditions set out in article 19.14 of the 2013 Act.
31. Art. 31. Preferential treatment of investors.
31.1 Any prospective or existing Investor may be granted a preferential treatment, or a right to obtain a preferential
treatment, resulting in a disadvantage to certain or all of the other Investors (the Preferential Treatment) provided, however,
that such Preferential Treatment does not result in an overall material disadvantage to other Investors.
31.2 A Preferential Treatment may consist (i) in the diminution or removal of any applicable fees, (ii) in the partial or
total reimbursement or rebate of certain fees, charges and/or expenses, (iii) in preferential terms applicable to any sub-
scription, redemption, conversion or Transfer of Shares (such as shorter or no prior notice, lower or no minimum amount
requirements, lower or no gating, reduced or no side-pocketing, reduced or no pre-emption, tag-along or drag-along rights;
the foregoing being illustrative and not exhaustive), (iv) in the possibility of avoiding investment in, or exposure to, certain
assets, liabilities or counterparties, (v) in the access to, or increased transparency of, information related to certain aspects
of the Company's or its External AIFM's management or activities (whether past, present and/or future) in general, (vi) in
preferential terms in relation to any distribution (whether of dividends, carried interests, liquidation proceeds or of any
other amount that may be distributed by the Company to Investors), (vii) in certain preferential terms and rights (including
veto) in relation to the appointment or removal of members of the External AIFM's governing bodies and/or internal
committees, (viii) in the participation to the Company's or its External AIFM's management or activities in general (in-
cluding participation to their governing bodies and/or internal committees), (ix) in a right to veto, to postpone or to otherwise
condition certain decisions or resolutions, (x) in increased or additional voting rights, (xi) in a "most favoured nation" (or
similar) right, or (xii) in any other advantage or privilege that is not inconsistent with these Articles or with applicable laws
and regulations and that may be determined from time to time by, and in the discretion of the External AIFM.
31.3 A Preferential Treatment may be granted on the basis (i) of the size, nature, timing or any feature of the investment
in, or of any commitment taken vis-à-vis, the Company, (ii) of the type, category, nature, specificity or any feature of the
investor or investors, (iii) of the involvement in, or participation to, the Company's or its External AIFM's management or
activities (whether past, present and/or future) in general, or (iv) of any other criteria, element or feature that is not in-
consistent with these Articles or with applicable laws and regulations and that may be determined from time to time by,
and in the discretion of, the Company and/or the External AIFM.
31.4 A Preferential Treatment may take the form (i) of a contractual arrangement, (ii) of a side letter or (iii) of the creation
of a specific category of shares or Class, or may take any other form or arrangement that is not inconsistent with these
Articles or with applicable laws and regulations and that may be determined from time to time by, and in the discretion of,
the Company and/or its External AIFM.
31.5 Unless otherwise provided to the contrary or required by applicable laws or regulations, the existence or introduction
of a Preferential Treatment or the fact that one or more Investors have been granted a Preferential Treatment does not create
a right in favour of any other prospective or existing investor to claim for its benefit such a Preferential Treatment, even
if, in relation to this Investor, all the criteria and features on which is based the relevant Preferential Treatment are met,
and even if the situation and features of this Investor are identical to any of the investors to whom this Preferential Treatment
has been granted.
31.6 Whenever the External AIFM grants a Preferential Treatment to an Investor, a description of that Preferential
Treatment, the type of Investors who obtain such Preferential Treatment and, where relevant, their legal or economic links
with the Company or the External AIFM, as well as any material change to this information, may be disclosed or made
available to investors pursuant to such means decided by the External AIFM in accordance with applicable laws and
regulations. It is being understood that availability or disclosure of any information regarding Preferential Treatment may
be restricted to the largest extent authorised by applicable laws and regulations.
32. Art. 32. Conflicts of interest.
32.1 In the event that a director of the Company has an interest opposite to the interest of the Company in any transaction
of the Company that is submitted to the approval of the Board, such director shall make known to the Board such opposite
interest at that Board meeting and shall cause a record of his statement to be included in the minutes of the meeting. The
director may not take part in the deliberations relating to that transaction and may not vote on the resolutions relating to
that transaction. The transaction, and the director's interest therein, shall be reported to the next following General Meeting.
32.2 Article 32.1 does not apply to resolutions of the Board concerning transactions made in the ordinary course of
business of the Company which are entered into on arm's length terms.
32.3 A director of the Company who serves as director, officer or employee of any company or firm with which the
Company shall contract or otherwise engage in business shall not, solely by reason of such affiliation with such other
company or firm, be held as having an interest opposite to the interest of the Company for the purpose of this article 32.
32.4 The policies regarding the identification, management and disclosure of conflicts of interest will be set out in the
33. Art. 33. Applicable law. All matters not governed by these Articles will be determined in accordance with the 2004
Act and the Companies Act in accordance with article 1.2.
<i>Seventh resolutioni>
The Meeting resolves to convert the different classes of shares currently issued to shareholders into the same number
of new classes of shares with the features as further described in the PPM and these Articles:
(a) all class A shares into new Class A Shares (as defined in the PPM), reserved for Qualified Investors;
(b) all class B shares into new Class B Shares (as defined in the PPM), reserved for (direct or indirect) holding by the
Related Persons and the employees, directors or officers of the External AIFM (as defined in the PPM); and
(c) all class C shares into new Class C Shares (as defined in the PPM), reserved for subscription to Seed Investors.
