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Journal Officiel
du Grand-Duché de
des Großherzogtums
Le présent recueil contient les publications prévues par la loi modifiée du 10 août 1915 concernant les sociétés commerciales
et par la loi modifiée du 21 avril 1928 sur les associations et les fondations sans but lucratif.
C — N° 2823
21 novembre 2012
agraferm technologies luxembourg s.à r.l.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Black & Decker TransAsia S.à r.l. . . . . . . . .
Clouse S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Culligan International S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Fitness First Luxembourg S.C.A. . . . . . . . .
ISTC S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jackmon International S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jakyval S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
JMB Multimedia S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Konplott S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kraft Foods Financing Luxembourg S.à r.l.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kraft Foods Luxembourg S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . .
Krokus S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La Mia Terra S.à.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
La Treille Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Laurad Participations S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . .
LB River S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lentitia S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lentulus (Luxembourg) S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Logica Holdings Luxfive S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . .
L.S.A.D. S.à.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luxfiscalia S.àr.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Luxmin Trade S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Management and Backoffice Services S. à
r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Marinopoulos Holding S.à.r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Matarrese S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mayora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Medilux Consult s.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meersel Holding S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meersel Holding S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Metallum Holding S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meurin S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Meyer Bergman Real Estate S.à r.l. . . . . . .
Michel Jasmain S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
M Immobilier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minorco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Minpress Investments S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mondo Chemicals S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Monsun S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mont-Blanc Real Estate S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . .
Montebello Finances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MPL Holdco S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
MZ Holdings S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NLD Activities S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pagilux S.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Perfume Holdings II S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Prowinko Luxembourg S.à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . .
Rreef Iberian Value Added II, S.A., SICAR
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
School S. à r.l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
NLD Activities S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1117 Luxembourg, 51, rue Albert Ier.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 96.819.
Il résulte du procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale ordinaire, qui s'est tenue en date du 25 octobre 2012 à 10:00 heures
au L-1117 Luxembourg, 51 r. Albert 1
- le siège social de la société a été transféré avec effet immédiat au L-1117 Luxembourg, 51 r. Albert 1
- ont été nommés
<i>aux postes d'administrateurs:i>
Monsieur Rome Alain, directeur de société, avec adresse professionnelle à L-2560 Luxembourg, 49, rue Glesner
Madame Florence Mayot, Employée, avec adresse professionnelle à L-1117 Luxembourg, 51 r. Albert 1
Madame Schaeffer Sylviane, Employée, avec adresse professionnelle à L-1117 Luxembourg, 51 r. Albert 1
<i>au poste de commissaire aux comptes:i>
Monsieur Jerome Domange, employée privée, né le 12 août 1977 à Thionville France, avec adresse à F-57100 Thionville,
rue de Meilbourg.
Le mandat des organes sociaux nouvellement élus expirera à l'issue de l'assemblée générale annuelle qui se tiendra en
l'an 2013.
Luxembourg, le 25 octobre 2012.
<i>Pour le Conseil d'Administration
Référence de publication: 2012139656/25.
(120184483) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 25 octobre 2012.
ISTC S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1660 Luxembourg, 30, Grand-rue.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 106.295.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138730/9.
(120183558) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
L.S.A.D. S.à.r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-2240 Luxembourg, 27-29, rue Notre-Dame.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 100.829.
Les statuts coordonnés de la société ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138731/10.
(120183458) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Jackmon International S.A., Société Anonyme.
Capital social: EUR 31.000,00.
Siège social: L-1251 Luxembourg, 13, avenue du Bois.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 110.502.
<i>Extrait des résolutions prises par actionnaire unique en date du 18 mai 2012i>
Prolongation du mandat de l’administrateur-unique actuellement en fonction pour une durée prenant fin à l’issue de
l’assemblée générale ordinaire qui se tiendra en l’an 2018.
- Patrick FUSILIER
Prolongation du mandat du commissaire actuellement en fonction pour une durée prenant fin à l’issue de l’assemblée
générale ordinaire qui se tiendra en l’an 2018.
- Vericom Sa
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138732/16.
(120182946) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Laurad Participations S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 12.500,00.
Siège social: L-1511 Luxembourg, 121, avenue de la Faïencerie.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 166.231.
Il résulte de 2 contrats de cession de parts sociales signés en date du 6 février 2012, que:
- la société HPMC2 S.à r.l. a cédé douze mille quatre cents (12.400) parts sociales qu’elle détenait dans la Société à
Monsieur Alain Heinz, Administrateur de sociétés, né le 17 mai 1968 à Forbach (France), résidant professionnellement à
L-1511 Luxembourg, 121, avenue de la Faïencerie;
- la société Laurad Management Participations S.à r.l. a cédé cent (100) parts sociales qu’elle détenait dans la Société
à Monsieur Alain Heinz, Administrateur de sociétés, né le 17 mai 1968 à Forbach (France), résidant professionnellement
à L-1511 Luxembourg, 121, avenue de la Faïencerie.
Monsieur Alain Heinz devient alors l’associé unique de la Société en détenant 12.500 parts sociales.
Pour extrait
La Société
Référence de publication: 2012138752/19.
(120182850) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Jakyval S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1724 Luxembourg, 3A, boulevard du Prince Henri.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 144.188.
Les comptes annuels au 31/12/2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138733/9.
(120183466) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
JMB Multimedia S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-3871 Schifflange, 13, rue de la Paix.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 164.382.
<i>Extrait du Procès-Verbal de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire de JMB MULTIMEDIA SA tenue au siège social le 18 octobre 2012i>
<i>à 17 heuresi>
1. L’Assemblée approuve le transfert du siège de la société de L-3835 Schifflange 39, route d’Esch à L-3871 Schifflange
13, rue de la Paix.
Tous les points de l'ordre du jour ayant été traités, la séance est levée à 18 heures après signature du présent procès-
verbal par les membres du bureau.
<i>Secrétaire / Scrutateur / Présidenti>
Référence de publication: 2012138734/15.
(120183395) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Konplott S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-6582 Rosport, 6, rue de la Montagne.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 86.212.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2010 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138739/10.
(120183049) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
MPL Holdco S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 86.512.500,00.
Siège social: L-1528 Luxembourg, 1-3, boulevard de la Foire.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 160.290.
Il résulte d'une résolution du conseil de gérance de la Société en date du 19 juin 2012, que le siège social de la Société
a été transféré au 1-3, Boulevard de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg avec effet au 1
octobre 2012.
Madame Cindy Teixeira, gérant de classe A de la Société a changé son adresse professionnelle et réside désormais au
1-3, Boulevard de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg avec effet au 1
octobre 2012.
Enfin, il résulte d'une décision du conseil de gérance de l'associé unique de la Société, MPL Topco S.à r.l. en date du
19 juin 2012, que le siège social de cet associé a été tranféré au 1-3, Boulevard de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg avec effet
au 1
octobre 2012.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 18 octobre 2012.
<i>Pour la Société
Référence de publication: 2012139017/20.
(120182587) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 23 octobre 2012.
Kraft Foods Financing Luxembourg S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: CHF 30.000,00.
Siège social: L-1882 Luxembourg, 5, rue Guillaume Kroll.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 134.417.
Suite à une erreur matérielle survenue dans la publication datée du 14 décembre 2010 et déposée au registre de
commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg le 16 décembre 2010, sous la référence L100192708, le nom exact du gérant
A, Tom Jack, est le suivant: Thomas Edward Jack.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 22 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138740/14.
(120182855) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Kraft Foods Luxembourg S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: CHF 30.000,00.
Siège social: L-1882 Luxembourg, 5, rue Guillaume Kroll.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 134.416.
Suite à un contrat de fusion conclu en date du 28 septembre 2012, l'associé unique Kraft Foods International Inc, avec
siège social au THREE, Lake Drive, IL 60093 Northfield, Etats-Unis, a fusionné avec la société Mondelez International
Holdings LLC, avec siège social au Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, New Castle County, DE
19801 Etats-Unis, avec effet au 30 septembre 2012.
En conséquence l'associé unique est Mondelez International Holdings LLC, précité, détenant 30.000 parts sociales.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 22 octobre 2011.
Référence de publication: 2012138742/15.
(120182918) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Culligan International S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 15.000,00.
Siège social: L-2540 Luxembourg, 15, rue Edward Steichen.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 102.911.