<i>Eighth resolutioni>
The Meeting acknowledges that after the conversion of the Company, Class D Shares (as defined in the PPM) will have
(i) the right to unanimously veto the appointment of any candidate director who, in the reasonable opinion of the Class D
Shareholders, is not sufficiently independent from the Investors (other than the Related Persons), (ii) certain veto rights
over amendments to the PPM as set out in the PPM, (iii) no payment of interest and (iv) reduced Management Fee Per-
<i>Ninth resolutioni>
The Meeting acknowledges that following the restructuring of the Company into a stand-alone SICAR without com-
partments, and the restatement of the Articles as per resolutions 1.3 to 1.7, the term of the Company will be limited as
further set out article 3 of the restated and amended Articles.
There being no further items on the agenda, the meeting ended at 12.30 a.m. CET, and these minutes were signed by
the Members of the Bureau.
The undersigned notary who understands and speaks English, states herewith that on request of the above appearing
party, the present deed is worded in English only, in accordance with article 26 of the Luxembourg law of 13 February
2007 relating to specialised investment funds, as amended.
This notarial deed was drawn up in Luxembourg, on the date stated at the beginning of this document.
The document having been read to the appearing persons, the said persons signed together with Us, the notary, the
present original deed.
Enregistré à Esch-sur-Alzette A.C., le 26 avril 2016. Relation: EAC/2016/9875. Reçu soixante-quinze Euros (75.- EUR).
<i>Le Receveuri> (signé): SANTIONI.
Référence de publication: 2016099534/1290.
(160070750) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 28 avril 2016.
Dragafi SA, Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-8399 Windhof, 11, route des Trois Cantons.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 187.545.
En date du 23 mai 2014, le notaire soussigné a reçu sous le numéro 47.534 de son répertoire, l'acte constitutif de
DRAGAFI SA, société anonyme, ayant son siège social à L-8399 Windhof, 11, route des Trois Cantons, immatriculée au
registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg section B sous le numéro 187545 (la Société).
Ledit acte a été enregistré le 27 mai 2014 sous les références LAC/2014/24507, déposé auprès du registre de commerce
et des sociétés de Luxembourg le 6 juin 2014 sous les références L140094687 et publié au Mémorial C du 7 août 2014
numéro 2092.
Il s'avère que l'actionnaire unique de la Société a décidé à l'issue dudit acte de nommer un commissaire aux comptes /
statutory auditor alors qu'en vue de se conformer aux exigences du groupe dont fait partie la Société, les comptes devraient
être contrôlés par un réviseur d'entreprises agréé et que partant la nomination d'un commissaire aux comptes n'est pas
Par conséquent, il y a lieu de lire, en lieu et place de la quatrième résolution prise par l'actionnaire unique, le texte
Version française
4. La personne suivante est nommée en qualité de réviseur d'entreprises agréé pour une période prenant fin à l'issue de
la tenue de l'assemblée générale annuelle qui aura lieu en 2015: La société Deloitte Audit s.à r.l., établie et ayant son siège
social à L-2220 Luxembourg, 560 rue de Neudorf, RCSL B 67.895.
Version anglaise
4. The following is appointed as auditor (réviseur d'entreprises agréé) for a period ending upon the holding of the annual
meeting of shareholders to be held in 2015: Deloitte Audit s.à r.l., having its registered office in L- 2220 Luxembourg, 560
rue de Neudorf, registered with the Register of Companies of Luxembourg under number B 67.895
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Enregistré à Luxembourg, A.C.2, le 21 avril 2016 2LAC / 2016 / 8514. Reçu 12.-€
<i>Le Receveuri> (signé): Claude Kieffer.
- Pour copie conforme - délivrée à la société aux fins de publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Senningerberg, le 21 mars 2016.
Paul Bettingen
<i>Le notairei>
Référence de publication: 2016100336/34.
(160071058) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 29 avril 2016.
Snowstorm S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 802.475,00.
Siège social: L-1118 Luxembourg, 23, rue Aldringen.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 126.940.
<i>Extrait des résolutions de l'associé unique en date du 12 février 2016i>
L'associé unique de la Société a décidé comme suit:
- d'accepter la démission de Andrea Pabst de ses fonctions de gérante de la Société avec effet au 15 février 2016;
- de nommer Andrea Neuböck-Escher, née 4 mars 1982 à Bad Ischl, Autriche et résidant professionnellement au 23,
rue Aldringen, L - 1118 Luxembourg, aux fonctions de gérante de la Société avec effet au 15 février 2016 et ce pour une
durée illimitée.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 23 février 2016.
Référence de publication: 2016070695/16.
(160033627) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 février 2016.
Slystap's S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-5442 Roedt, 54, route de Remich.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 182.730.
Il résulte d'un contrat de cession de parts sociales signé en date du 23/12/2015 que:
- Monsieur Pascal Hervé SCHAUBER, demeurant au 15 rue Pré Fleuri 57850 Saint Avoid France
a cédé 108 parts sociales de la société Slystap's S.à r.l. (B182730) dont le siège social est sis à L-5442 ROEDT, 54 rue
de Remich
- Monsieur Sylvain BECK, demeurant au 183 rue de Diesen 57890 Porcelette France
Par la signature pour accord, Slystap's S.à r.l. reconnaît et accepte l'existence du présent contrat de cession de parts et
ce dans l'intérêt de la notification du transfert des 108 parts sociales conformément aux dispositions de l'article 190 de la
loi sur les sociétés commerciales telle que modifiée renvoyant à l'article 1690 du code civil.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 23 février 2016.
Référence de publication: 2016070694/18.
(160033927) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 février 2016.
Solum 488 S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2134 Luxembourg, 50, rue Charles Martel.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 141.411.
<i>Extrait du procès-verbal des décisions de l'associé unique et de l'assemblée générale extraordinaire tenue en date du 22i>
<i>février 2016i>
Il résulte du procès-verbal des décisions de l'Associé Unique et de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire de la Société
tenue en date du 22 février 2016 au siège social que (traduction libre):
<i>«Première résolutioni>
L'Associé Unique décide d'accepter la démission de la société THYMES S.à r.l. de son mandat d'administrateur de classe
B, avec effet au 19 février 2016.
<i>Deuxième résolutioni>
L'Associé Unique décide d'accepter la démission de Monsieur Antony MEIJER de son mandat d'administrateur de classe
B, avec effet au 19 février 2016.
<i>Troisième résolutioni>
L'Associé Unique décide d'approuver la nomination de Monsieur Jan COENEGRACHTS, directeur, né à Turnhout
(BE), le 9 novembre 1977, demeurant professionnellement au 50, rue Charles Martel, L-2134 Luxembourg, en tant qu'ad-
ministrateur de classe B, avec effet rétroactif au 19 février 2016 et jusqu'à l'Assemblée Générale Ordinaire laquelle se
tiendra en 2021.»
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 23 février 2016.
<i>Pour la Société
<i>Un mandatairei>
Référence de publication: 2016070698/27.
(160033447) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 février 2016.
Didascalie Films S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-5483 Wormeldange, 6, Berreggaass.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 203.867.
L'an deux mille seize, le quatre février.
Par devant Nous Maître Henri BECK, notaire de résidence à Echternach, agissant en remplacement de son confrère
empêché Maître Jean SECKLER, notaire de résidence à Junglinster, lequel dernier restera dépositaire de la minute.
Ont comparu:
- Monsieur Loup-Sanche DE LUPPÉ, administrateur, né le 11 août 1977 à Bourges (France), demeurant à 6 Berreggaass,
L-5483 Wormeldange;
- Madame Laetitia MARTIN, administratrice, née le 10 mars 1975 à Paris (France) demeurant à 6, Berreggaass, L-2483
- Madame Marie-Solange DE TAFFANEL DE LA JONQUIÈRE, administratrice, née le 18 juin 1943 à Paris (France)
demeurant à 496, Chemin de la Morvenède à 83110 Sanary sur Mer (France).
représentés par Monsieur Henri DA CRUZ, employé, demeurant professionnellement à L-6130 Junglinster, 3, route de
Luxembourg, en vertu de trois procurations données sous seing privé.
Lesquelles procurations resteront, après avoir été signées «ne varietur» par le mandataire des comparants et le notaire
instrumentant, annexées au présente acte aux fins de formalisation.
Lesquels comparants ont requis le notaire instrumentant d'arrêter ainsi qu'il suit les statuts d'une société anonyme qu'il
déclare constituer comme suit:
Dénomination - Siège - Durée - Objet
Art. 1
. Il est formé une société anonyme sous la dénomination de «Didascalie Films S.A.».
Art. 2. Le siège de la société est établi dans la commune de Wormeldange.
Sans préjudice des règles de droit commun en matière de résiliations contractuelles au cas où le siège social de la société
est établi par contrat avec des tiers, le siège social pourra être transféré à tout autre endroit du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
sur simple décision du conseil d'administration, lequel a tous pouvoirs pour y adapter authentiquement le présent article.
Le conseil d'administration aura le droit d'instituer des bureaux, centres administratifs, agences et succursales partout,
selon qu'il appartiendra, aussi bien au Grand-Duché qu'à l'étranger.
Lorsque des événements extraordinaires d'ordre politique, économique ou social, de nature à compromettre l'activité
normale au siège social ou la communication de ce siège avec l'étranger, se produiront ou seront imminents, le siège social
pourra être transféré provisoirement à l'étranger jusqu'au moment où les circonstances seront redevenues complètement
Un tel transfert ne changera rien à la nationalité de la société, qui restera luxembourgeoise. La décision relative au
transfert provisoire du siège social sera portée à la connaissance des tiers par l'organe de la société, qui, suivant les cir-
constances, sera le mieux placé pour y procéder.
Art. 3. La société est constituée pour une durée illimitée.
Art. 4. La Société a pour objet la production de contenus audiovisuels: production de films, documentaires et émissions
pour la télévision et supports dérivés.
La Société a encore pour objet la participation, sous quelque forme que ce soit, dans toutes entreprises commerciales,
industrielles, financières ou autres, luxembourgeoises ou étrangères, l’acquisition de tous titres et droits par voie de parti-
cipation, d’apport, de souscription, de prise ferme ou d’option d’achat, de négociation et de toute autre manière, et
notamment le développement ainsi que l’acquisition de brevets et licences, leur gestion et leur mise en valeur de ceux-ci
et de tous autres droits se rattachant à ces brevets et licences ou pouvant les compléter, de même que l’octroi aux entreprises
auxquelles elle s’intéresse, de tous concours, prêts, avances ou garanties, enfin toute activité et toutes opérations généra-
lement quelconques, se rattachant directement ou indirectement à son objet.
D’une façon générale, la Société peut prendre toutes mesures et faire toutes opérations, de quelque manière que ce soit,
qu'elle jugera utiles à l’accomplissement et au développement de son objet, notamment en empruntant en toutes monnaies,
par voie d’émission et d’obligations et en prêtant aux sociétés dont il est question à l’alinéa précédent.