En date du 26 octobre 2012, l'associé unique a pris les résolutions suivantes:
- La démission de Thomas E. Ireland de son poste de gérant de la société est acceptée avec effet au 22 octobre 2012;
- La démission de Ivo Hemelraad de son poste de gérant de la société est acceptée avec effet au 22 octobre 2012;
- Jacques de Patoul, avec adresse professionnelle au 15, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, est nommé nouveau
gérant de la société avec effet au 22 octobre 2012 et ce pour une durée indéterminée;
- Scott G. Clawson, avec adresse professionnelle au 9399 West Higgins Road, Suite 1100, 60018 Rosemont, Illinois,
USA, est nommé nouveau gérant de la société avec effet au 22 octobre 2012 et ce pour une durée indéterminée;
A compter du 22 octobre 2012, le conseil de gérance se compose comme suit:
- Susan Elizabeth Bennett, gérant;
- Scott G. Clawson, gérant;
- Robert Gold, gérant;
- Jacques de Patoul, gérant;
- Virginia Strelen;
- Alan Botfield.
Pour extrait conforme.
Luxembourg, le 22 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012140029/25.
(120185345) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 26 octobre 2012.
Krokus S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-3871 Schifflange, 13, rue de la Paix.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 138.357.
<i>Extrait du Procès-Verbal de l'Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire de KROKUS SA tenue au siège social le 18 octobre 2012 à 11i>
1. L’Assemblée approuve le transfert du siège de la société de L-3835 Schifflange 39, route d’Esch à L-3871 Schifflange
13, rue de la Paix.
Tous les points de l'ordre du jour ayant été traités, la séance est levée à 18 heures après signature du présent procès-
verbal par les membres du bureau.
<i>Secrétaire / Scrutateur / Présidenti>
Référence de publication: 2012138743/15.
(120183401) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
agraferm technologies luxembourg s.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-6793 Grevenmacher, 17, rue de Trèves.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 114.867.
Im Jahre zweitausend und zwölf, dem achten Tag des Monats Oktober;
Vor dem unterzeichneten Notar Carlo WERSANDT, mit dem Amtssitz in Luxemburg, (Großherzogtum Luxemburg);
Die Gesellschaft „agraferm technologies ag", eine Aktiengesellschaft deutschen Rechts, mit Gesellschaftssitz in D-85296
Rohrbach, Lilienthalstrasse 17, eingetragen im Handelsregister beim Amtsgericht Ingolstadt unter Nummer HR B 191013,
hier vertreten durch Herrn Patrick VAN HEES, Jurist in Luxembourg, auf Grund einer Vollmacht unter Privatschrift,
gegeben am 19. September 2012, hier beigefügt.
Die erschienene Partei, vertreten wie hiervor erwähnt, erklärt und bittet den amtierenden Notar folgendes zu beur-
- dass sie alleinige Gesellschafterin der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung agraferm technologies luxembourg s.à
r.l., mit Sitz in L-7650 Heffingen, 3, Um Haff, R.C.S. Luxemburg B 114867, gegründet laut Urkunde aufgenommen am 9.
März 2006, veröffentlicht im Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations; Nummer 629 vom 23 März 2006, ist.
- dass sie, als alleinige Gesellschafterin, durch ihren Bevollmächtigten, folgende Beschlüsse gefasst hat:
<i>Erster Beschlussi>
Die Alleingesellschafterin beschließt den Sitz der Gesellschaft von L-7650 Heffingen, 3, Um Haff, nach L-6793 Gre-
venmacher, 17, rue de Trèves, zu verlegen.
<i>Zweiter Beschlussi>
Die Alleingesellschafterin beschließt den ersten Absatz von Artikel 2 der Satzungen abzuändern um ihm folgenden
Wortlaut zu geben:
" Art. 2. (Absatz 1). Der Sitz der Gesellschaft befindet sich in der Gemeinde Grevenmacher."
Die der Gesellschaft aus Anlass dieser Urkunde anfallenden Kosten, Honorare und Auslagen werden auf ungefähr
neunhundertfünfzig Euro geschätzt.
WORÜBER URKUNDE, aufgenommen in Luxemburg, am Datum wie eingangs erwähnt.
Und nach Vorlesung und Erklärung alles Vorstehenden an den Bevollmächtigten, namens handelnd wie hiervor erwähnt,
dem instrumentierenden Notar nach Namen, gebräuchlichen Vornamen, Stand und Wohnort bekannt, hat derselbe die
gegenwärtige Urkunde mit Uns dem Notar unterschrieben.
Enregistré à Luxembourg A.C., le 9 octobre 2012. LAC/2012/47231. Reçu soixante-quinze euros 75,00 €.
<i>Le Receveur ff.i> (signé): Carole FRISING.
Luxembourg, le 25 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012139931/39.
(120185432) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 26 octobre 2012.
Logica Holdings Luxfive S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-8070 Bertrange, 7, Zone d'Activité Bourmicht.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 135.677.
Statuts coordonnés déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 12 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138746/11.
(120183549) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Luxfiscalia S.àr.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-8041 Strassen, 65, rue des Romains.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 134.986.
Les comptes annuels au 31/12/2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138748/10.
(120183407) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
La Mia Terra S.à.r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-3890 Foetz, 4, rue du Brill.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 50.792.
Les comptes annuels au 31/12/2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138749/10.
(120183033) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
La Treille Real Estate, Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2212 Luxembourg, 6, place de Nancy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 112.254.
Les comptes annuels au 31 juillet 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
<i>Pour la société
Référence de publication: 2012138750/11.
(120183291) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Clouse S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1855 Luxembourg, 51, avenue J.F. Kennedy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 163.904.
Il résulte d’une décision prise par l’associé unique de la Société au date du 5 octobre 2012 que:
- Monsieur Philip Godley, né le 21/03/1974 à Sheffield, Royaume-Uni, ayant son adresse professionnelle au 51 Avenue
John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
- Monsieur Peter Dickinson, né le 01/03/1966 à Nuneaton, Royaume-Uni, ayant son adresse professionnelle au 51
Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg
- Madame Geneviève Blauen-Arendt, née le 28/09/1962 à Arlon, Belgique, ayant son adresse professionnelle au 231
Val des Bons-Malades, L-2121 Luxembourg
- Monsieur Marc Schmit, né le 13/05/1959 à Luxembourg, Luxembourg, ayant son adresse professionnelle au 231 Val
des Bons-Malades, L-2121 Luxembourg
Ont été élus administrateurs de la société à partir du 5 octobre 2012 jusqu’à l’assemblée générale qui se tiendra en
l’année 2018.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 26 octobre 2012.
Pour extrait sincère et conforme
Sanne Group (Luxembourg) S.A.
Référence de publication: 2012140020/23.
(120185012) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 26 octobre 2012.
Montebello Finances, Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1637 Luxembourg, 24-28, rue Goethe.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 81.805.
L'Assemblée générale ordinaire du 27 septembre 2012 a reconduit les mandats d'administrateur de:
- Madame Céline LE GALLAIS-FREY, président directeur général de société, demeurant à F-51430 Bezannes;
- Monsieur Jean-Jacques FREY, administrateur de sociétés, demeurant à CH-1090 La Croix-sur-Lutry;
- Monsieur Luciano DAL ZOTTO, administrateur de sociétés, demeurant à L-4423 Soleuvre;
leur mandat venant à échéance à l'issue de l'Assemblée générale ordinaire annuelle de 2013.
L'Assemblée a également reconduit le mandat de réviseur d’entreprises agréé de la société anonyme PKF Abax Audit,
avec siège à L-2212 Luxembourg, son mandat expirant à l'issue de l'Assemblée générale ordinaire annuelle de 2013.
Pour extrait conforme
Société anonyme
Référence de publication: 2012138790/18.
(120182923) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Lentitia S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1638 Senningerberg, 78, rue du Golf.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 96.537.
Les comptes annuels au 31.12.2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 24/10/2012.
G.T. Experts Comptables Sàrl
Référence de publication: 2012138754/12.
(120183563) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Lentulus (Luxembourg) S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2120 Luxembourg, 16, allée Marconi.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 29.145.
Les comptes annuels au 31 DECEMBRE 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138755/10.
(120183305) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Luxmin Trade S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-3332 Fennange, 2, route d'Esch.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 66.069.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138757/10.
(120183084) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
M Immobilier, Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1831 Luxembourg, 2, rue de la Tour Jacob.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 82.453.