La Société aura encore pour objet la gestion, la location, la promotion et la mise en valeur d’immeubles, ceci pour son
compte propre. Elle pourra encore, dans le cadre de cette activité, accorder notamment hypothèque ou se porter caution
réelle d’engagement en faveur de tiers.
La Société pourra faire en outre toutes opérations commerciales, industrielles et financières, tant mobilières qu'immo-
bilières dans tous secteurs, qui peuvent lui parâtre utiles à l’accomplissement de son objet.
Capital - Actions
Art. 5. Le capital souscrit de la société est fixé à trente-et-un mille euros (EUR 31.000) représenté par trois cent dix
(310) actions, chacune d'une valeur nominale de cent euros (EUR 100).
Le capital souscrit de la société peut être augmenté ou réduit par décision de l'assemblée générale des actionnaires
statuant comme en matière de modification des statuts.
La société peut, dans la mesure où, et aux conditions auxquelles la loi le permet, racheter ses propres actions.
Art. 6. Les actions de la société sont nominatives ou au porteur, ou en partie dans l'une ou l'autre forme, au choix des
actionnaires, sauf dispositions de la loi.
Les actions de la société peuvent être créées, au choix du propriétaire, en titres unitaires ou en certificats représentatifs
de plusieurs actions.
En cas d’augmentation de capital, les droits attachés aux actions nouvelles seront les mêmes que ceux dont jouissent les
actions anciennes.
Il est tenu au siège social un registre des actions nominatives, dont tout actionnaire pourra prendre connaissance, et qui
contiendra les indications prévues à l'article trente-neuf de la loi concernant les sociétés commerciales.
La propriété des actions nominatives s'établit par une inscription sur le dit registre.
Des certificats constatant ces inscriptions peuvent être délivrés d'un registre à souches et signés par le président du
conseil d'administration et un autre administrateur.
La société pourra émettre des certificats représentatifs d'actions au porteur. Ces certificats seront signés par le président
du conseil d'administration et par un autre administrateur.
Art. 7. La société ne reconnaît qu'un propriétaire par action. S'il y a plusieurs propriétaires par action, la société aura le
droit de suspendre l'exercice de tous les droits y attachés jusqu'à ce qu'une seule personne ait été désignée comme étant à
son égard propriétaire. Il en sera de même dans le cas d'un conflit opposant l'usufruitier et le nu-propriétaire, ou un débiteur
et un créancier gagiste.
Art. 8. Le conseil d'administration peut, sur décision de l'assemblée générale des actionnaires, autoriser l'émission
d'emprunts obligataires convertibles ou non sous forme d'obligations au porteur ou autre, sous quelque dénomination que
ce soit et payable en quelque monnaie que ce soit.
Le conseil d'administration déterminera la nature, le prix, le taux d'intérêts, les conditions d'émission et de rembourse-
ment et toutes autres conditions y ayant trait.
Un registre des obligations nominatives sera tenu au siège social de la société.
Les obligations doivent être signées par l’administrateur; cette signature peut être soit manuscrite, soit imprimée, soit
apposée au moyen d'une griffe.
Administration - Surveillance
Art. 9. La société est administrée par un conseil d'administration composé de trois membres au moins, actionnaire ou
non, nommé par l'assemblée générale, pour un terme ne pouvant dépasser six années et en tout temps révocables par elle.
L’administrateur sortant peut être réélu.
Le conseil d'administration élit parmi ses membres un président et, s'il en décide ainsi, un ou plusieurs vice-présidents
du conseil d'administration. Le premier président peut être désigné par l'assemblée générale. En cas d'absence du président,
les réunions du conseil d'administration sont présidées par un administrateur présent désigné à cet effet.
Le Conseil d’Administration est composé d’administrateurs de catégorie A et d’administrateurs de catégorie B.
Le nombre des administrateurs, la durée de leur mandat et leurs émoluments sont fixés par l’assemblée générale des
Le poste d’un administrateur sera vacant si:
Il démissionne de son poste avec préavis à la société, ou
Il cesse d’être administrateur par application d’une disposition légale ou il se voit interdit par la loi d’occuper le poste
d’administrateur ou,
Il tombe en faillite ou fait un arrangement avec ses créanciers, ou
Il est révoqué par une résolution des actionnaires.
Dans les limites de la loi, chaque administrateur, présent ou passé, sera indemnisé sur les biens de la société en cas de
perte ou de responsabilité l’affectant du fait de l’exercice, présent ou passé, de la fonction d’administrateur.
Art. 10. Le conseil d'administration se réunit sur la convocation du président du conseil ou de deux de ses membres.
Les administrateurs seront convoqués séparément à chaque réunion du conseil d'administration. Sauf le cas d'urgence
qui doit être spécifié dans la convocation, celle-ci sera notifiée au moins quinze jours avant la date fixée pour la réunion.
Le conseil se réunit valablement sans convocation préalable au cas où tous les administrateurs sont présents ou vala-
blement représentés.
Les réunions du conseil d'administration se tiennent au lieu et à la date indiquée dans la convocation.
Le conseil d'administration ne peut valablement délibérer et statuer que si la majorité de ses membres est présente ou
valablement représentée.
Tout administrateur empêché peut donner par écrit délégation à un autre membre du conseil pour le représenter et pour
voter en ses lieus et place.
Les résolutions du conseil seront prises à la majorité absolue des votants. En cas de partage, la voie de celui qui préside
la réunion sera prépondérante.
Les résolutions signées par tous les administrateurs seront aussi valables et efficaces que si elles avaient été prises lors
d'un conseil dûment convoqué et tenu. De telles signatures peuvent apparaître sur un document unique ou sur des copies
multiples d'une résolution identique et peuvent être révélées par lettres, télégrammes, télécopie ou télex.