<i>Extrait des résolutions prises lors de l’assemblée générale ordinaire du 28 mars 2012i>
Est nommé administrateur, son mandat prenant fin lors de l'assemblée générale ordinaire statuant sur les comptes
annuels au 31 décembre 2012:
- Monsieur Lucien EMRINGER, administrateur de sociétés, demeurant 20, rue du Soleil, L-7336 STEINSEL, Président
La société sera valablement engagée par la signature de - deux administrateurs, pour des montants illimités – d’une
personne, soit le directeur général, pour des montants ne dépassant pas EUR 12.395,--
Est nommé reviseur d’entreprises agréé, en remplacement de BDO AUDIT, son mandat prenant fin lors de l'assemblée
générale ordinaire statuant sur les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2012:
- GRANT THORNTON LUX AUDIT S.A., inscrite au Registre de Commerce et des Société sous le n° B 43 298, sise
au 83, Pafebruch, L-8308 Capellen.
Pour extrait conforme
Luxembourg, le 23 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138758/19.
(120183400) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Metallum Holding S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1653 Luxembourg, 2, avenue Charles de Gaulle.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 123.635.
Les comptes consolidés au 31.12.2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 23.10.2012.
i>Société anonyme
Experta Luxembourg
Société anonyme
Cindy Szabo / Isabelle Marechal-Gerlaxhe
Référence de publication: 2012138784/15.
(120182803) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
LB River S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 130.996.
In the year two thousand and twelve.
On the twenty first day of September.
Before Us Maître Jean SECKLER, notary residing at Junglinster (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg), undersigned.
the private limited company "River & Impact S.à r.l.", R.C.S. Luxembourg B 150.123, with registered office at L-1331
Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte,
here represented by Mr. Alain THILL, private employee, residing professionally at Junglinster (Grand-Duchy of Lu-
by virtue of a proxy given under private seal.
Such proxy having been signed "ne varietur" by the notary and the proxy-holder, will remain attached to the present
deed in order to be recorded with it.
Such appearing party, duly represented by Mr. Alain THILL, pre-named, declared and requested the notary to act:
I.- That the private limited company (société à responsabilité limitée) "LB River S.à r.l.", R.C.S. Luxembourg section B
130.996, with registered office at L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, was incorporated by
a deed received by Maître Joseph ELVINGER, notary residing in Luxembourg (Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg), on July 25,
2007, published in the Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C number 2143 of September 29, 2007 and whose
articles of association have been amended for the last time by a deed received by Maître Joseph ELVINGER, pre-named,
on November 21, 2008, published in the Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C number 549 of March 13,
II.- That the capital of the private limited company "LB River S.à r.l.", pre-named, presently amounts to one million
Euro (EUR 1,000,000.-), represented by eight hundred thousand (800,000) shares with a nominal value of one Euro and
twenty-five Cent (EUR 1.25) each.
III.- That the appearing party is the sole shareholder of the private limited company "LB River S.à r.l." and that it has
taken the following resolutions:
<i>First resolutioni>
The sole shareholder decides to dissolve the company and to liquidate its assets.
<i>Second resolutioni>
The sole shareholder decides to appoint the private limited company "I.L.L. Services S.à r.l.", with registered office at
L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, R.C.S. Luxembourg B no 153.141, as liquidator with the
broadest power mentioned in the articles 144 to 148 of the amended Corporate Act of August 10, 1915.
<i>Third resolutioni>
The sole shareholder gives discharge to the A manager, Mr. Jeffrey Porter FITTS, and to the B manager, Mr. Philippe
TOUSSAINT, for the performance of their mandate.
The expenses, costs, remunerations or charges in any form whatsoever, which shall be borne by the company as a
result of the present deed, are estimated at approximately one thousand two hundred Euro.
The undersigned notary who understands and speaks English and French states herewith that on request of the above
appearing person, the present deed is worded in English followed by a French translation. On request of the same
appearing person and in case of divergences between the English and the French text, the English version will prevail.
WHEREOF the present notarial deed was drawn up at Junglinster, on the day named at the beginning of this document.
The document having been read to the proxy-holder, known to the notary by his surname, Christian name, civil status
and residence, the latter signed together with us, the notary, the present original deed.
Suit la traduction en langue française du texte qui précède:
L'an deux mille douze.
Le vingt et un septembre.
Pardevant Maître Jean SECKLER, notaire de résidence à Junglinster (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), soussigné.
la société à responsabilité limitée "River & Impact S.à r.l.", R.C.S. Luxembourg B 150.123, avec siège social à L-1331
Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte,
représentée par Monsieur Alain THILL, employé privé, demeurant professionnellement à Junglinster (Grand-Duché
de Luxembourg),
en vertu d’une procuration sous seing privé lui délivrée.
Laquelle procuration, après avoir été signée "ne varietur" par le notaire et le mandataire, restera annexée au présent
acte avec lequel elle sera enregistrée.
Laquelle comparante, dûment représentée par Monsieur Alain THILL, pré-nommé, a requis le notaire instrumentaire
de documenter comme suit ses déclarations:
I.- Que la société à responsabilité limitée "LB River S.à r.l.", R.C.S. Luxembourg section B numéro 130.996, ayant son
siège social à L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, a été constituée suivant acte reçu par
Maître Joseph ELVINGER, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg), le 25 juillet 2007, publié
au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C numéro 2143 du 29 septembre 2007 et dont les statuts ont été
modifiés pour la dernière fois suivant acte reçu par Maître Joseph ELVINGER, prénommé, le 21 novembre 2008, publié
au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations C numéro 549 du 13 mars 2009.
II.- Que le capital social de la société à responsabilité limitée "LB River S.à r.l.", pré-nommée, s'élève actuellement à
un million d’Euros (EUR 1.000.000,-), représenté par huit cent mille (800.000) parts sociales d’une valeur nominale de un
Euro et vingt-cinq Cents (EUR 1,25) chacune.
III.- Que la comparante est la seule et unique associée de la société à responsabilité limitée "LB River S.à r.l." et qu’elle
a pris les résolutions suivantes:
<i>Première résolutioni>
L’associée unique décide de dissoudre la société et de liquider ses actifs.
<i>Deuxième résolutioni>
L’associée unique décide de nommer la société à responsabilité limitée "I.L.L. Services S.à r.l.", ayant son siège social
à L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, R.C.S. Luxembourg B no 153.141, comme liquidateur
avec les pouvoirs les plus étendus prévus par les articles 144 à 148 de la loi modifiée sur les sociétés commerciales du
10 août 1915.
<i>Troisième résolutioni>
L’associée unique donne décharge au gérant A, Monsieur Jeffrey Porter FITTS, et au gérant B, Monsieur Philippe
TOUSSAINT, pour l’exercice de leur mandat.
Tous les frais et honoraires incombant à la société à raison des présentes sont évalués à la somme de mille deux cents
Le notaire soussigné qui comprend et parle l'anglais et le français, constate par les présentes qu'à la requête de la
personne comparante, le présent acte est rédigé en anglais suivi d'une traduction française, à la requête de la même
personne et en cas de divergences entre le texte anglais et français, la version anglaise fera foi.
DONT ACTE, fait et passé à Junglinster, date qu'en tête des présentes.
Et après lecture faite et interprétation donnée au mandataire, connu du notaire par son nom, prénom usuel, état et
demeure, il a signé avec Nous notaire le présent acte.
Signé: Alain THILL, Jean SECKLER.
Enregistré à Grevenmacher, le 25 septembre 2012. Relation GRE/2012/3527. Reçu soixante-quinze euros 75,00 €.
<i>Le Receveur ff.i> (signé): Ronny PETER.
Junglinster, le 25 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012140951/98.
(120185532) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 29 octobre 2012.
Management and Backoffice Services S. à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1528 Luxembourg, 1-3, boulevard de la Foire.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 141.598.
Suite aux cessions et liquidations intervenues, l'Associé unique est désormais la société SGG S.A; dont le siège social
est situé au 412F, route d'Esch, L-2086 Luxembourg inscrite au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Luxembourg
sous le numéro B 65.906 détenant 125 parts sociales.
Fait à Luxembourg, le 16 octobre 2012.
Certifié sincère et conforme
<i>Pour Management and BackOffice Services S.à r.l.
Référence de publication: 2012138760/14.
(120183353) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Marinopoulos Holding S.à.r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1940 Luxembourg, 174, route de Longwy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 94.279.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138761/9.
(120183399) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Black & Decker TransAsia S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: USD 40.000,00.
Siège social: L-2163 Luxembourg, 40, avenue Monterey.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 147.985.
1. Avec effet au 25 octobre 2012, le fidéicommissaire (trustee) de l'associé unique de la Société a nommé Madame
Amelberga De Ryck, résidant professionnellement au 163, rue de Kiem, L-8030 Strassen, nouveau gérant B de la Société
pour une durée indéterminée.
En conséquence de ce qui précède, le conseil de gérance de la Société est désormais composé comme suit:
- Darren Gregory Pratt, gérant A;
- Catherine S. Ennis, gérant A;
- Marc Feider, gérant B; et
- Amelberga De Ryck, gérant B.
2. Par ailleurs le siège social du fidéicommissaire (trustee) de l'Associé Unique a été transféré au 40, avenue Monterey,
L-2163 Luxembourg.
Pour extrait, aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Black & Decker TransAsia S.à r.l.
<i>Un Mandatairei>
Référence de publication: 2012139985/22.
(120185304) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 26 octobre 2012.
Meurin S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1258 Luxembourg, 16, rue Jean-Pierre Brasseur.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 139.365.
Statuts coordonnés déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138763/10.
(120183535) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Meyer Bergman Real Estate S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-2146 Luxembourg, 63-65, rue de Merl.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 113.020.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138765/10.
(120183581) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Minorco, Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1255 Luxembourg, 48, rue de Bragance.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 12.139.
<i>Extrait d'une résolution prise par les actionnaires de la société en date du 27 septembre 2012i>
Mme Jacqueline McNally avec adresse professionnelle au 48, rue de Bragance, L-1255 Luxembourg, a démissionné de
son mandat de gérant de la société avec effet à partir du 15 septembre 2012.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 17 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138766/14.
(120183202) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
School S. à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 11.826.202,00.
Siège social: L-1528 Luxembourg, 1-3, boulevard de la Foire.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 129.511.
Il résulte d'une résolution du conseil de gérance de la Société en date du 20 juin 2012, que le siège social de la Société
a été transféré au 1-3. Boulevard de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg avec effet au 1
octobre 2012.
Monsieur Geoffrey Henry, gérant de classe A de la Société a changé son adresse professionnelle et réside désormais
au 1-3, Boulevard de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg avec effet au 1
octobre 2012.
Enfin, il résulte d'une décision des conseils de gérance des associés de la Société, School Sub 1 S.à r.l., School Sub 2
S.à r.l. et School Sub 3 S.à r.l. en date du 20 juin 2012, que le siège social de ces associés a été tranféré au 1-3, Boulevard
de la Foire, L-1528 Luxembourg avec effet au 1
octobre 2012.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 18 octobre 2012.
<i>Pour la Société
Référence de publication: 2012139026/20.
(120182609) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 23 octobre 2012.
Mayora, Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1637 Luxembourg, 24-28, rue Goethe.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 83.262.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138773/9.
(120182920) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Mondo Chemicals S.A., Succursale d'une société de droit étranger.
Adresse de la succursale: L-7241 Bereldange, 204, rue de Luxembourg.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 137.616.
Les comptes annuels au 30 septembre 2010 de la société anonyme de droit belge MONDO CHEMICALS S.A. ont été
déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138767/10.
(120183253) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Monsun S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1855 Luxembourg, 46A, avenue J.F. Kennedy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 87.732.
Les statuts coordonnés suivant l'acte n° 65159 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxem-
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138769/10.
(120183328) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Prowinko Luxembourg S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-2530 Luxembourg, 10A, rue Henri M. Schnadt.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 92.518.
Il résulte des résolutions d'une assemblée générale extraordinaire tenue à Luxembourg en date du 25 octobre 2012
(1) l'assemblée a pris acte des démissions des deux gérants démissionnaires en date du même jour, Monsieur Philippe
Steven VAN PERLSTEIN et Monsieur Max Armand Bernard VORST; et
(2) l'assemblée a fixé!e nombre des gérants à trois; et
(3) l'assemblée a nommé gérants, chacun pour une durée indéterminée:
- Monsieur Jacky Hing Choi MAN, homme d'affaires, né le 1
septembre 1964 à Hong Kong, demeurant à L-4995
Schouweiler, 47, rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte
- Monsieur Wah Hing MAN, homme d'affaires, né le 29 janvier 1954 à Hong Kong, demeurant à L-1710 Luxembourg,
35, rue Paul Henkes
- Madame Shui Ping CHAN, épouse MAN, née le 9 août 1959 à Hong Kong femme d'affaires, demeurant à L-1710
Luxembourg, 35, rue Paul Henkes
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 25 octobre 2012.
i>Par mandat spécial
Référence de publication: 2012140325/25.
(120184908) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 26 octobre 2012.
Mont-Blanc Real Estate S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 12.500,00.
Siège social: L-1371 Luxembourg, 7, Val Sainte Croix.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 140.723.
Suite au contrat de cession de parts sociales en date du 18 octobre 2012, MM Investments SARL, une société à
responsabilité limitée existant sous les lois du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, établie au 7, Val Ste Croix, L-1371 Luxem-
bourg a cédé ses 500 (cinq cents) parts sociales de la société de droit luxembourgeois MONT-BLANC REAL ESTATE
S.à.r.l. à la société Laconia Invest & Finance Ltd, inscrite au registre des Iles Vierges Britanniques sous le numéro 849637,
avec siège social au Trident Chambers, Wickham Cay, P.O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, Iles Vierges Britanniques,
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Pour extrait conforme
<i>L'agent domiciliataire
Référence de publication: 2012138770/19.
(120183221) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Matarrese S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-7619 Larochette, 34, rue de Medernach.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 40.278.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138771/10.
(120183357) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
MZ Holdings S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 12.500,00.
Siège social: L-2540 Luxembourg, 15, rue Edward Steichen.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 113.740.
En date du 23 octobre 2012, l'Associé unique a pris les résolutions suivantes:
- La démission d'Ivo Hemelraad, en tant que gérant, est acceptée avec effet au 24 octobre 2012.
- La démission de Wim Rits, en tant que gérant, est acceptée avec effet au 24 octobre 2012.
- Virginia Strelen, avec adresse professionnelle au 15, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, est élu en tant que
nouveau gérant de la société avec effet au 24 octobre 2012 et ce pour une durée indéterminée.
- Kees-Jan Avis, avec adresse professionnelle au 15, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, est élu en tant que
nouveau gérant de la société avec effet au 24 octobre 2012 et ce pour une durée indéterminée.
Pour extrait conforme.
Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138795/18.
(120183313) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Medilux Consult s.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1244 Luxembourg, 44, rue Jean-François Boch.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 157.951.
Les comptes annuels au 31/12/2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138778/10.
(120183034) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Meersel Holding S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 58.981.
<i>Extrait des décisions prises lors de l'assemblée générale des actionnaires en date du 24 octobre 2012i>
1. M. Hugo FROMENT a démissionné de son mandat d'administrateur.
2. Mme Valérie PECHON, administrateur de sociétés, née à Caracas (Venezuela), le 10 novembre 1975, demeurant
professionnellement à L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, a été nommée comme adminis-
trateur jusqu'à l'issue de l'assemblée générale statutaire de 2015.
Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Pour extrait sincère et conforme
i>Intertrust (Luxembourg) S.A.
Référence de publication: 2012138779/16.
(120183028) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Meersel Holding S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-1331 Luxembourg, 65, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 58.981.
Les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
i>Intertrust (Luxembourg) S.A.
Référence de publication: 2012138780/11.
(120183048) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Perfume Holdings II S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Capital social: EUR 550.000,00.
Siège social: L-1855 Luxembourg, 51, avenue J.F. Kennedy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 138.125.
<i>Extrait des résolutions prises lors de l'Assemblée Générale Annuellei>
<i>des Associés de la Société tenue à Luxembourg le 22 août 2012i>
En date du 22 août 2012, les associés de la Société ont pris les résolutions suivantes:
- d'accepter la démission de Monsieur Michel Thill, en tant que gérant de la Société, avec effet au 30 novembre 2011;
- de nommer Monsieur Eckart Vogler, né le 24 octobre 1970 à Brême, Allemagne, résidant professionnellement au
51, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg en tant que gérant de la Société, avec effet au 6 décembre 2011 et pour
une durée indéterminée.
<i>Le mandatairei>
Référence de publication: 2012138823/17.
(120182979) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Pagilux S.A., Société Anonyme.