Un administrateur, ayant des intérêts personnels opposés à ceux de la société dans une affaire soumise à l'approbation
du conseil, sera obligé d'en informer le conseil et de se faire donner acte de cette déclaration dans le procès-verbal de la
réunion. Il ne peut prendre part aux délibérations afférentes du conseil.
Lors de la prochaine assemblée générale des actionnaires, avant de procéder au vote de toute autre question, les action-
naires seront informés des matières où un administrateur a un intérêt personnel opposé à celui de la société.
Au cas où un membre du conseil d'administration a dû s'abstenir pour intérêt opposé, les résolutions prises à la majorité
des membres du conseil présents ou représentés à la réunion et qui votent, seront tenues pour valables.
Art. 11. Les décisions du conseil d'administration seront constatées par des procès-verbaux, qui seront insérés dans un
registre spécial et signés par au moins un administrateur.
Les copies ou extraits de ces minutes doivent être signés par le président du conseil d'administration ou par deux
Art. 12. Le conseil d'administration est investi des pouvoirs les plus étendus pour accomplir tout acte de disposition et
d'administration dans l'intérêt de la société.
Tous les pouvoirs qui ne sont pas expressément réservés par la loi du 10 août 1915, telle que modifiée, ou par les statuts
de la société à l'assemblée générale, seront de la compétence du conseil d'administration.
Art. 13. Le conseil d'administration peut déléguer des pouvoirs à un ou plusieurs de ses membres. Il peut désigner des
mandataires ayant des pouvoirs définis et les révoquer en tout temps. Il peut également de l'assentiment préalable de
l'assemblée générale des actionnaires déléguer la gestion journalière de la société à un de ses membres, qui portera le titre
Art. 14. La Société sera engagée, en toute circonstance, vis-à-vis des tiers par la signature individuelle de l’Adminis-
trateur Unique, ou, en cas de pluralité d’Administrateurs, par la signature individuelle de l’Administrateur de catégorie A
et/ou par la signature conjointe d’un Administrateur de catégorie A et d’un Administrateur de catégorie B (dont les signa-
tures peuvent être sur des copies séparées du document concerné) ou par les signatures conjointes ou la signature unique
de toute(s) personnes(s) à qui de tels pouvoirs de signature ont été valablement délégués conformément à l’article 13 des
Art. 15. Le conseil d'administration pourra instituer un comité exécutif, composé de membres du conseil d'administration
et fixer le nombre de ses membres. Le comité exécutif pourra avoir tels pouvoirs et autorité d'agir au nom du conseil
d'administration que ce dernier aura déterminé par résolution préalable. A moins que le conseil d'administration n'en dispose
autrement, le comité exécutif établira sa propre procédure pour la convocation et la tenue de ses réunions.
Le conseil d'administration fixera, s'il y a lieu, la rémunération des membres du comité exécutif.
Art. 16. Le conseil d'administration représente la société en justice, soit en demandant soit en défendant.
Les exploits pour ou contre la société sont valablement faits au nom de la société seule.
Art. 17. Tout document et toute nomination de mandataires engageront valablement la société s'ils sont signés au nom
de la société par un administrateur, ou par un mandataire dûment autorisé par le conseil d'administration.
Art. 18. La surveillance des opérations de la société sera confiée à un ou plusieurs commissaires, actionnaires ou non,
nommés par l'assemblée générale qui fixe leur nombre, leurs émoluments et la durée de leurs mandats, laquelle ne pourra
pas dépasser six ans.
Tout commissaire sortant est rééligible.
Art. 19. L'assemblée générale annuelle pourra par simple décision allouer aux administrateurs une rémunération ap-
propriée pour l'accomplissement de leurs fonctions.
Art. 20. L'assemblée générale légalement constituée représente l'ensemble des actionnaires. Ses décisions engagent les
actionnaires absents, opposés ou qui se sont abstenus au vote.
Art. 21. Pour être admis aux assemblées générales, tout actionnaire doit déposer ses titres au porteur ou ses certificats
nominatifs au siège social ou aux établissements désignés dans les avis de convocation cinq jours avant la date fixée pour
Art. 22. L'assemblée générale annuelle se tiendra à Luxembourg, le dernier vendredi du mois de juin de chaque année
à 15.00 heures.
Si ce jour est un jour férié, l'assemblée sera reportée au premier jour ouvrable suivant à la même heure. Les assemblées
générales se tiendront à Luxembourg, au lieu indiqué dans la convocation ou dans la municipalité où se trouve le siège
social, si celui-ci a été transféré dans une autre localité, ou dans tout autre lieu de la commune convenu par le conseil
Art. 23. L'assemblée générale entendra le rapport du conseil d'administration et du commissaire, votera l'approbation
des rapports et des comptes et sur la distribution des profits, procédera aux nominations requises par les statuts, donnera
décharge aux administrateurs et aux commissaires et traitera des autres questions qui pourront lui être dévolues.
Toute action donne droit à une voix.
Tout actionnaire pourra voter en personne ou par mandataire, lequel ne sera pas nécessairement actionnaire.
Tout actionnaire aura le droit de demander un vote au scrutin secret.
Art. 24. L'assemblée générale délibérant aux conditions de quorum et de majorité prévus par la loi peut modifier les
statuts dans toutes leurs dispositions sous réserve des limites prévues par la loi.
Art. 25. Le conseil d'administration sera responsable de la convocation des assemblées ordinaires et extraordinaires.
Il sera obligé de convoquer une assemblée générale chaque fois qu'un groupe d'actionnaires représentant au moins un
cinquième du capital souscrit, le demandera par écrit, en indiquant l'ordre du jour.
Tout avis contenant convocation à l'assemblée générale doit contenir l'ordre du jour de l'assemblée générale.
Le conseil d'administration peut déterminer la forme des mandats à employer et exiger qu'ils soient déposés dans le délai
et au lieu qu'il indiquera.
Art. 26. Le président du conseil d'administration, ou en son absence, l'administrateur qui le remplace ou la personne
désignée à l'assemblée, présidera les assemblées générales.
L'assemblée choisira parmi les assistants un scrutateur.
Art. 27. Les procès-verbaux de l'assemblée générale seront signés par les membres du bureau et par tout actionnaire qui
le demande.
Toutefois, au cas où les délibérations de l'assemblée doivent être conformes, les copies et les extraits qui en seront
délivrés pour être produits en justice ou ailleurs, doivent être signés par le président du conseil d'administration et par un
autre administrateur.
Année sociale - Bilan - Répartition des bénéfices
Art. 28. L'année sociale commence le premier janvier et finit le trente et un décembre de chaque année.
Art. 29. Chaque année, à la clôture de l'exercice social, le conseil d'administration établit les comptes annuels dans les
formes prévues par la loi.
A la même époque, les comptes seront clos et le conseil d'administration préparera un compte de profits et pertes de
l'année sociale écoulée.
Au plus tard un mois avant l'assemblée générale annuelle, l'administration soumettra le bilan de la société et le compte
de pertes et profits en même temps que son rapport, ainsi que tout autre document qui pourra être requis par la loi, au
commissaire qui, sur cette base, établira son rapport.
Quinze jours avant l'assemblée générale annuelle, le bilan, le compte de profits et pertes, le rapport du conseil d'admi-
nistration, le rapport du commissaire ainsi que tout autre document qui pourra être requis par la loi, sera déposé au siège
social de la société, où les actionnaires pourront en prendre connaissance durant les heures de bureau normales.
Art. 30. L'excédent créditeur du compte de profits et pertes, après déduction des frais généraux, charges sociales, amor-
tissements et provisions pour engagements passés ou futurs, déterminé par le conseil d'administration, constituera le
bénéfice net de la société.
Chaque année, cinq pour cent du bénéfice net sera affecté à la réserve légale.
Cette affectation cessera d'être obligatoire lorsque la réserve légale aura atteint un dixième du capital souscrit.
Le solde restant du bénéfice net restera à la disposition de l'assemblée générale.
Les dividendes, s'il y a lieu de procéder à une distribution, seront distribués à l'époque et au lieu fixés par le conseil
d'administration endéans les limites fixées par l'assemblée générale.
Avec les approbations prévues par la loi et en respectant les autres prescriptions légales, des dividendes intérimaires
peuvent être payés par le conseil d'administration.
L'assemblée générale peut décider d'affecter des profits et des réserves distribuables au remboursement du capital sans
réduire le capital social.
Dissolution - Liquidation
Art. 31. La société pourra être dissoute à tout moment par décision d'une assemblée générale statuant suivant les mo-
dalités prévues pour les modifications des statuts.
Art. 32. Lors de la dissolution de la société, l'assemblée générale règle le mode de liquidation et nomme un ou plusieurs
liquidateurs et détermine leurs pouvoirs.
Sur l'actif net, provenant de la liquidation après apurement du passif, il sera prélevé la somme nécessaire pour rembourser
le montant libéré des actions; quant au solde, il sera réparti également entre toutes les actions.
Disposition générale
Art. 33. Pour tous les points non réglés par les présents statuts, les parties se réfèrent et se soumettent à la loi luxem-
bourgeoise du 10 août 1915 et ses modifications ultérieures.
<i>Dispositions transitoiresi>
1) Le premier exercice social commence le jour de la constitution et se termine le 31 décembre 2016.
2) La première assemblée générale ordinaire annuelle se tiendra en 2017.
Les actions de la Société ont été entièrement souscrites comme suit:
M. Loup-Sanche DE LUPPÉ, prénommé, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Mme Laetitia MARTIN, prénommée, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mme Marie-Solange DE TAFFANEL DE LA JONQUIÈRE, prénommée, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Total: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
Toutes les actions ont été libérées à hauteur d’un quart de leur montant, payé en numéraire, de sorte que le montant de
SEPT MILLE SEPT CENT CINQUANTE EUROS (EUR 7.750,-) est en ce moment à la disposition de la Société, preuve
en a été faite au notaire soussigné.
<i>Déclaration - Evaluation - Fraisi>
Le notaire soussigné déclare avoir vérifié les conditions prévues par l'article 26 de la loi du 10 août 1915, telle que
modifiée ultérieurement et en constate expressément l'accomplissement.
Le montant, au moins approximatif, des frais, dépenses, rémunérations ou charges, sous quelque forme que ce soit, qui
incombent à la société ou qui sont mis à sa charge à raison de sa constitution, est évalué approximativement à mille deux
cents euros (EUR 1.200,-).
<i>Assemblée générale extraordinairei>
Les comparants préqualifiés, représentant la totalité du capital souscrit, se considérant comme dûment convoquées, se
sont ensuite constitués en assemblée générale extraordinaire et ils ont pris les résolutions suivantes:
1.- Le nombre des administrateurs est fixé à trois (3) et celui des commissaires à un (1).