Siège social: L-2340 Luxembourg, 7-9, rue Philippe II.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 58.262.
Renouvellement de la société L’EX N’CO (anc. CHD Luxembourg SA) RCS B85931, ayant son siège à 8, boulevard
de la Foire au poste de commissaire aux comptes. Son mandat expirera en 2018.
Renouvellement la société PLF EUROPE SA RCS B136813, dont le siège social est établie au 18, rue Michel Rodange,
L-2430 Luxembourg au poste d’administrateur et au poste d’administrateur délégué. Son mandat expirera en 2018.
Renouvellement de Mr Nicolas PIERRE, né le 23 Avril 1969 à Gardanne (France) demeurant 18 bis rue principale
L-8361 Goetzingen au poste d’administrateur. Son mandat expirera en 2018
Révocation de Mr Franck NAUDE, né le 30 Juillet 1971 à Bar Le Duc (France) demeurant 80bis rue de Metz, F-57130
Rezonville au poste d’administrateur.
Nomination de Mme Jacqueline Pierre, née le 13 Octobre 1964 à Thionville (France) demeurant 18 bis rue principale
L-8361 Goetzingen au poste d’administrateur. Son mandat expirera en 2018.
Luxembourg, le 11/10/2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138817/18.
(120182872) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Rreef Iberian Value Added II, S.A., SICAR, Société Anonyme sous la forme d'une Société d'Investissement
en Capital à Risque.
Siège social: L-1115 Luxembourg, 2, boulevard Konrad Adenauer.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 123.840.
In the year two thousand and twelve, on the tenth day of October.
Before us Maître Henri Hellinckx, notary residing in Luxembourg.
There appeared:
Mrs. Thanh-Mai Truong, Avocat, residing professionally in Luxembourg,
acting in the name and on behalf of the board of directors of RREEF Iberian Value Added II, S.A., SICAR, Société
anonyme (S.A.), qualifying as a société d'investissement en capital à risque (SICAR) with its registered office at 2, Boulevard
Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg (the "Company"),
by virtue of a decision taken by the board of directors of the said Company in its meeting held on May 9, 2012,
which decision, signed "ne varietur" by the appearing person and the undersigned notary, will remain attached to the
present deed for the purpose of registration.
The person appearing requested the notary to enact the following statements:
1) The société anonyme "RREEF IBERIAN VALUE ADDED II, S.A., SICAR", with its registered office in Luxembourg,
was incorporated by deed passed before Maître Henri Hellinckx, then notary residing in Mersch, on December 20, 2006,
published in the Mémorial C on March 30, 2007 number 497;
and had, as of May 8, 2012, a subscribed share capital of one hundred and one million four hundred and fifteen thousand
Euros (EUR 101,415,000.-) consisting of fifty million seven hundred and seven thousand five hundred (50,707,500) Shares
with a par value of two Euros (EUR 2.-) each, and including forty-six million six hundred fifty-seven thousand and five
hundred (46,657,500) shares partly paid-up at 71.5% of their par value and four million fifty thousand (4,050,000) shares
partly paid-up at 5% of their par value.
2) The seventh paragraph of Article 5 of the articles of association of the Company (the "Articles") notably provides
as follows:
" Art. 5. Share capital. The Board of Directors is authorized, to cancel Shares redeemed and owned by the Company:
(i) in case of redemption of Affected Shares from a Defaulting Shareholder (as these terms are defined below) in accord-
ance with Article 8 below (...) and without limit of time and amount, to so reduce the subscribed share capital of the
Company down to one million Euros (EUR 1,000,000.-) being the minimum amount of the subscribed share capital of the
Company, together with the share premium, if any, as required herein (...).".
3) Pursuant to the above mentioned provisions of Article 5 of the Articles, the board of directors of the said Company,
resolved in its meeting held on May 9, 2012, to cancel four million fifty thousand (4,050,000) shares of the Company
owned by it and therefore to reduce the subscribed share capital of the Company from its above amount of ONE
nominal value of TWO EUROS (EUR 2.-) each.
4) As a consequence of the reduction of the subscribed share capital of the Company, the first paragraph of Article 5
of the Articles will from now have the following wording:
" Art. 5. Share Capital. The Company has a subscribed share capital of ninety three million three hundred and fifteen
thousand Euros (EUR 93,315,000.-) divided into forty-six million six hundred fifty seven thousand and five hundred
(46,657,500) shares with a par value of two Euros (EUR 2.-) each (the "Shares").".
The expenses, costs, fees and charges of any kind whatsoever which fall to be borne by the Company as a result of
the presently stated reduction of capital are estimated at approximately EUR 2,000.-.
The undersigned notary, who knows English, states that on request of the appearing party, the present deed is worded
in English, followed by a French version and in case of discrepancies between the English and the French text, the English
version will be binding.
WHEREOF, the present notarial deed was drawn up in Luxembourg, on the day indicated at the beginning of this deed.
The document having been read to the person appearing, she signed together with the notary the present original
Suit la traduction français du texte qui précède:
L'an deux mille douze, le dixième jour du mois d'octobre.
Par devant Maître Henri Hellinckx, notaire de résidence à Luxembourg.
Madame Thanh-Mai Truong, Avocat, résidant professionnellement à Luxembourg,
agissant en sa qualité de mandataire spécial du conseil d'administration de "RREEF IBERIAN VALUE ADDED II, S.A.,
SICAR", Société anonyme (S.A.), qualifiée de société d'investissement en capital à risque (SICAR) avec siège social au 2,
Boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-1115 Luxembourg (la «Société»),
en vertu d'une décision prise par le conseil d'administration de ladite Société lors de sa réunion du 9 mai 2012,
laquelle décision restera, après avoir été signée "ne varietur" par la comparante et le notaire instrumentant, annexée
aux présentes pour être formalisée avec elles.
Laquelle comparante a requis le notaire instrumentant d'acter les déclarations suivantes:
1. La société anonyme "RREEF IBERIAN VALUE ADDED II, SICAR" a été constituée suivant acte reçu par Maître Henri
Hellinckx, alors notaire de résidence à Mersch, en date du 20 décembre 2006, publié au Mémorial C en date du 30 mars
et qu'elle avait, au 8 mai 2012, un capital social souscrit de cent un millions quatre cent quinze mille Euros (€
101.415.000,-) divisé en cinquante millions sept cent sept mille cinq cents (50.707.500) actions ayant une valeur nominale
de deux euros (€ 2,-) chacune, comprenant quarante-six millions six cent cinquante-sept mille cinq cents (46.657.500)
actions partiellement libérées à hauteur de 71,5% de leur valeur nominale et quatre millions cinquante mille (4.050.000)
actions partiellement libérées à hauteur de 5% de leur valeur nominale.
2. Le septième paragraphe de l'article 5 des statuts de la Société (les «Statuts») prévoit un capital social autorisé dans
les termes suivants:
" Art. 5. Capital Social. Le Conseil d'Administration est autorisé, afin d'annuler les Actions rachetées et détenues par
la Société: (i) dans le cas d'un rachat d'Actions Affectées d'un Actionnaire Défaillant (ces termes étant définis ci-dessous)
conformément à l'Article 8 ci-dessous (...); et sans limite de temps ou de montant, à ainsi réduire le capital social souscrit
de la Société à un montant d'un million d'euros (EUR 1.000.000,-) lequel, augmenté le cas échéant de la prime d'émission,
constitue le montant minimum du capital social souscrit de la Société tel que requis par les présents Statuts (...).".
3. En vertu des dispositions de l'Article 5 des Statuts mentionné ci-dessus, le conseil d'administration de la Société a
décidé, lors de sa réunion du 9 mai 2012, d'annuler les quatre millions cinquante mille (4.050.000) actions détenues par
elle-même et en conséquence de réduire le capital social souscrit de la Société du montant susmentionné de CENT UN
CENT QUINZE MILLE EUROS (EUR 93.315.000,-) divisé en quarante-six millions six cent cinquante-sept mille cinq cents
(46.657.500) actions d'une valeur nominale de DEUX EUROS (€ 2,-) chacune.
4. À la suite de la réduction de capital ainsi réalisée, le premier paragraphe de l'article 5 des Statuts est modifié comme
suit et aura désormais la teneur suivante:
" Art. 5. Capital Social. La Société a un capital social souscrit de quatre-vingt-treize millions trois cent quinze mille
EUROS (EUR 93.315.000,-) divisé en quarante-six millions six cent cinquante-sept mille cinq cents (46.657.500) actions
ayant une valeur nominale de deux euros (€ 2,-) chacune (les «Actions»). ".