2.- Sont nommés au poste d’administrateurs:
- Monsieur Loup-Sanche DE LUPPÉ, administrateur, né le 11 août 1977 à Bourges (France), demeurant à 6, Berreggaass,
L-5483 Wormeldange, Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, en tant que administrateur de catégorie A;
- Madame Laetitia MARTIN, administratrice, née le 10 mars 1975 à Paris (France) demeurant à 6, Berreggaass, L-2483
Wormeldange, en tant que administrateur de catégorie B;
- Madame Marie-Solange DE TAFFANEL DE LA JONQUIÈRE, administratrice, née le 18 juin 1943 à Paris (France)
demeurant à 496, Chemin de la Morvenède à 83110 Sanary sur Mer (France); en tant que administrateur de catégorie B.
3.- Est appelée à la fonction de commissaire aux comptes:
La société anonyme HOCHE PARTNERS TRUST SERVICES S.A., ayant son siège social à L-1511 Luxembourg, 121,
avenue de la Faïencerie, R.C.S. Luxembourg numéro B 110.094.
4.- Les mandats d’administrateurs et du commissaire aux comptes se termineront lors de l'assemblée générale annuelle
à tenir en l'an 2021.
5.- Le siège social de la société est établi à 6 Berreggaass 6, L-5483 Wormeldange
Dont acte, fait à Echternach, date qu'en tête des présentes.
Et après lecture faite et interprétation donnée au mandataire du comparant, connue du notaire par nom, prénom usuel,
état et demeure, il a signé avec Nous notaire le présent acte.
Signé: Henri DA CRUZ, Henri BECK.
Enregistré à Grevenmacher Actes Civils, le 09 février 2016. Relation GAC/2016/1080. Reçu soixante-quinze euros
75,00 €.
<i>Le Receveur ff.i> (signé): Nathalie DIEDERICH.
Référence de publication: 2016065886/271.
(160028345) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 15 février 2016.
Auswiel Sàrl, Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-5630 Mondorf-les-Bains, 30, avenue Dr Klein.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 182.994.
In the year two thousand sixteen, on the fifth day of February.
Before Maître Léonie GRETHEN, notary residing in Luxembourg.
There appeared:
CHOICE GROUP HOLDINGS LLC, having its registered office at 1811 Silverside road, USA -DE 19810 Wilmington,
registered under number 5883470 (the “Sole Shareholder”),
Represented by Mr Fabrice MAIRE, companies director, residing professionally in Mondorf-les-Bains,
by virtue of a proxy given on 29 January 2016.
The said proxy, signed "ne varietur" by the proxyholder of the appearing party and the undersigned notary, will remain
annexed to the present deed to be filed with the registration authorities.
Such appearing party, represented as stated above, has requested the undersigned notary to state:
- that the company "AUSWIEL SARL", having its principal office in L-5630 Mondorf-les-Bains, 30, avenue Dr Klein,
has been incorporated by a deed of Maître Emile SCHLESSER, notary residing in Luxembourg on 5 December 2013,
published in the Mémorial Recueil des Sociétés et Associations, number 403 of 13 February 2014 and registered with the
Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (the “RCS”) under number B 182.994 (the “Company”). The Articles of
Association have been amended for the last time by a deed of Maître Marc LOESCH, notary residing in Mondorf-les-Bains,
on 12 June 2015, published in the Mémorial Recueil des Sociétés et Associations, number 2215 of 25 August 2015;
- that the capital of the Company is fixed at twelve thousand five hundred Euro (EUR 12,500.-) represented by one
hundred (100) shares with a par value of one hundred twenty-five Euro (EUR 125.-) each, fully paid up;
- that the appearing party, has become owner of all the shares and declares that it has full knowledge of the articles of
incorporation and the financial standing of the Company;
- that the appearing party, in its capacity of Sole Shareholder of the Company, has resolved to proceed to the anticipatory
and immediate dissolution of the Company and to put it into liquidation;
- that the Sole Shareholder, in its capacity as liquidator of the Company, and according to the balance sheet of the
Company as at 1
February 2016, declares that all the liabilities of the Company, including the liabilities arising from the
liquidation, are settled or retained;
The appearing party furthermore declares that:
- the Company’s activities have ceased;
- the Sole Shareholder is thus vested with all the assets of the Company and undertakes to settle all and any liabilities
of the terminated Company, the balance sheet of the Company as at 1
February 2016, being only one information for all
- the Sole Shareholder waives the requirement to appoint an auditor to the liquidation (commissaire à la liquidation) and
to hear a report of an auditor to the liquidation;
- following to the above resolutions, the Company’s liquidation is to be considered as accomplished and closed;
- the Sole Shareholder grants full discharge to the sole manager of the Company for the performance of his mandate;
- there shall be proceeded to the cancellation of all shares;
- the books and documents of the corporation shall be lodged during a period of five years at L-5630 Mondorf-les-Bains,
30, avenue Dr Klein.
The undersigned notary, who knows English, states that on request of the appearing party, the present deed is worded
in English, followed by a French version and in case of discrepancies between the English and the French text, the English
version will be binding.
The costs, expenses, remunerations or charges in any form whatsoever incumbent to the company and charged to it by
reason of the present deed are estimated approximately at one thousand two hundred euro (EUR 1,200.-).
WHEREOF, the present deed was drawn up in Luxembourg, on the day named at the beginning of this document.
The document having been read to the proxyholder of the person appearing, who is known to the notary by his surname,
first name, civil status and residence, the said proxyholder signed together with Us notary this original deed.
Suit la traduction française du texte qui précède:
L'an deux mille seize, le cinquième jour du mois de février.
Par-devant Maître Léonie GRETHEN, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg.
CHOICE GROUP HOLDINGS LLC, ayant son siège social à 1811 Silverside road, USA -DE 19810 Wilmington,
immatriculée sous le numéro 5883470 (“l’Associé Unique”),
ici représentée par Monsieur Fabrice MAIRE, dirigeant de sociétés, demeurant professionnellement à Mondorf-les-
en vertu d'une procuration sous seing privé datée du 29 janvier 2016.
Laquelle procuration restera, après avoir été signée "ne varietur" par la mandataire de la comparante et le notaire ins-
trumentant, annexée aux présentes pour être formalisée avec elles.
Laquelle comparante, représentée comme dit ci-avant, a requis le notaire instrumentant d'acter:
- que la société AUSWIEL SARL, ayant son siège social à L-5630 Mondorf-les-Bains, 30, avenue Dr Klein, a été
constituée suivant acte de Maître Emile SCHLESSER, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg en date du 5 décembre 2013,
publié au Mémorial Recueil des Sociétés et Associations, numéro 403 du 13 février 2014 et immatriculée au Registre du
Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg (le «RCS») sous le numéro B 182994 (la «Société»). Les statuts ont été modifiés
pour la dernière fois suivant acte de Maître Marc LOESCH, notaire de résidence à Mondorf-les-Bains en date du 12 juin
2015, publié au Mémorial Recueil des Sociétés et Associations, numéro 2215 du 25 août 2015;
- que le capital social de la Société s'élève actuellement à douze mille cinq cents Euros (EUR 12.500,-) représenté par
cent (100) parts sociales d'une valeur nominale de cent vingt-cinq Euros (EUR 125,-) chacune, entièrement libérées;
- que la partie comparante, précitée, est devenue seule propriétaire de toutes les parts sociales et qu’elle déclare avoir
parfaite connaissance des statuts et de la situation financière de la Société;
- que la partie comparante, en sa qualité d’Associé Unique de la Société, a décidé de procéder à la dissolution anticipée
et immédiate de la Société et de la mettre en liquidation;
- que l’Associé Unique, en sa qualité de liquidateur de la Société et au vu du bilan de la Société au 1
février 2016,
déclare que tout le passif de la Société, y compris le passif lié à la liquidation de la Société, est réglé ou dûment provisionné;
La partie comparante déclare encore que:
- l’activité de la Société a cessé;
- l’Associé Unique est investie de l’entièreté de l’actif de la Société et déclare prendre à sa charge l’entièreté du passif
de la Société qu’il soit connu et impayé, ou inconnu et non encore payé, le bilan au 1
février 2016 étant seulement un
des éléments d’information à cette fin;
- l’Associé Unique renonce à la formalité de la nomination d'un commissaire à la liquidation et à la préparation d'un
rapport du commissaire à la liquidation.
- suite aux résolutions ci-avant, la liquidation de la Société est à considérer comme accomplie et clôturée;
- l’Associé Unique donne décharge pleine et entière au gérant de la Société pour son mandat;
- il y a lieu de procéder à l’annulation de toutes les parts sociales;
- les livres et documents de la Société devront être conservés pendant la durée légale de cinq ans à L-5630 Mondorf-
les-Bains, 30, avenue Dr Klein.
Le notaire soussigné, qui a personnellement la connaissance de la langue anglaise, déclare que la mandataire de la
comparante l'a requis de documenter le présent acte en langue anglaise, suivi d'une version française, et en cas de divergence
entre le texte anglais et le texte français, le texte anglais fera foi.
Les frais, dépenses, rémunérations ou charges sous quelque forme que ce soit, incombant à la société et mis à sa charge
en raison des présentes, sont évalués approximativement mille deux cents euros (EUR 1.200.-).
DONT ACTE, fait et passé à Luxembourg, date qu'en tête des présentes.
Et après lecture faite et interprétation donnée au mandataire de la comparante, connu du notaire instrumentant par son
nom, prénom usuel, état et demeure, il a signé le présent acte avec le notaire.
Signé: Maire, GRETHEN.
Enregistré à Luxembourg Actes Civils 1, le 5 février 2016. Relation: 1LAC/2016/4200. Reçu soixante-quinze euros
(75,00 €).
<i>Le Receveuri> (signé): Paul MOLLING.
Pour expédition conforme, délivrée aux fins de la publication au Mémorial C.
Luxembourg, le 17 février 2016.
Référence de publication: 2016067838/107.
(160031206) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 18 février 2016.
Service Central de Législation, 43, boulevard F.-D. Roosevelt, L-2450 Luxembourg
Imprimeur: Association momentanée Imprimerie Centrale / Victor Buck
7Miglia S.A.
Auswiel Sàrl
Axa World Funds II
CCMG Navigator
Delta Shipping & Chartering S.A.
Deltatank A.G.
Didascalie Films S.A.
Diorama Investments Sicar, S.A.
Dragafi SA
FIT Fund
Gutburg Immobilien S.A.
Imeris S.A. - SPF
Inland Navigation Luxembourg S.A.
Interteil Investissements S.A.
Investment Select Fund IV
Jardilux S.A. - SPF
Luxshipping S.A.
Maya Invest S.A.
Moseltank A.G.
Poppediño S.A.
Regency United S.A. SPF
RPFFB Soparfi B S.à r.l.
Shandella SPF
SLF Holding S.A.
Slystap's S.à r.l.
Slystap's S.à r.l.
Snowstorm S.à r.l.
Solum 488 S.A.
Solutions 30 SE
Timberland Luxembourg Holding Europe S.àr.l.
Timber One S.A.