Le montant des frais, dépenses, rémunérations et charges, sous quelque forme que ce soit, qui incombent à la Société
à raison de la présente réduction de capital, est évalué à environ EUR 2.000,-.
Le notaire soussigné, qui a personnellement la connaissance de la langue anglaise, déclare que la comparante l'a requis
de documenter le présent acte en langue anglaise, suivi d'une version française, et en cas de divergence entre le texte
anglais et le texte français, le texte anglais fera foi.
DONT ACTE, fait et passé à Luxembourg, date qu'en tête des présentes.
Et après lecture faite et interprétation donnée à la comparante, celle-ci a signé le présent acte avec le notaire.
Enregistré à Luxembourg A.C., le 18 octobre 2012. Relation: LAC/2012/48981. Reçu soixante-quinze euros (75.- EUR).
<i>Le Receveuri>
(signé): I. THILL.
- POUR EXPEDITION CONFORME - délivrée à la société sur demande.
Luxembourg, le 23 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012138870/106.
(120183116) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Minpress Investments S.à r.l., Société à responsabilité limitée.
Siège social: L-1255 Luxembourg, 48, rue de Bragance.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 159.859.
<i>Extrait d'une résolution prise par les actionnaires de la société en date du 8 octobre 2012i>
Mme Jacqueline McNally avec adresse professionnelle au 48, rue de Bragance, L-1255 Luxembourg, a démissionné de
son mandat de gérant de la société avec effet à partir du 15 septembre 2012.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Luxembourg, le 17 octobre 2012
Référence de publication: 2012138788/14.
(120183200) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Michel Jasmain S.A., Société Anonyme Soparfi.
Siège social: L-1941 Luxembourg, 261, route de Longwy.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 127.204.
Les comptes annuels clôturés au 31-déc-2011 ont été déposés au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg.
Pour mention aux fins de la publication au Mémorial, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
Référence de publication: 2012138785/9.
(120183457) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 24 octobre 2012.
Fitness First Luxembourg S.C.A., Société en Commandite par Actions.
Siège social: L-2449 Luxembourg, 26A, boulevard Royal.
R.C.S. Luxembourg B 170.423.
In the year two thousand and twelve, on the eighteenth day of September.
Before Us, Maître Jean SECKLER, notary residing in Junglinster, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
was held an extraordinary general meeting (the “Meeting”) of the shareholders of Fitness First Luxembourg S.C.A., a
corporate partnership limited by shares (société en commandite par actions), incorporated and existing under the laws
of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 46A, avenue J.F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxem-
bourg, registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under number B 170.423 (the “Compa-
ny”). The Company has been incorporated on July 16, 2012 pursuant to a deed of Maître Jean Seckler, notary residing in
Junglinster, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, published in the Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations number
2146, page 102989 of August 29, 2012. The articles of association of the Company (the “Articles”) have been fully restated
on September 5, 2012 pursuant to a deed of Maître Jean Seckler, notary residing in Junglinster, Grand Duchy of Luxem-
bourg, not yet published in the Mémorial C, Recueil des Sociétés et Associations.
The Meeting is opened at 2.00 p.m. and chaired by Mrs Claire-Marie DARNAND, lawyer, with professional address
in Luxembourg.
The Chairman appointed as secretary Mrs Anne-Claire WAX, lawyer, with professional address in Luxembourg.
The Meeting elected as scrutineer Mrs Claire-Marie DARNAND, lawyer, with professional address in Luxembourg.
The bureau of the Meeting having thus been formed, the Chairman declared that:
I. The shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) (present or represented) and the number of the shares they
hold are shown on an attendance list. This attendance list as well as the proxies, after signature ne varietur by the
representative(s)/proxyholder(s) of the Shareholders and the officers of the Meeting will remain annexed to the present
II. As appears from said attendance list, 99.6% of the share capital of the Company is represented at the Meeting, so
that the Meeting can validly decide on all the items of the agenda.
III. The agenda of the Meeting is the following:
1. Convening notices;
2. Increase of the share capital of the Company from its present amount of thirty thousand British Pounds and one
penny (GBP 30,000.01) represented by one (1) Management Share, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000)
Class A Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class B Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thou-
sand (375,000) Class C Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class D Shares, three hundred and
seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class E Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class F Shares, three
hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class G Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class
H Shares, all subscribed and fully paid-up to forty thousand British Pounds and one penny (GBP 40,000.01) by way of the
issuance of one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class A Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand
(125,000) Class B Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class C Shares, one hundred and twenty-five
thousand (125,000) Class D Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class E Shares, one hundred and
twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class F Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class G Shares, one
hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class H Shares, having a nominal value of one penny (GBP 0.01) each;
3. Subscription to and payment of the share capital increase specified in item 2. above and payment of a share premium;
4. Amendment to the register of shareholders of the Company in order to reflect the share capital increase specified
in item 2., with power and authority given to the unlimited partner and manager of the Company, to proceed on behalf
of the Company with the registration of the newly issued shares in the register of shareholders of the Company;
5. Amendment of article 5.2 of the articles of association of the Company, in order to reflect the share capital increase
specified under item 2..
Now, therefore, the Shareholders, acting through their proxyholders, have requested the undersigned notary to record
the following resolutions:
<i>First resolutioni>
The bureau of the Meeting acknowledges that a convening notice has been sent on behalf of the Company by Linklaters
LLP to all the Shareholders on September 6, 2012. Further, the Shareholders represented at the Meeting consider them-
selves as duly convened and declare having perfect knowledge of the agenda which has been communicated to them in
<i>Second resolutioni>
The Shareholders resolve to increase the share capital of the Company from its present amount of thirty thousand
British Pounds and one penny (GBP 30,000.01) represented by one (1) Management Share, three hundred and seventy-
five thousand (375,000) Class A Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class B Shares, three hundred
and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class C Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class D Shares,
three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class E Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000)
Class F Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thousand (375,000) Class G Shares, three hundred and seventy-five thou-
sand (375,000) Class H Shares, all subscribed and fully paid-up to forty thousand British Pounds and one penny (GBP
40,000.01) by way of the issuance of one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class A Shares, one hundred and
twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class B Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class C Shares, one
hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class D Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class E
Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class F Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000)
Class G Shares, one hundred and twenty-five thousand (125,000) Class H Shares, having a nominal value of one penny
(GBP 0.01) each.
The Shareholders resolve to accept and record the following subscription to and full payment of the share capital
increase as follows:
<i>Subscription - Paymenti>
1. OCM Luxembourg Fitness First Holdings S.à r.l., a Luxembourg private limited liability company (société à respon-
sabilité limitée), whose registered office is at 26A, Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,
registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under number B 170.404 and having a share
capital amounting to EUR 12,500.- (OCM), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard
Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal,
declares to subscribe to:
(a) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32) shall be allocated to the
nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32) shall be allocated to the
nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32) shall be allocated to the
nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32.-) shall be allocated to
the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32) shall be allocated to the
nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32) shall be allocated to the
nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32.-) shall be allocated to
the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68.-) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) sixty-eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-two (68,932) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of thirty-four thousand four hundred and sixty-six British Pounds
(GBP 34,466.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of six hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and thirty-two pence (GBP 689.32) shall be allocated to the
nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of thirty-three thousand seven hundred and seventy-six British Pounds and sixty-eight pence (GBP
33,776.68) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
2. Citigroup Financial Products Inc., a private company incorporated under the laws of the State of New York, United
States of America, having its registered office at 388 Greenwich Street, Floor 38, New York 10013, United States of
America (Citigroup), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449
Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe
(a) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one thousand eight hundred and seventeen (1,817) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eight British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 908.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventeen pence (GBP 18.17) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety British Pounds and thirty-three pence (GBP 890.33) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
3. City of New York Group Trust, a trust, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New
York, United States of America (City of New York), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A,
boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private
seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds(GBP 936.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds (GBP 936.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds(GBP 936.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds(GBP 936.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds (GBP 936.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds(GBP 936.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds (GBP 936.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two (1,872) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and thirty-six British Pounds(GBP 936.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 18.72) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and seventeen British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 917.28) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
4. Corporate Debt Opportunities Fund L.P., a limited partnership, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New York, United States of America (Corporate Debt Opportunities Fund), here represented by
Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by
virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds(GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) five thousand eight hundred and twelve (5,812) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and six British Pounds (GBP 2,906.-) which
shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and twelve pence (GBP 58.12) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and forty-seven British Pounds and eighty-eight pence (GBP 2,847.88) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
5. Crédit Agricole Corporate and Investment Bank, London Branch, having its office at Broadwalk House, 5 Appold
Street, London, EC2A 2DA, United Kingdom (Credit Agricole), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional
address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney
given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds(GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) six thousand five hundred and forty-four (6,544) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of three thousand two hundred and seventy-two British Pounds (GBP 3,272.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of sixty-five British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 65.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of three thousand two hundred and six British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 3,206.56) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
6. Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, a company incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States
of America, having its registered office at Eleven Madison Avenue, NY 10010, New York, United States of America (Credit
Suisse), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand
Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) three hundred and fifty (350) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) three hundred and fifty (350) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds(GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) three hundred and fifty (350) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) three hundred and fifty (350) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) three hundred and fifty (350) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) three hundred and fifty (350) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) three hundred and fifty (350) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) three hundred and fifty (350) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred and seventy-five British Pounds(GBP 175.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 3.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and seventy-one British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 171.50) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
7. Gold Coast Capital Subsidiary I Limited, a company, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY
10036, New York, United States of America (Gold Coast), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address
at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under
private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) three hundred and six (306) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) three hundred and six (306) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) three hundred and six (306) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) three hundred and six (306) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) three hundred and six (306) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) three hundred and six (306) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) three hundred and six (306) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) three hundred and six (306) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of one hundred fifty-three British Pounds (GBP 153.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and six pence (GBP 3.06) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and forty-nine British Pounds and ninety-four pence (GBP 149.94) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
8. HSH Nordbank AG, Luxembourg Branch, having its office at 2, rue Jean Monnet, L-2180 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg (HSH), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449
Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe
(a) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pound and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium
reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pound and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium
reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium
reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pound and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium
reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pound and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium
reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pound and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium
reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pound and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve
account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one hundred and thirty-six (136) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of sixty-eight British Pounds (GBP 68.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 1.36) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of sixty-six British Pound and sixty-four pence (GBP 66.64) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve
account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
9. Innocap Fund SICAV Plc in respect of Mason Sub-Fund, a public limited company, having its registered office at One
Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New York, United States of America (Innocap), here represented by Szymon DEC,
with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a
power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) four hundred and fifty-three (453) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-six British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 226.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and fifty-three pence (GBP 4.53.-) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and ninety-seven pence (GBP 221.97) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
10. Investec Bank Plc, a public limited company incorporated under the laws of the England and Wales, having its
registered office at 2 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QP, United Kingdom (Investec), here represented by Szymon
DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue
of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46.-) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one thousand five hundred and forty-six (1,546) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of seven hundred and seventy-three British Pounds (GBP 773.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifteen British Pounds and forty-six pence (GBP 15.46) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of seven hundred and fifty-seven British Pounds and fifty-four pence (GBP 757.54) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
11. J.P. Morgan Securities Plc, a public limited company incorporated under the laws of England and Wales, having its
registered office at 25, Bank Street, Canary Wharf, London, E14 5JP, United Kingdom, with registration number 2711006
(J.P. Morgan), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86.-) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) two thousand five hundred and eighty-six (2,586) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand two hundred and ninety-three British Pounds (GBP 1,293.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty-five British Pounds and eighty-six pence (GBP 25.86) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven British Pounds and fourteen pence (GBP 1,267.14) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
12. KBC Bank NV, London Branch, having its office at 5
Floor, 111 Old Broad Street, London, EC2N 1BR, United
Kingdom (KBC Bank), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449
Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe
(a) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds (GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24.-) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds (GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds (GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds(GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds (GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds (GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds (GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) three thousand and twenty-four (3,024) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and twelve British Pounds(GBP 1,512.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty British Pounds and twenty-four pence (GBP 30.24) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand four hundred and eighty-one British Pounds and seventy-six pence (GBP 1,481.76) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
13. KTRS Credit Fund, L.P., a limited partnership, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY
10036, New York, United States of America (KTRS), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at
26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under
private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44.-) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) four hundred and forty-four (444) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and twenty-two British Pounds (GBP 222.-) which shall be allocated as
- an amount of four British Pounds and forty-four pence (GBP 4.44.-) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and seventeen British Pounds and fifty-six pence (GBP 217.56) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
14. Marathon Blue Active Fund Ltd., a company, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, New York,
NY 10036, United States of America (Marathon Blue), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at
26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under
private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) three hundred and sixty-nine (369) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and eighty-four British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 184.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of three British Pounds and sixty-nine pence (GBP 3.69) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and eighty British Pounds and eighty-one pence (GBP 180.81) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
15. Marathon Credit Dislocation Fund LP, a limited partnership incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware,
United States of America, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New York, United States
of America (Marathon Credit), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal,
L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares
to subscribe to:
(a) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three (1,823) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of nine hundred and eleven British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 911.50)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eighteen British Pounds and twenty-three pence (GBP 18.23) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of eight hundred and ninety-three British Pounds and twenty-seven pence (GBP 893.27) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
16. Marathon European Credit Opportunity Master Fund SPC for and on behalf of Segregated Portfolio A, a segregated
portfolio company, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New York, United States of
America (Marathon European A), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal,
L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares
to subscribe to:
(a) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) two hundred and forty-seven (247) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of one hundred and twenty-three British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 123.50) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of two British Pounds and forty-seven pence (GBP 2.47) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of one hundred and twenty-one British Pounds and three pence (GBP 121.03) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
17. Marathon European Credit Opportunity Master Fund SPC for and on behalf of Segregated Portfolio B, a segregated
portfolio company, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, New York, NY 10036, United States of
America (Marathon European B), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal,
L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares
to subscribe to:
(a) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds (GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds(GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds(GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds(GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds(GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds(GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds (GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) five thousand nine hundred and sixty-four (5,964) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and eighty-two British Pounds(GBP 2,982.-)
which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-nine British Pounds and sixty-four pence (GBP 59.64) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-two British Pounds and thirty-six pence (GBP 2,922.36) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
18. Marathon Special Opportunity Master Fund Ltd., a private company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman
Islands, having its registered office at 89 Nexus Way, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands (Marathon Special),
here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds(GBP
1,587.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds (GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds (GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds (GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds (GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds(GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds (GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) three thousand one hundred and seventy-four (3,174) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand five hundred and eighty-seven British Pounds (GBP
1,587) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of thirty-one British Pounds and seventy-four pence (GBP 31.74) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of one thousand five hundred and fifty-five British Pounds and twenty-six pence (GBP 1,555.26) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
19. Merrill Lynch International, a public unlimited company incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom, having
its registered office at 2 King Edward Street, London, EC1A 1HQ, United Kingdom (Merrill Lynch), here represented by
Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by
virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) one (1) Class A Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of
fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one (1) Class B Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of
fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one (1) Class C Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of
fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one (1) Class D Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount
of fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one (1) Class E Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of
fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one (1) Class F Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of
fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one (1) class G share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of
fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one (1) Class H Share of the Company and to have it fully paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount
of fifty pence (GBP 0.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of one penny (GBP 0.01) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of forty-nine pence (GBP 0.49) shall be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company
linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
20. MV Credit Opportunity Fund L.P., a limited partnership incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware,
United States of America, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New York, United States
of America (MV), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxem-
bourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) five hundred and thirty-one (531) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and sixty-five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 265.50) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and thirty-one pence (GBP 5.31) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty British Pounds and nineteen pence (GBP 260.19) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
21. Penteli Master Fund Ltd., a company, having its registered office at One Bryant Park, 38
Floor, NY 10036, New
York, United States of America (Penteli), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard
Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal,
declares to subscribe to:
(a) five hundred and fifty (550) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds(GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) five hundred and fifty (550) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) five hundred and fifty (550) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) five hundred and fifty (550) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) five hundred and fifty (550) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) five hundred and fifty (550) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash in
an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds(GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) five hundred and fifty (550) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds (GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) five hundred and fifty (550) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in cash
in an aggregate amount of two hundred and seventy-five British Pounds(GBP 275.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of five British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 5.50) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital account
of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and sixty-nine British Pounds and fifty pence (GBP 269.50) shall be allocated to the share
premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
22. Sirius Investment Fund SICAV-SIF, a Luxembourg investment company with variable capital (société d’investisse-
ment à capital variable- SICAV), organised as a specialised investment fund (fonds d’investissement specialisé) in the form
of a public limited liability company (société anonyme), having its registered office at 31, Z.A. Bourmicht, L-8070 Bertrange,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under number B
149.533 (Sirius), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxem-
bourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds (GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds(GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds(GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds(GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds (GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds (GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds (GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) four hundred and thirty-eight (438) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution
in cash in an aggregate amount of two hundred and nineteen British Pounds(GBP 219.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of four British Pounds and thirty-eight pence (GBP 4.38) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two hundred and fourteen British Pounds and sixty-two pence (GBP 214.62) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
23. Tricadia Credit Investment S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) organised
and existing under the laws of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 6, rue Guillaume Schneider, L-2522 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under number B
146.067 (Tricadia), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Lu-
xembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe
(a) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) two thousand and twenty (2,020) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a contribution in
cash in an aggregate amount of one thousand and ten British Pounds (GBP 1,010.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of twenty British Pounds and twenty pence (GBP 20.20) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of nine hundred and eighty-nine British Pounds and eighty pence (GBP 989.80) shall be allocated to the
share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
24. UBS AG, London Branch, having its office at 1 Finsbury Avenue, London, EC2M 2PP, United Kingdom (UBS), here
represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50.-) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) four thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven (4,777) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully
paid by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand three hundred and eighty-eight British Pounds and
fifty pence (GBP 2,388.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-seven British Pounds and seventy-seven pence (GBP 47.77) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand three hundred and forty British Pounds and seventy-three pence (GBP 2,340.73) shall
be allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
25. Warwick European Credit Opportunities Fund L.P., a private company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman
Islands, having its registered office at Walker House, 87 Mary Street, George Town, Cayman Islands (Warwick 1), here
represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of
Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall be
allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight (1,128) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid
by a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of five hundred and sixty-four British Pounds (GBP 564.-) which shall
be allocated as follows:
- an amount of eleven British Pounds and twenty-eight pence (GBP 11.28) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of five hundred and fifty-two British Pounds and seventy-two pence (GBP 552.72) shall be allocated to
the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
26. Warwick European Distressed & Special Situations Credit Fund L.P., a private company incorporated under the
laws of the Cayman Islands, having its registered office at Walker House, 87 Mary Street, George Town, Cayman Islands
(Warwick 2), here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg,
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) four thousand three hundred and seven (4,307) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by a
contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand one hundred and fifty-three British Pounds and fifty pence
(GBP 2,153.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of forty-three British Pounds and seven pence (GBP 43.07) shall be allocated to the nominal share capital
account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand one hundred and ten British Pounds and forty-three pence (GBP 2,110.43) shall be
allocated to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
27. WOF II Holding S.à r.l., a private limited liability company (société à responsabilité limitée) organised and existing
under the laws of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 15, rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Register of Commerce and Companies under number B 165.651 (WOF),
here represented by Szymon DEC, with professional address at 26A, boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy
of Luxembourg, by virtue of a power of attorney given under private seal, declares to subscribe to:
(a) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class A Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class A Shares.
(b) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class B Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class B Shares.
(c) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class C Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class C Shares.
(d) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class D Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class D Shares.
(e) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class E Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class E Shares.
(f) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class F Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class F Shares.
(g) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class G Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class G Shares.
(h) five thousand eight hundred and forty-nine (5,849) Class H Shares of the Company and to have them fully paid by
a contribution in cash in an aggregate amount of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four British Pounds and fifty
pence (GBP 2,924.50) which shall be allocated as follows:
- an amount of fifty-eight British Pounds and forty-nine pence (GBP 58.49) shall be allocated to the nominal share
capital account of the Company, and
- an amount of two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six British Pounds and one penny (GBP 2,866.01) shall be allocated
to the share premium reserve account of the Company linked to the Class H Shares.
The amount of the increase of the share capital is forthwith at the free disposal of the Company, evidence of which
has been given to the undersigned notary.
<i>Third resolutioni>
The Shareholders resolve to amend the shareholders’ register of the Company in order to reflect the above changes
with power and authority given to the manager of the Company and to any employee of the manager of the Company
in Luxembourg, each acting individually, to proceed on behalf of the Company with the registration in the shareholders’
register of the Company of the newly issued Class A Shares, Class B Shares, Class C Shares, Class D Shares, Class E
Shares, Class F Shares, Class G Shares and Class H Shares.
<i>Fourth resolutioni>
The Shareholders resolve to amend article 5.2 of the Articles in order to reflect the above increase of share capital,
which shall henceforth be read as follows:
5.2. The issued capital of the Company is set at forty thousand British Pounds and one penny (GBP 40,000.01) repre-
sented by one (1) fully paid Management Share, five hundred thousand (500,000) Class A Shares, five hundred thousand
(500,000) Class B Shares, five hundred thousand (500,000) Class C Shares, five hundred thousand (500,000) Class D
Shares, five hundred thousand (500,000) Class E Shares, five hundred thousand (500,000) Class F Shares, five hundred
thousand (500,000) Class G Shares and five hundred thousand (500,000) Class H Shares with nominal value of one penny
(GBP 0.01) each, all fully subscribed and paid up.
The expenses, costs, fees and charges of any kind whatsoever which will have to be borne by the Company by reasons
of the present deed are estimated at approximately EUR 5,000.-.
The total amount of the capital increase of GBP 500,000.- is valued at EUR 618,643.-.
The undersigned notary who understands and speaks English, states herewith that on request of the above appearing
parties, the present deed is worded in English followed by a French version and in case of divergences between the English
and the French text, the English version will be prevailing.
WHEREOF, the present deed was drawn up in Junglinster, on the day named at the beginning of this document.
The document having been read to the appearing, known to the officiating notary by name, surname, civil status and
residence, they signed together with the notary the present deed.
Suit la traduction française du texte qui précède:
<i>(N.B. Pour des raisons techniques, ladite version française est publiée au Mémorial C-N° 2824 du 21 novembre 2012.)i>
Signé: Claire-Marie DARNAND, Anne-Claire WAX, Jean SECKLER
Enregistré à Grevenmacher, le 20 septembre 2012. Relation. GRE/2012/3423. Reçu soixante-quinze euros 75,00 €.
<i>Le Receveuri> (signé): G. SCHLINK.
Junglinster, le 16 octobre 2012.
Référence de publication: 2012135123/1726.
(120178091) Déposé au registre de commerce et des sociétés de Luxembourg, le 17 octobre 2012.
Service Central de Législation, 43, boulevard F.-D. Roosevelt, L-2450 Luxembourg
Imprimeur: Association momentanée Imprimerie Centrale / Victor Buck
agraferm technologies luxembourg s.à r.l.
Black & Decker TransAsia S.à r.l.
Clouse S.A.
Culligan International S.à r.l.
Fitness First Luxembourg S.C.A.
Jackmon International S.A.
Jakyval S.A.
JMB Multimedia S.A.
Konplott S.à r.l.
Kraft Foods Financing Luxembourg S.à r.l.
Kraft Foods Luxembourg S.à r.l.
Krokus S.A.
La Mia Terra S.à.r.l.
La Treille Real Estate
Laurad Participations S.à r.l.
LB River S.à r.l.
Lentitia S.A.
Lentulus (Luxembourg) S.A.
Logica Holdings Luxfive S.à r.l.
L.S.A.D. S.à.r.l.
Luxfiscalia S.àr.l.
Luxmin Trade S.A.
Management and Backoffice Services S. à r.l.
Marinopoulos Holding S.à.r.l.
Matarrese S.à r.l.
Medilux Consult s.à r.l.
Meersel Holding S.A.
Meersel Holding S.A.
Metallum Holding S.A.
Meurin S.à r.l.
Meyer Bergman Real Estate S.à r.l.
Michel Jasmain S.A.
M Immobilier
Minpress Investments S.à r.l.
Mondo Chemicals S.A.
Monsun S.à r.l.
Mont-Blanc Real Estate S.à r.l.
Montebello Finances
MPL Holdco S.à r.l.
MZ Holdings S.à r.l.
NLD Activities S.A.
Pagilux S.A.
Perfume Holdings II S.à r.l.
Prowinko Luxembourg S.à r.l.
Rreef Iberian Value Added II, S.A., SICAR
School S. à r.l.